Ml legs

That’s a puzzling thing to say. I see lots of bigram players switching to wheel mode to get into position.
Is that not normal for Bigram players? Is it only PS4 players who use wheel mode?

So what kinds of builds are you running? It might help me understand why your perspective is so different from mine.

you will use the wheel ability to get into position quicker but that doesnt give you an advantage in most cases and in actual pvp the wheel mode is useless

I know many would argue that getting into position quickly is the biggest problem with ML200s, which is why Bigrams are so much more popular.

Do you actually play legs much?

I’m starting to get the feeling you exclusively play hover/cannon builds, but that is just a guess, since you don’t seem to want to tell us.

Poony. You’re talking to a wall. Youre not gonna convert him/change his mind/get anything productive out of the conversation. I get it tho, i get bored when im taking a dump too.


I’m not actually trying to convince him of anything. I’m just trying to understand him better.

There’s not really anything I could convince him of: he feels the game is unfair, and I am not going to argue with his feelings. I have different feelings, and don’t want him to try to convince me that my feelings are wrong either. Both of our feelings are true to ourselves.

Poony talking to gangsterism about ML200s:


the only actual issue i see with MLs is that you cant shove as many on a build as you can bigrams

What do you mean by that?
With the new mounting options for ML200s, I can squeeze far more legs on a build than I would with bigrams.
Am I misunderstanding something?

Or are you talking about power drain? Pegasus fixes any issues with that.

Anyway, you keep dodging the question of what kinds of builds you actually play. Why?

i do like the idea of a sprint module (maybe an engine or cabin with a perk instead of a module?) but the uphill thing i think only happens when you have too many legs and not enough cabin power, if you have six legs (taking 25% power each) with a cab with 100% power you will not have enough cabin power and will be slow uphill.

also the ml’s perk is kinda trash

the old stephspider perk was awesome.

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Lol he’s a brick player, isn’t he? Or perhaps a toadfish spider?

Speaking of toadfishes…

Imma start a thread on them, and give my opinion, which I feel a lot of you might not like.


That’s what Poony4u said too, and that’s how I remember them as well; too slow.
Clearly they need a speed buff. They should probably un-nerf the speed on the Gerridae and maybe nerf their tonnage instead, too (Bug Lite). JMO.

What I’d like, is if there was maybe an epic cab that buffed leg speed, and had plenty of power for climbing hills. It could maybe look like a wolf spider, and be kinda tanky, to help fight off the melee a little…hmmm…That would help cannon players out a lot, probably.

I thought he hates bricks?

I’m just really curious now.
I find everyone’s viewpoint on the game is largely determined by how they play the game. And since I rarely understand his posts, I wanted to get a better idea of where he is coming from and what his perspective is based on.

we have a cabin for that!

oh wait… :thinking:



A cabin like that would be awesome


Sounds like a cool idea.

ML200 needs much more acceleration and frame pitch/yaw controls.

It’s called the Steppe Spider, and its old perk.

even though MLs have better mounting than bigram youre limited in where you can place them on a big build

In that ML200 pic, all the legs look to be side mounted.
You could easily add another four at the front and rear, which would also protect your build a lot better from dogs.

3600kg of mass limit doesnt fall out of the sky. Thats 1800 cab hp of armor. Thats a bunch of plows. Thats precious mass for frames that won’t crumble immediately from porcs or blasts. Thats also another huge burden on acceleration for a build that already can hardly pivot steer fast enough to aim at a circling dog/shotgun. The Ml200 Phoon already looks to be skinny asf when it comes to cab hp.

ML200s have been in a really bad spot since they got added.