
Crap teams is real. I can’t speak for clans, but it’s certainly a reality in PVP.

Also probably true.

I wish I could say it was likely that the melee will get nerfed soon, because it’s obviously too strong, but I’m into my second year of this crap and it hasn’t been tempered much at all. It’s been one dog META after the next, with Boring Truckers sort of being a constant.

I use a lot of speed to overcome it, but I have had some luck with the Humpback recently, and have been able to simply confront and manhandle the melee the head on. Often it is simply too much though, and it’s one melee after the next until me and my team have all been slaughtered. Just saying there are ways. Not saying it isn’t a stupid situation that needs fixed.

On the one hand, I’d love for them to dial this schit down a notch, but on the other hand I think that if they do, ACs on Hovers will simply be the new META, and be easily just as annoying. The ACs seem pretty strong…especially when the entire claustrophobic map is covered in fire. The maps are too damn small and cluttered for my liking.

I do think they can find better balance, and just prior to Supercharged 2.0 we had that balance, so I know it’s possible. I am also aware that they say they are working on this presently, so it’s clearly acknowledged by our overlords that balance is indeed an issue that needs maintenance, and supposedly the new power rework is an attempt to balance this game. However, I don’t think the developers play their game enough to really know what sucks about this game or why. I’m not convinced that many players understand it either, so who knows how that’ll go.

What I do know is that there sure is a lot of melee, and it feels sort of stupid to get pwnd by the least clever of all builds so often and easily.

I like the Humpback for durability and brawling, and I like the Kensei for hit and run. That’s how I’m managing the plague. Some days are good, some days are not.

Good luck.


dont take it to heart, its just a thing we like to do to forum newbs for unspoken reasons.

whenever a forum newb starts complaining people think theyre a newb ingame too. so theyll assume youre struggling and asking for advice despite the fact youre clearly ranting/venting/complaining.

it can lead to funny situations where people who play on consoles tell you about pc realities. or non cw players talking about cw balance and so on.

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Appeal to popularity fallacy. More people aren’t playing them because they are completely mentally unfulfilling to them. It does not mean they are not vastly overpowered for their effort required.

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i happen to have joined a 20k game for once, got this joke of a screenshot
3 bricks, 1 firebug dog in my team.

this cant be enjoyable to play either

Even worse, those people dont realize how easy it is to make a wedge on the front of a heavy build that can effortlessly flip builds on their roof.

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What kinds of weapons are the bricks running? Were they all hammerfalls and breakers?
I can see those guns getting some kind of nerf soon, but also suspect they may do it through the energy system rework, rather than nerfing their damage.

There’s a reason people aren’t putting wedges on those builds anymore. These days it’s often more effective if your build doesn’t lift your opponent, because then you can take advantage of the wedge fix to make your victim lose power.
Not to say wedging is dead, but there are reasons that more competitive shotgun players don’t rely on that anymore.

My kind of wedge does not lift people and hold them above. It has a very steep angle relative to typical shallow wedges but it only works at speed with a heavy vehicle.

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