* [ Mass Testing ] Balance changes planned for the next update

but this is going to mean that literally every single build in the game, minus melee, is going to need to run ammo and thus be explosive. this will make lancelots quite overpowered with a bonus to attack and them being able to cloak up almost indefinitely due to that invisibility cloak.

thats how its always been though…

take away hitscan and make them have to lead their shots.

cyclones have always been at the top. the one thing that beats them is retchers assuming you can hit anything with them. but your askin the wrong person. idk what id do in that situation. maybe make it take a bit longer for cyclones to achieve their full dps?

I sort of feel like I might fare well from this update, since I wrote off pursuing guns a while back. I lean more into drones and passive melee these days, so I’m always confronting players unarmed already, and many of my builds are designed with full contact sport in mind. I simply got frustrated with the shell game they were playing with guns and the whole buff/nerf cycle they do to them constantly.

My corner of the game is a lot hit and run, or like wrestling sometimes, which will be made a much easier situation once ya’ll run out of ammo, haha. So, maybe for a day my game will be improved. I’m sure they’ll rain on that parade sooner or later.

I’m also a Jousting enthusiast.

Sometimes I can actually deploy those things on target. Sometimes.

At the moment, none of my blueprint spaces are occupied with builds that use guns. I will need something for raids eventually, but I’ll not likely give them much consideration or investment ever again. I lost my enthusiasm for chasing that dragon with “Supercharged 2.0.”

I still haven’t gone full melee META, but I’m likely to add something to my roster along those lines soon.

Why not do it the old fashioned way and just nerf their damage output?

I have a great idea for balance changes but im just the little man that knows nothing nd all ideas r dumb lol

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:crazy_face: No kidding! :scream_cat: :roll_eyes:

They have tried that for a few guns, but I’m intrigued by this new approach.
The problem with just nerfing damage is that players will just end up favouring whichever DPS weapon that currently does the most damage and has the best range.
Also, I am coming around to the idea that the ammo change is a fair compensation to adding reload modules. I do feel that the addition of the reload modules is one of the factors that put DPS guns at the top.
Now both classes of weapons will need to use energy for modules, and also carry ammo. Seems more fair to me.

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It’ll all be in how they roll it out. The new system adds a lot of flexibility and options to how combat can be buffed or nerfed, I think. It’s not just in the ammount of ammo that’s important to each gun’s character, but also the way that ammo behaves (scatter, penetration, speed, etc) is more relevant. Every shot will count more, and the nuances of each weapon will have enhanced relevance. We won’t be able to just at shoot everything mindlessly.

No more spray and pray. If your weapon has an aptitude for popping off wheels, Like an AC, we may strongly consider spending that precious ammo according to what’s economical by design, and pop those wheels off. I know our friendly cannoneers enjoy it when you cripple the enemy.

It’s a more diverse and complicated system. I also think it has a lot of positive potential possibilities, but I’m terrified of their execution. I hope they can handle it. I hope their servers can handle it too, because I get lag from just driving a “fast” (70mph) car. I truly hope they can pull it off…and why do they want to?

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describe fair here.

cannons use ammo and reload.
mgs use cooling and rads to increase their firing time, adding ammo to this changes nothing except them being more explodey. the thing is, this is going to make executioners brutal to fight against because of their ability. then theyll need more balance changes, then more testing, then more changes. id rather not thanks. in that situation the mgs are still on top. you did nothing to them except make it more explodey with some ammo added in.

also idk if alot of people know but if they hit your ammo packs you lose ammo equivalent to the ammo box thats destroyed. is this really what people are complaining about? some guy loses all his ammo or loses his ammo boxes and complains hes out of ammo so the other team wins?

