Ml legs

they are soooo bad that i play with them even in Bronze or Silver CWs.

hmm yes, they could get some buff ofc.

Main legs issue is always “slopes”.
I guess Devs test movement parts on flat terrain and never experienced using ML200 on any little slopes like fortress map. Where it show you 50 speed and in reality its like 30 + also slow your rotation
(bigrams at least got wheel mode that have no issue on slopes)


There’s test videos lurking of them testing different parameters and climbing abilities for them on walls from a few years ago. If they held back on them there is probably a reason for it but we are not privy to it.

I think it was last year that they reduced the climbing ability, after boosting it more than they meant to.
I think they should restore the boost, but if I remember correctly they reduced it because some spiders were able to climb up into unreachable areas.

and porcs. if a porc build comes up on you its all over. people will just face hug you and barf porcs on you till your dead. the legs cant even take that many hits from a barrage of porcs and are to slow to avoid them. ever since they gave porcs that projectile speed buff the ml-200s just suffered even more.

this is a major issue and why i dont like running ml-200 legs. when im on a slight slope, even when all my legs are touching the ground, it says im going 50 but my build slows down to what feels like 20 - 25 and i think this is just unfair, this in clan wars can really screw you over.

iirc i think ml-200s are the slowest movement part in the game. they go 50 but they are beaten by goliaths, fricken goliaths! tank tracks that are bulky, weigh alot more and have far more hp out class the ml-200s. honestly i think they need a boost to speed. yeah they are meant to be tanky, but that means nothing when your slower then a karens thought process.

ml-200s are a prime target for porcs, anytime i was ever running ml-200s in clan wars, the moment a porc seen me i was like eye candy for them, hell they ran at me like i was an all you can eat buffet! despite having 25% blast resistance they just melt when it comes to porcs. i think the hp of them needs a buff or the blast damage resistance needs a buff. idk something needs to happen with them because they just arent worth it.

Porcs need a nerf and ML200 just needs the acceleration of old hovers imo. They are tanky as hell with porcs left out of the equation. Their speed is fine for how durable and stable they are. Its the acceleration that totally kills them for me.
Porcs have their cult but the weapons are seriously too easy to use for how easily they will kill everything that is slower than 75-80kmh.

out of all things, why should the tankiest legs in the game have amazing acceleration?

wait till you find out about the relic rarity of weapon, or flamethrowers

Slow, huge and easy targets, also hydraulically driven. Did you know that hovers have a linear acceleration scale while everything else has a logarithmic scale? I think ML200 should have the same linear acceleration scale.

slow, huge and easy targets. also with a shitton of armor and or firepower. plus pushing power

i think the legs speak for themselves. they are incredibly slow despite having 700 hp and alot of things out class them. and tanky doesnt help when their hitbox is the size of canada. are you forgetting they made their hitboxes BIGGER a long while back? this makes getting hit by porcs even more of a danger. porcs have the most raw damage of anything in the game, that 25% blast resistance isnt going to do crap against the power of 2 or 3 porcs. for being a tanky leg they should have far more blast resistance then they currently have. the acceleration could use a boost to.

armor and or durability means nothing if you dont got the speed and maneuverability to put it to use.

not sure what you mean by this, yeah they absorb impact related stuff but… them legs aint packing guns bud lol.

still cant push an omni build. those things are as solid as mount Everest. :rofl:

i think the only sensible fix is to buff the hp and damage resistance

im not telling about climbing walls that is much different thing.

i just talk about 10-20 degree hills, no 70-90 degree.

if they test only climbing on walls, then GL devs for not testing anything else.

maybe this 10-20 degree slopes are treated like walls lol.

Also like mentioned. HVY bricks have a lot of pushpower. still possible to rotate them, but after ages.

While spiders should be counter to dogs, dogs now cheat rock paper scissor system totally.

I didn’t mention any degrees your being a bit critical here…

I think the climbing ability parameter impacts both. So they lowered it to prevent climbing cliffs, but it also impacted how they climb less steep inclines.