New part ideas

Honesly a gun that shoots different calibers in one gun would be soo cool. Hearing multiple calibers going off would totally be dope. Like fires heavy 50 cal then 7.62 then 5.56 to like a 45 then little 22lrs pinging you at the end would be like the every mans gun salute in one gun. Haha Clow Clow Clow! Pow pow pow. Blow blow blow. Bop bop bop. Pew pew pew. Then repeats sequence again haha. Cause look i drive around in a police truck running 3 different guns hooked up to 3 different buttons and the sounds i can make and songs i make are the best. I get dudes coming over like whuuuuuut he shooting it sounds strange! imitating a cyclone for lols. And then they see me shooting differnt guns individually. The horse gallop i can make with the guns is the best. Rb,Rt,Lt, Rb,Rt,Lt x12 times going faster n faster every time coming in at 100kph to ram an enemy thats chewed up from the cavalry sound of bullets makes it soo much fun. Honesly thats what i thought the cyclones were was a horse galloping sound kinda from my first experience against one. Long time ago that was.

Maybe have the gun be able to shoot from smallest caliber to largest and largest to smallest so it has different defense parameters.

Sooo… A crossout logo that works as I described the mace to. Except instead of rock drills the logo spins like a giant buzzsaw. Like a beyblade attached to a harpoon gun. That would be cool.

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Some kind of motion compensator module because no matter what the gun, it feels like it works way more accurately when in motion on a meta sideways hover build than on any build that is using any other kind of motion parts. Hovers can usually just zigzag around and shoot as accurately as if they are stationary, while wheeled and tracked builds just need to move a little and it’s almost like you’re trying to shoot while swerving around at max speed uncontrollably


In the exhibition I would like to see a brief explanation of how or when an unavailable part/paint/decor/etc. was earned. Something like; Awarded during Dronapocalypse 2050 or Steel League 2049 Award, etc. List it with the Parameters of said item.

Got it, not a new part suggestion, just throwing it out there.

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Use the Game Suggestion link at the top of the forum. They are more likely to see the suggestion there, then lost in the general mix of half finished ideas here.

Jumped down that rabbit hole twice already. Still waiting to “hear” if the Devs even looked at the suggestion form submission.

Don’t expect them to. However that’s a very basic type of suggestion the type that might actually get in without it costing them much to do.

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=) _)

A new kind of a weapon working off of the idea of the Phoenix crossbow. It could be a crossbow, or just a gun, but how it would work is, basically imagine shooting a phoenix, but the bolt does damage on impact, and then when the explosive explodes, instead of dealing damage it delivers a big blast of impulse. So basically it works like a reversed Phoenix, instead of the shot itself attaching doing no damage but the explosive doing big damage, you do the damage with the shot itself and the explosion that comes afterwards is more of an added bonus rather than a way of dealing direct damage.

If the part that was shot got destroyed by the damage done by the shot itself, the impulse explosive does not attach at all. The bolt can be shot off just like a normal Phoenix bolt. Impulse would not be too extreme but enough to be a hindrance or even flip a drifting car in motion or a build on tracks making a sharp turn, or make a hover spin a little.

Now if we want to get a bit fancy, how about giving it the same kind of bullet traveling pattern like the Waltz? It becomes a bit more harder to aim, but at the same time it gains insane range and somewhat accuracy compared to a regular Phoenix. Could be explained that the spin gives the shot extra flying time and distance.

Damage would not be too extreme, fair but instead of being a plain out damage dealer, it’s more of a “disturb the enemy” kind of a weapon. Reload weapon, uses ammo

Front facing tracks, that deal passive meelee damage like meat grinders. Imagine chainsaws you can drive with


Laser spike wheels or wheels that catch themselves on fire while you drive

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I’d love M2 Browning or similar heavy machine gun. Would look epic too. M2 is 100 years old and still in service. Would make a lot of sense to have it in xo
It’s characteristics would be something like spectre, so at least CK?

