New part ideas

Polished copper and oxidized copper paints.

A rare car-jack that tosses your car into the air and free from harms way.


A Steam engine.


A full steam punk faction would be awesome!



A legendary Phoenix balanced around 6 energy with an alternative firing mode.

The concept of this is that the standard firing pattern (Same as Phoenix. Single projectile that detonates after a delay and can be shot off) would be weaker than triple Phoenix and slightly stronger than a basic dual Phoenix build, but of course has the benefit of more energy being available since it’s a 12e setup vs triple Phoenix’s 15. The main strength of the legendary version would be increased versatility, not just because of this, but also the alternative firing mode:

A triple shot burst fire. The burst shot would have limited effective range due to its spread and slower reload (if needed), but would have overall far higher damage potential and they detonate on impact minimizing what otherwise would be hard counters like Kami.

Unlike charge based weapons, holding the fire button down simply switches the firing modes. It isn’t needed for every burst shot. A somewhat boring “perk”, but would be easier to balance than alternatives and we already have enough heating weapons. The game is also flooded with generic +damage,+ reload or + resistance perks. We don’t need any more debuffs either.


For a post-apocalyptic game, there isn’t really many improvised weaponry, such as pneumatics, available. This would be one: A hard hitting, but relatively slow reloading pneumatic javalin gun.

It’d be most suitable as an legendary and would have moderate impulse, high kinetic damage and a noticeable ballistic drop. After a delay, the projectiles would release an electrical discharge that causes direct cabin damage to any enemy within range (including drones), can be shot off to prevent this.

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A gun that itself (not overall damage of the whole build) gets a nerf depending on how many other parts are draining power, but a boost on how many other parts are not draining power. For example on how this works, let’s say it’s a 5 energy cannon. it has a perk that it gets 30% increased damage, but every other part that drains power lowers that by -15%. This only effects the perk, so if the perk reaches 0, it won’t drain damage any further than that so you can’t give yourself -15% damage and so on.

So say you have this cannon and an executioner, that means that you have 1 part that drains energy besides the cannon, meaning the perk only adds 15% extra damage. But if you loose that executioner, you get the +30% boost back.

Now imagine you have three of these on a build. You get +0% extra damage while you have all three installed. You loose 1 cannon, both cannons you have left now do +15% extra damage. You loose another one and have only 1 of these cannons left, you now do +30% damage with that one.

A decorative part that you can use with nailguns, every time you kill someone with a nailgun, it plays the “YOU’VE GOT MAIL” message, but instead of saying mail, it says “YOU’VE GOT NAIL”


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Ha, nailed it

Nailguns are fast though. What about a Snail that you let go at the start of the match???

a wobbly CB Radio Antennae for decor


New kinds of hover modules, consumes energy, only 1 module of this type per build as usual

Emergency jet boost module for hovers, when you activate it you instantly shoot up into the air, quite high but not extremely so, but out of reach of most builds roofs, and remain there for 5 or so seconds before falling back down. The catch being that you can’t move or turn during it at all, guns won’t rotate, build won’t rotate, you just go swoowsh up into the air for a little bit.

A hover module that cuts the power to your hover for X seconds, making it fall flat onto the ground, but be able to turn in place, but not move or strafe in any direction so you can rotate the build but not move in any direction. During this still state, you get a little bit of damage resistance. Turn your own hover into an oversized grounded turret for a little while.

A speed boost hover module, but your hover parts need to have enough space in your build to turn fully to their side for this (flame jets pointing straight backwards), even if they normally can not. When you activate it, you drop to the ground and your hovers orientate to point behind you, launching you towards the direction your cabin front is facing almost as if you’re using hermes boosters. You scrape along the ground as you do this, and have very minimal steering, and the boost can’t be stopped halfway through, it runs it’s course and then needs to recharge, something like 4 seconds or so

And then a weird new cabin idea. A cabin with built in hover engines, or drone propellers. But how it works, is that you can launch your cabin, given there are no parts blocking it, to hover in the air above the rest of your build like a drone. The rest of your build works like normal, but your cabin is just up in the air, and your pov with it. You could do cool things with it like undermounting a Yongwang on it and then shoot the grenades down at your enemy from it, or just gain extra height and shoot your cannons on top of the cabin at an enemy in a high elevation place on the map. The downsides with this is that it’s very easy to shoot at your cabin now as it is floating in the air, and if the rest of your build gets destroyed to say a fire puddle, your cabin just falls to the ground at that point, unable to float anymore or move as your build is now just a cabin. The cab itself leaves behind a small part of itself that is always attached to the build (the part it docks with when not flying) so it is sort of connected to frames at all times, but at the same time, you can attach an avenger to this bottom half and get the damage resistance boost to the flying part of your cabin as well

