Nerf arbiters

Those 26 durability parts that the Arbiters are clipped into make no difference to how hard they are to degun, their specific purpose is just to restrict the guns down firing angles so the guns dont lock up when they point at the armor around the guns while circling u.


Arbiters get beat up routinely on Playstation. Punishers, Scorpions, good miller hover builds, Mastodons, Aspects, Hammerfall Omamori Kami cars, Destructor hovers (and my destructor roofed photon build). Theyā€™re just pubstar weapons. Get on someone not paying attention and have them full perk and watch the average player have little to no response. Drive towards a vertical MG hover omamori build that sees you coming on radar and watch the arbiters fall off. PvP gun ftw, CW gun ftl

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dude you sneeze on a hammerfall and itll fall off xD

Have you seen the Kami Omamori Hammerfall builds on Hermits on PC?

their are downsides to using this setup you randomly loose your perk when you are shooting this close to armor, most of reason why the arbiter damage is good is because of the perk
the arbiters are also somewhat easy to strip off if you are on anything with guns up higher, like a spider or hover

Punishers are easy to strip too same as any other machine gun if not more so. 4 energy relic that is twice as big and not even double the durability with another con of being super hard to armor up. Also Ktm makes boatloads of uranium purely strictly with that build so there is something to it they are exploiting, and they uses one weapon and one weapon only, arbiters so why arbiters and not imps, aspects, punishers, reapers etc?

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a team of arbiter ktmā€™s are hard to verse, a team of arbiters hovers are hard to verse, a team of scorpions are hard to verse, i donā€™t find them a problem when their are only 2 of them maybe, still annoying but, most of the time i find that, out team just is not equipped to deal with certain matchups half the time
personally i would rather verse an arbiter ktm then a mastodon Emrick ktm brick thing
the main reason why arbiters are strong is because they are a weapon that benefits from modules allot, i spend 14 out of 16 energy towards dealing damage, sometimes even 15 out of 16 of my energy on damage when it comes to arbiters, i have no modules, no kapkan defense, no cloak etc

take advantage of that fact, take people with kapkans, take fire dogs, take pork kapkan, destructors, anything that can beat them at close range combat

try adding a king dragger to your line up, porkā€™s, incinerators, cannons, etc

How can it benefit from modules when there is no energy left over to put modules on it? You need a bare minimum of 2 radiators.

what do you mean? 4 arbiters takes 12 energy, 2 radiators and a seal with that takes 15 energy, that is 15 energy spend on nothing but dealing damage
my point is, they are strong because they benefit from modules more then other weapons because their perk stacks better with radiators compared to other weapons
arbiters builds tend to spend 14-15 of their energy on nothing but dealing damage, leaving only 1-2 energy spare for, omamori, or, engine, or whatever you want

take a kaiju build for example
flywheel does basically nothing to it, the main issue with kaiju is charge up time, so while you can use a flywheel, you donā€™t really need one/ it does basically nothing for you, so you spend 12 energy on a kaiju
so should 12 energy form a kaiju be able to compete with someone spending 15 energy on arbiters? well no, not damage wise at least, which is why you run kaiju with omamori , maybe on a heavy or medium cab, tons of armor bunkered, maybe with a kapkan so when the arbiters come to kill you, you can kapkan them walk away from them etc, you need to make up for the lack of damage with modules, that compliment your weaknesses, you need to do that with allot of your builds to make them competitive
personally i run kaiju with master cab, on omamori, with kapkan and a colossus engine, kaiju is just sitting on top, sure its not the best against getting pushed, and honestly it is not designed to get pushed that hard but it still take them a good while to get my kaiju off, normally only happens when Iā€™m focused by 2-3 people at the same time

You just said it was easy to lose the perk and the perk is the only thing keeping the damage worth while over time, I mean base damage of arbiter sucks so how can the ktm builds keep the perk going if they are just as easily losing it like you tried and demonstrate in the video. I mean imps demolish arbiters damage wise so if they canā€™t keep the perk going why do they use arbiters instead of imps?

i see imps running around all the time but imps are harder to get a good damage buff on them you probably want to run them with a cockpit for 30% extra damage with 2 Hermes or something if you really want to deal allot of damage with them
arbiters have a higher potential damage then imps, but you need to run coolers to get that, the ram up is also 7 seconds to get that damage
here are the actual stats if you are curious basically, arbiters start with really bad damage, and damage grows the longer they shoot, you want arbiter to deal less damage, try not engaging them for too long, take builds that can deal damage and escape or take builds that can deal damage at range and then escape, or take builds that are so heavy that it takes forever arbiters to get through your armor

the imps damage buff is instant, I mean that is the perk, it is an instantaneous perk while arbiters is gradual like what you said makes no sense.

And why would you want arbiter to deal less damage?

yes nerf

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yep the imp perk is instant, but it is not as good as the arbiter perk, because it is instant, you can have imps, blast in full speed at an arbiter go BBRRRRRTTT and then run away before the arbiters can get their full damage perk up meaning, what? meaning you did more damage to the arbiter build then they did to you, they did LESS damage to you and you did to them etc

if YOU want the arbiter to deal less damage to do, donā€™t fight them for more then 7 seconds at a time

if anything nerf Catalina Catalina is just broken with everything, arbiters could probably use a small nerf but they are not unstoppable just on their own

You tried to make an argument that is was easy to lose the perk so I got nothing to worry about right when I go guns blazing with my imps. And if it takes 7 seconds to out dps me then it should take 14 seconds to reach equilibrium.


That donā€™t sound very op to me so why do ktm use arbiters instead of imps there is more to it then that.