New heavy version of Plasma Emitters

Greetings, everyone! I’m thoroughly new here, so I hope this is the correct place for this (fundamentally a suggestion, although I do wanna hear thoughts on it).
I’ve been daydreaming a lot about what would be my ideal set of custom parts in the hypothesis that my “crossout-sona” were implemented in the game as a Deluxe Pack, and, long story short, I’d like to at least propose my idea of the pack’s weapon.

Basically, like a plasma emitter but with the weight, size, health and energy drain of a frontal cannon, and limited firing angles too. That’s it.
I’d hope it’d be a powerful medium/close-range weapon as long as you can keep your target in front of you.
I like big heavy weapons, but most of them feel too “long-range”/precision-based for my absolute skill issue of an aim and such, so I’d like something that looks and feels like a cannon and can be relied upon in close encounters, but lacks the range and accuracy to reward higher levels of skill.

There’s a lot more I’d love to talk about, if you’re willing to hear it, but for now I just wish to propose this weapon. Thank you for reading!


There is a cannon called the Avalanche. You have probably found it already. It’s a short-range cannon that packs a hell of lot of punch!

Right now, with many folks using legged mechs it is a great weapon if you can land a shot. Many mechs right now are glass cannons. If you can target the cabin, you can leave the mech in shambles.

You have a few days left in the event called Echos of War. If you get a Fin Whale Engine you can craft a Fused Avalanche.

I would look under the Echos of War event and check out the specs to see if it’s something that fits your play style.

Welcome to Crossout my Dude!



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I’ve actually been in the game since ages ago, but then left it be for a colossal hiatus. And now recently I’ve come back. When I say I am new, I mean I am new in the forums, actually! Still deeply thankful for your warm welcome, it really makes me wanna stick around!

As for your reccomendation, unlike before, I am now actually willing to invest in those juicy passes, and indeed, I bought that specific pass you mentioned with the intent of getting that exact weapon from that exact event! But for now I am considering selling the fin whale on the market and using the money to buy an ordinary Avalanche and use whatever’s left to buy other goodies I also want.
Thoughts on this plan of mine would be welcome!

Finally, I had a bout of inspiration today and… I’ve decided to draw the gun I was imagining in my original post in here! I am no dedicated artist, but I admit I feel kinda proud of this little doodle of mine:

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