well this is going to make the fidget, imp and piercers close range weapons due to their rate of fire and ungodly amount of spread they have. cant wait to hear the people of crossout start crying about that next. :roll_eyes:

these changes r just jokes like their not even a balance thing


says Canada :rofl:

sorry,really hard to resist ! :kissing_heart:


i dont know what your talking a-boot. canada has nothing to do with this! :laughing:


good choice lol south park

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looks like the perfect rotisserie for some chickens! all we need now is a fire… OI! break out them dracos and remedies! :meat_on_bone: :poultry_leg: :fire: :chicken: :smirk:

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My co-driver…


Well, I would say it doesn’t seem fair that cannons and missile launcher builds all have to carry explosives, especially when they’re already so vulnerable against close and mid range attacks.
Keep in mind that I probably play those two weapon groups the least, and likely have the most experience with MGs and miniguns. But even if I rarely play cannons, I do think they should be more scary.

This is what I’m hoping for. Executioners have always felt disappointing to me, but I keep trying them with every buff. Ideally, this could restore balance, where currently guns like that are barely relevant. And yes, they may need to tinker with the numbers, but we won’t know until we try them on the test server, or until the changes are actually introduced.

On that note, I really hope some of the PC players on the forum actually check out these proposed changes and report back. There’s only so much any of us can say just looking at the numbers. And the more people who try the changes on the test server, the more data the devs will have to work with, which in theory should mean less unforeseen consequences of big changes like this.


I don’t know how to think about this.

Billie unpopular?

I’m gonna test this…if any one of my builds are still running

the only reason they carry so many explosives is because they literally require them. the ammo count on them is so low that you cant run them without ammo packs and i think this is the issue.

so your hoping for the new meta to be cannons? no thanks.


Wait, is your argument that no weapons should require ammo packs? I don’t have any problem with that, but I don’t think removing the ammo mechanic at this point is really very realistic.
I just think if those weapons have to suffer from carrying ammo, so should others, to even the playing field. No ammo would accomplish the same thing.
Why do you think some weapons should be exempt from needing ammo? Or do you just think no one should have to carry ammo?

I just think cannons should be part of the meta, and they currently aren’t, with the exception of Raijin. I do want to fear cannon players. Yes, it is frustrating when a long range shot removes half your guns or pops your explosives, but I would rather that than being able to just charge a cannon player without really worrying about them shooting at you as you approach.

no that isnt my argument. my argument is that cannons base ammo is so low that they require a large amount of ammo packs to make them useful. raising the base ammo can help cannons. think about it, arbiters, mgs, shotguns, all these have unlimited ammo. the guns that have limited ammo hit hard, or are supposed to hit hard, while having the downside of needing ammo and reload boosters to make them useful. however the ammo you start with for most cannons is far to little.

not all weapons should be exempt. could you imagine retchers with unlimited ammo, nooooo fricken thanks chief. mgs shouldnt require ammo but they should have something there to make them not as scary, idk if they need a damage nerf or not but when running raids if someone runs 5 arbiters the damage output from them is insane. it outpaces dual cyclones by ALOT and can even beat retchers to.
heck i have to run 2 expanded ammo packs on my builds along with some smaller ones for fear of running out of ammo. im good with my shots but even i can miss, having the extra ammo would help and it would help more having more starting ammo so my build isnt as explosive. think about it, arbiters and all mgs, minus reapers and a few other guns, dont use ammo. cannons do and they take a huge risk. low ammo count requiring the use of expanded ammo packs. i find this a little unfair dont you?

i agree cannons are supposed to be scary because they are supposed to be high damage weapons, but their ammo count is laughable and most people just rush a cannon build without care cause they know they have ammo packs to explode. hell porcs will just rush right in and barf porcs all over on you. nerfing cannons reload speed isnt a good thing nor is having them with such low ammo counts.

I discarded that co-driver after they removed rotation speed from him. I discarded a lot of weapons after they went around nerfing rotation speed everywhere, which is something this update does yet again.

I don’t really care for the omnidirectional movement experience, so that’s one more reason I don’t often bother with guns. They don’t work too great on wheels anymore…unless you’re a camper. I’m not a camper.