Hello everyone,
I need advice regarding an unjustified chat mute I recently experienced. Here’s what happened:
During a chat discussion, some users began arguing about religion. With good intentions, I tried to remind them that discussing religious topics could result in a mute. I kept my tone friendly and lighthearted and wrote the following:
“Just a reminder that talking about gods other than the GMs is prohibited here. Check the rules!”
Surprisingly, I was the one who got muted. When I inquired about the reason, I was informed (and I have a screenshot as proof) that the mute was for “swearing or spam.” However, when I appealed the ban, the head GM changed the reason to “misinformation/slander.”
It seems clear to me that the head GM manipulated the evidence and altered the reason to justify their actions and reject my appeal. This behavior—tampering with evidence to cover up an unjust punishment—is a blatant abuse of power and a violation of the terms and rules.
Where can I report this kind of issue? Has anyone else faced similar problems with GMs? What are your thoughts on how mutes and bans are currently being handled?
Would anyone be interested in drafting a group petition to the developers? We could request changes to GM authority or propose action against those who abuse their positions. I have evidence to support my case.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Unsure but ive had some issues with a GM before i think he lost his title now or got renamed or left the playerbase finaly alone BetaAngel has given me chatbans for being in channel for recruiting people for clanwars when was realy populair. But he would lose his temper with people and piss off more by doing ban waves of a chat channel. I can technicialy never become a GM myself unless they would get these chatbans revoke of the record. Which most of them dont make sense. Or offer me something i cant refuse i wouldnt mind it as a job but so far i know there only 2 GMs officialy being paid. Then also it has come to my attention to serten things i find that limited things are getting done to improve the game on multibale levels. (i sadly cant go into detail about this but i have forwarded the issues with my massive obession to details as autistic crazy man). But ive seen a lot of communtiy drama on discord and ingame in last 14400 hours and i tend to ignore generalchat compleetly if needed. I wane keep it civil but i wouldnt be suprised if a GM sometimes lose it mentaly. By the way i had no hard feeling VS GM BetaAngel In the past until he started disbehaving in the community and trying get people screwed wrongly. ---- Also ive had a serious case before where a GM RQ being a GM for this game because they didnt wane deal with what i found. ---- So yeah it stil rubs me the wrong way if you get my point. ---- I love this game and i made many freinds ive never had accros the globe and the player base true the years. But yes Crossout has problems and they dont wane speak openly about them even if this is a forum. There even issues i cant talk about openly probaly on this Forum so im forced to censor myself… lets just say healthy paranoide Also a good example of things being ignored is a overly posetive Q&A that was posted last time. I had freinds dm me serious qeustions they send it and i even personaly send them serious qeustions that didnt get answerd or talked about. Its like dealing with a animal that rather sticks it head in the sand. - i can understand im just a gamer and just a part of the playerbase who pays for things but you cant keep running a company in a serten way and expect people to stay no-verbal / ignore people where you made the game run on who paid for you’re R&D department. Im worried about 2025 i hope i finaly gone see a good response but im doubtfull.
There are no moderators here…usually. This forum is the island of lost, abandoned, and misfit toys. The developers have completely forsaken us here. You can say whatever, but please avoid politics and religion. This will piss off the locals, who can be very much worse than the moderators. You may also risk summoning the horror of…The Mupppet!
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or —Red Widow !..

who was that other guy we use to summon to the forums?
he was fun…
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the types of people who end up being “moderators” of anything are unfortunately clowns of the earth. people can spam the hard R in chat all day but the second you even mention a moderator or their friend youre getting banned to the fullest extent possible
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Shhh. I’m afraid to even speak that name, and now it has been mentioned twice. One more time…and you know what could happen.
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Maybe they hired one of these Russian Reddit Soyboys with a Anger for everyone who have fun outside of his mothers basement.
the German part definitly got some of those .
Wording jokes or harassing someone is ok as long THEY do it but god have mercy if you got a better joke , Argument or commit the heresy to remind them they are bound to the same Rules as everyone else and you get muted for a month.
thats correct but youre wrong about the “hired” part. most mod monkeys do this voluntarily and for free lmao