New Battle Pass Like Watching Paint Dry

I am feeling impatient to get some cool stuff out of this BP, but I don’t care that much, as I’m going to be getting a bunch of cool stuff by the end.
Can’t decide if I’m going to spend most of my lighters on the new legs or on the new melee. Melee doesn’t look great, but I’m anticipating a buff if it sucks as much as it seem like it will. And it would be exciting to have some new melee forms to build around. But the legs look like a game changer, and they’re looking very strong on the battlefield.

I think one of the reason I’m not caring too much about the pace is that I’ve been more focused on grinding out a second harvester, so I’m not really paying attention to the BP too closely. And I seem to be levelling it up without really trying, so I’m just going to relax and have fun playing until the new goodies appear in my storage.

Discovering that I don’t hate doing patrol as a warmup is probably why the challenges are getting cleared so quickly. And I actually like the weapon-specific challenges, as they sometimes push me out of my comfort zone and provoke me to try new strategies.


Me thinks you should do both, eh? The Pass will grant you four god-fused legs (right?), just buy a third pair (fuse’m later), and go for the god-fused melee with the lighters. Then tinker (grind) your way into fusing the third set of legs. I think that’s what I’d do. If the melee seems weak, you’ll defiantly want the BP-fused version.

I’m glad none of it is OP, and I don’t think the Gerridae are either. They’re pretty usable and functional, but not OP. So that’s good. Perfect, really…and purple too, so that’s nice. That makes them more accessible to more players probably.

I definitely see the Gerridae as being one of the high points of this update. That and the new map.

I expect a fresh wave of Hover META when the new engine hits the fan. It’s hard to not like the stats on that thing, but it’s gonna wreck schit, I think.

This is a recent discovery for me as well. The new Bots are better. It’s improved that mode considerably, I think, made it actually a bit challenging. I do like that. And, with PVP being saturated with META and various exploits, it’s nice to see a more leveled (more fair?) version of this game happening with Patrols. Bots don’t use the META and it’s nice to get away from all that sometimes. I’m so very tired of the META.

Also with the bots being stronger, Patrols are better for testing out builds before taking them to PVP and inflicting them on the wider public. If it’s too wonky, the bots will let you know. I like it. Hope they don’t nerf’em.

I don’t care that much about fusing, but I do appreciate the extra mobility of fused movement parts. And I suspect the legs will be more expensive on the market than the saws, so I may go for full fused legs and then just buy some saws.

For me the right number of legs to have is 7 or 8 (I’m going with at least 8, might need 10+ for heavy builds)

Unless your going to combine the new melee with harvesters your going to need a good amount of them to make a build. I would suggest at least 4 of them.

The new legs are going to be the best coin value for each item and am not really sure it is as important to fuse the new melee then it is the legs. (Also I’m not sure the new melee is great)

I plan to do a 2 harvester, 1 new melee, 1 flash, redhot, beholder

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There should be some changes to huginn’s ability, give it a rated cool down rate
There are actually quite a few powerful designs, though not all weapons, and if you specify a ps, I’ll name a different powerful weapon than the one you think


It’s trash now, and it’s certainly not clear if it’s the next stillwind


question: would it be the upgraded cooling or regular? It would be a great heavy cabin if it acted like a fused one.

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yeah i get that.

is it the cooldown rate of a upgraded or normal part? Does upgrading the cabin improve the cooling? I should be clear, I like this idea.


Well, I’m not sure, maybe we’re not talking about the same thing
I’m thinking that the huginn now has a bigger bonus for those with multiple weapons like goblins, and many powerful goblin designs use huginn to find ways to make them less powerful

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I was using an unfused Hug with unfused gremlins, on unfused augers and MVPing like crazy at 7K. I did have fused coolers on the rig though. It was even on the artsy side, and not all Dog-brick like most kids are doing.

I actually sold the augers because the build was just too OP and boring to use over and over, while not much else (wheels or Tracks) seemed to work very well. As a result, I just play less and get disinterested sooner. I just don’t care to use META…well, it’s not that exactly. I would just like to use something else and not get pwnd. And using the META over and over is boring (not to mention often ugly AF), and IMO, it’s not good use of the wonderful build feature they have in this game, which is what brought me to this game in the first place.

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Try the Miller, keep it on the oma and use the heavy cabin,this is another Meta
Already completely off-topic, but I don’t want to start another thread, the developers should always be aware of the capabilities of weapons and should adjust them as soon as a pairing like the Goblin Grinder comes up at a faster rate

I have drawn a coordinate:

The developers should have done the basics should have made this curve not exceed the upper limit and not stay below the lower limit, like the goblin huginn meat grinder combo exceeds the acceptable range and the balance is not up to par
And if we want to make the game more diverse, we need to keep this curve in range more of the time so that we will see more weapons at a certain ps

Now the problem is that the developers may know this, but for some reason, instead of making timely adjustments to the weapons, they go for secondary things like UI tweaks that many of you think are unnecessary


That’s where I’m at. Its too irritating to do the BP week by week. I bought ahead for the engine, and then I forget about the pass until there is something I really want. I like to speed run the challenges in Patrol but to do that, you have to have some levels built up.


You guys actually spent money on this free to play game?,… targem games thanks you


Targem probably does thank people who deem fit to support a game they play financially even when they don’t have to


I see buying the basic BPs like I’m donating to the game. It’s pretty much the only charity I give to.


While the developers are sipping martinis in 3rd world countries with half clad girls where the money everybody sends them is worth a 1000 times more, keep in mind they created a money making system in this virtual game world.
And in those countries hiring a few graphic artists to make new ‘pack’ items is cheap as shit.

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You don’t spend money? If so, you’ll actually have a hard time playing with legendary items, let alone relics

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No problem here, ive been doing this grinding a long long time.
What other players have baught with money i have earned through playtime.
It all depends on what powerscore you choose to play at.
High powerscore world of tanks, low powerscore glass cannons, or somewhere in between?.

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Developers don’t do that. Owners do that. Sometimes.

Besides, I ain’t sure you can buy martini and half-naked girls at $10.


Bp’s are not for long time players. Bp’s are for new players to catch up. The free Packs, like Marmok and Morgenshtern raise the Part Limit. Now, anyone can catch up for a free download or two and $10.00.