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A fixed angle energy weapon could be nice since we don’t have one of those yet. Preferably more of a executioner/locust type weapon rather than a tackler/protector.

Another cool energy weapon could be one that travels along the ground (imagine porcs but instead of a barrel it’s a plasma charge that runs along the ground)

Drill missile mines, that when deployed drill into the ground and then shoot straight upwards if an enemy drives over them
(think yokai rocket but it shoots up from the ground and has no miss=bigger explosion perk)

A sniping rocket that is pretty much a Yokai with an even faster bullet travel speed, but very minimal explosion radius more akin to an autocannon bullet than a rocket. A bit larger projectile than basic yokai, medium damage. A sniping weapon with a large straight flying projectile instead of a miniature one

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New kind of crossbow based off of those hunting crossbows you hand crank to reload

4 energy, very very minimal impulse to the point of it not being worth mentioning but decent damage. Loading the crossbow is done by holding the button until the weapon has cranked itself fully, and once you let go of the button, nothing happens. But when you press the firing button again after the bow has been fully loaded, then it’ll fire the projectile. If you let go of the button at any point while you’re cranking up the weapon instead of charging it fully, it’ll fire but with the range and trajectory of an Avalanche shot. This can be spammed like assemblers uncharged shot.

Perk is that fully charged shots penetrate a bit of armor, nothing too extreme, and has increased damage. Accuracy is good but the range should not be too long, so it’s not like an extreme distance across the map sniping weapon but still allows you to not be right up in the heat of the battle.

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A 13 energy cab that is its special ability having the extra energy.

Or a cab that allows the mounting of 3 6-energy consuming weapons, the perk being that it lowers energy requirements of all 6 energy costing weapons mounted on the vehicle down by one, so they technically turn into 5 energy weapons. Also useful in making 2 6-energy weapons into costing only 10 overall energy

More weapons that gain something from speed or distance traveled, so there are more options for bigfoot and buggy wheel builds

A new hover that can only go for maximum 50km/h but has a lot of hp and tonnage, so people could make slow heavy hover builds realistically instead of slow beefy builds being tank track only for the most part. Would also not be as nimble as hovers are. Think of it more as a Goliath build except hovering in the air. Added bonus if Golden Eagle would also boost this new hover part

Legendary Fuze drone, instead of being on wheels, it’s now a small hover boy. Also a bit bigger explosion and faster time i takes for it to start going after a player

Legendary grenadier drone, instead of being on wheels, it’s now a small hover boy. Has thresher instead of impulse

Annihilator, but with a small flamethrower, that targets the cabin and shoots a small burst of flame, dealing damage and heating up the part, stopping once the cab is fully heated, waits for it’s own flamethrower to cool back down and then start shooting again, when the enemy cab is almost cooled back down again.

Legendary flying and wheeled drone that both use the standard energy weapon (synthesis, prometheus, helios type of a gun)

Legendary nailgun that shoots a single shot when not fully loaded, and a burst of shots akin to a kaiju when fully loaded. Very accurate nailgun

And then possible ideas of epic versions of legendary guns:

epic parser, only shoots when fully loaded, can’t do the close range firing mode of a normal shotgun, only the charged shot

epic mandrake, single shot mandrake, simple as

epic hurricane, shoots 3 total missiles, each missile that hits boosts the damage of the next one in the volley

epic cyclone, singe barrel cyclone

epic tsunami, same perk but in epic weapon proportions, flatter overall gun compared to an executioner

epic spark, just deals damage, does not drain or slow down anything

A big magnet on a crane, like they have in wrecking yards. Would have to be a high energy weapon (at least 7), and have very high durability.
Could be countered by interceptor and kami.
Could pick up multiple builds, depending on the mass of your own vehicle.

If you want to get even crazier, also make a weapon that is essentially the grinder thing from the range building. Could only be mounted facing up, so you need to use the magnet or skinners to get people into it.

How about a giant swarm drone launcher it can be like 12en and shoot 4 drones off into the distance at the sametime.

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