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Now this be a beauty to have in game :smiley:


13 energy humongous triple autocannon minigun

Big, heavy, huge amounts of hp and the fire rate of a Whirl and accuracy of a Tempets. Basically three autocannon miniguns attached to a larger minigun. Looks like 3 miniguns combined into 1 minigun. Would work like the Cyclone that it it shoots slower until getting up to speed after a while. No explosion effect on shots like traditional autocannons have, and it heats itself up (becomes orange) while firing in full speed mode, not to full 100% but something like 70%. When you stop firing it’ll cool down like parts normally do. Uses ammo but can keep firing forever like a Reaper as long as you have ammo. Surprisingly stable, your own build won’t fly around as much as say with 2 reapers, yet extremely heavy weapon and slow to turn with a limited firing angles, it won’t turn around 360 degrees, only some to both sides and up and down

I would like to see wheels that can convert into hovers / hover mode (think back to the future 2 Delorean).
A wheel type that could change shape to increase diameter (and thus ride height).
Hubless wheels.

As for weapons, id like to see a skinner that has a follow up shot to attach the ancor end of the line to something else (i.e. the wall, ceiling, ground, other vehicles etc).
A new landmine that does explosion dmg, hest up effect, and enough blast impulse to send a vehicle airborne similar to the jump pads in test drive. Allow these mines to be deployed onto any surface (walls, floor, ceiling)
I would like to see a mini map radar scrambler (either module or cabin perk implementation. (Cabin would make more sense due to global cooldown of effect that would most likely be needed to prevent back to back excessive uses.

I want an engine that increased weapon rotation speed the slower a car moved.


11 energy Double barreled plasma cannon on a pancake turret


I’d like to see more cabins with built in weapons, even if they would not deal much damage, or would have different kinds of uses, like a limited firing angle machinegun like a defender, that’s cooling/heating rates aren’t effected by any coolers or radiators you have, that does not deal damage but stuns any drone it hits for a few seconds, or a single shot reloading weapon like a mini Median that deals no damage, but disables the minimap for X seconds for an enemy players if it hits said enemy

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yes. I’d love this too. Maybe a jet cockpit that has an machine gun in it, like an F-14 with a Vulcan Cannon.

More unconventional and construction weapons, like the summator, argument and ripper. Not counting the blockchain and triggers into this because lasers are a pretty regular weapon.

Maybe a forward facing pile driver, that is used as a meelee weapon, that deals a moderate amount of damage (a single shot of damage if you will) but a humongous amount of impulse on the enemy. Long reload time, uses ammo, 6-7 energy, heavy and good hp.

Another idea was an impact drill meelee weapon, that heats up and cools down like machineguns. It starts to rotate and hammer when you hold up the button, the pace of it dealing damage with the “knocks” increasing as it heats up, kind of like a cyclone fires. When spinning it deals constant, but very low damage as the drill rotates, but the real damage comes from the impacts of the impact drill knocking. Stops dealing any damage after it’s fully heaten up. Weapon model, size and shape pretty much, would be about the same as a borer for comparison.

nailgun minigun could be cool, it’d be a medium to close range, inaccurate minigun with a slower firing pace than miniguns in general, no heating but would use ammo, like a Reaper.

Another cool idea could be a sand blaster, that would pretty much be a flamethrower, but without heating. As such the damage should be more of a neutral type, dealing steady but not mind blowing damage, but at the same time sort of a lesser flamethrower against builds that resist heating. Also gains no bonus from the only cabin for fire weapons

Perhaps some kind of an angle grinder weapon that deals increased damage against movement parts, but reduced damage to any other kinds of parts, frames guns cabin armor included

we got the 57 fins… I so want a 59 caddy fin… and this is an odd thing… but I would love some fender skirts.


Yes, fender-skirts. That seems like a must have to armor wheels (and whatever).

I would also like single block red and blue emergency lights.


A in game sticker that says Devs buy more bandwidth and one that says fix your lag