Nerf gerrida

You can undermount guns?

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Omni’s biggest drawback with 4 energy guns is the lack of ability to put 3 in a column.

Hovers/legs can put three in row, up middle down, without much issue. Omnis make it impossible to do so with all 3 guns hiding behind the cabin in an aligned fire.

That messes up aim though…

I really don’t do spaced so that’s probably not something I would do. I like doing little compacts. I can normally squeeze between people when needed if I want to be in front.

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Two guns on the rjght (left), and one on the other side is a disadvantage for 3 gun build’s firing angles.

I am not sure why your width is limited by omni’s. Please explain. I ask because I have omni builds with the very guns you named with three 4 energy weapons behind the cab.

I must be misunderstanding you.

That’s still more disorganized than I normally deal with. I’m not playing clan wars and do not have to that creative. The bots shot the mostly at the and cab ajacent in their way.

Legs builds have better survivability vs fire builds. They must get through frames before they can go beyond. With omni, that isnt an issue


I have an extremely tough time burning fast Gerrida builds with my fire dog. They seem to bounce melee off of them or something.


I’m finding they’re having big problems with some hills. Seems to be a traction issue. On a rainy map, I came to a standstill on a hill, while my speedometer said I was going 70.
Hopefully they fix this soon, as I am really enjoying the feel of them, and I like seeing all the new build approaches in the mix.

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I think Gerridas stand a head above everything else except hovers which wouldn’t be a problem if the devs didn’t sodomize Augers 2+ years ago and Omnis several months ago. Gerridas blend the stability and durability of ML200 builds with the speed and free acceleration of hovers. They don’t win races 0-75 but they maintain speed while steering or changing direction almost as well as hovers. The best way to test this is by driving in one direction while using combinations of strafing and steering keys to spin in circles. Hovers can maintain 95kmh easily flying in a straight line while spinning. Gerridas can maintain 50. Omnis can maintain 35. ML200 and Augers can maintain 25.
Gerridas are overpowered compared to everything but hovers but here its truly because the devs have fucked everything else. My dual auger builds have been unplayable for years after they got overhauled with the addition of Omnis, and my Omni builds are super shit unless I run 4 omnis and the fastest cab I can. Meanwhile Gerrida builds are pacing me in my Deadman Omni. Its insane.

Why don’t you use gerridas if you think they’re so much better than what you are using?

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Probably has the morals to not use items they know are overpowered or have major power-creep

Ah morals. I 'member morals. RIP

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You’re not one to bow to the meta, for years I’ve seen you post your builds and playstyles at higher powerscores; I think you have more meta-morals than most players, especially for an actual good player (from what I can tell anyway).

I mean, I get that impulse. I mostly love underpowered weapons and movement parts as well, although I don’t see it as a moral thing. I just get bored when things are too easy.

But given that’s a choice I made, I don’t understand complaining about other people using more powerful tools.

I’ve used augers forever, and will continue to, no matter whether they used to be stronger. If they get buffed, that’s great, but I don’t need them to be as agile as hovers for me to be happy with them. If I didn’t enjoy playing them, I’d play something else.


But are they complaining about others using it, or the item itself being unbalanced? I don’t fancy reading the whole thread but I’d assume it’s the latter.

I do judge people by what they run or how they play but you can’t and won’t change people.

I guess what I’m getting at is that if you care about what item is most powerful and you want to dominate, use that item.
If you want to use items that aren’t as powerful, why complain about it?

I don’t see how anything other than cheating can be seen as immoral in a video game.


In many games there are items, loudouts or strategies which are regarded by the community as unbalanced, cheese or otherwise which are looked down upon when used.

If you can’t see or understand this then explaining it is literally a waste of my time, enjoy the ignorance

Because the meta is too stupid for me. Its unfulfilling. Meta players just download their builds and then play the game as close as they possibly can to a casual FPS with camera steering and hitscan with no recoil.

It is truly interesting how certain segments of the population do nothing but whine and complain…for YEARS…and yet they still play and post here.

Adapt and overcome. Play and enjoy. Find a way to be happy