* New ravaging season in Crossout. Part 1

I’m a long time player who has lost interest in acquiring new items except for must have modules. I have all the gear I want in the game and I don’t grind for anything. My premium subscription is about to lapse and I don’t care to renew it. I only play the game at all to turn out for Clan wars, or to build new clan wars vehicles, or to have a binge leveling session through a battlepass.

Part of this is that you can make so much coin by surfing the mini battlepasses that there is no point in grinding for coins in other ways. For example, I crafted an Odin for about 20,000 coins and $20 and I’m planning to craft two more for even cheaper. Odins sell for 40,000 coins now. In 3 months when Xbox is Odin starved, I plan to sell them for 60,000 coins, and get a new set of relics, probably Scorpions or Breakers. Or maybe I’ll just keep the coin for huge market investments. This comes from hoarding must have battlepass items, such as Millers, Arguments, Hugginns and like items. If you keep at least two of every unobtainable purple item when they are not in demand you will be able to craft everything you want for cheap.

Second, there is not much that can improve my clan wars loadouts. I have two Firebugs, a Flash and two fused Helicons that I play for all occasions with occasional Retcher, Hammerfall and Helios use.

If I play something besides my relics, there is a sense that I’m not giving my clan mates my best play.

Here’s a list of my loadouts and what I do with them.

  1. Nothung hover/ Helicopter 3 fused.
    This is a powerful legendary loadout that I occasionally play in PVP or helicopter PVP.
  2. Starfall Helicopter 2 fused. I use this for power leveling and occasionally playing helicopter PVP. Starfalls are outstanding, and I still haven’t built a really good ground build with them. I should make something with the Whaler.
  3. Cyclone 3 fused. I have played these on many occasions but don’t play them at all. I will probably make an Odin Nova Gerrida spider for Clan wars as I still haven’t tried triple Cyclones with 2 radiators. I don’t have a single saved Cyclone loadout.
  4. Stillwind. 3 Fused. I don’t play these and don’t have a single Stillwind saved loadout.
  5. Assembler 2 fused. I use these on a high PS Quantum hover for dorking around in PVP.
  6. Destructor 3 fused. I have a Destructor hover that I don’t play very often.
  7. Retcher, 2 fused. I use these in Levi wars as an alternative loadout. I have a Retcher hover and a Retcher ground build.
  8. Draco 1 fused. I use this as an alternative to my Flash for a max damage fire build to eat spiders with.
  9. Hammerfall, 2 fused. I play these in PVP and in Clan wars. I have a wheel Beholder build and a wheel Kronos build.
  10. Helios 3 Fused. I play a big Humpback Gerrida Helios spider and use it for catching and eating firedogs in Clan Wars.
  11. Kaiju 1 fused. I don’t play this weapon and don’t have any loadouts.
  12. Avalanche 1 Fused. I don’t play this weapon and don’t have any loadouts.
  13. Crickets, 3 fused. I don’t play this weapon and don’t have any loadouts.
  14. Waltz 2 fused. I don’t play this weapon and don’t have any loadouts.
  15. Locust. 3 fused. I don’t play this weapon and don’t have any loadouts.
  16. Skinner. 1 fused. I don’t play this weapon and don’t have any loadouts.

I have multiple loadouts for Helicons and Firebugs and mostly just play those.

I have enough lighters to get another fused Narwhal or another fused Skadi. For me, I’m not super excited about either one. For the Narwhal, It has impressive bullet speed, but so do my fused Assemblers. It has decent damage, but its never going to hit nearly as hard as my fused Helicons.

For Skadis, they have impressive damage against frames but they are even against frames with Firebugs and Dracos in testing. Firebugs and Dracos hit harder against everything besides frames. I can’t see many situations where I would use these as I already play the alternative.

For newer players in my clan, these weapons are exciting as Narwhal is a good Range option and Skadi is a good Levi Wars brick rush option.

I also have full sets of fused Bigrams, Hermits, Bigfoots, Buggy Wheels, Gerridas, Omni wheels, Icarus IV, Icarus VII and Buggy Wheels. I don’t have a single Bigram, Hermit, Bigfoot or Omni wheel loadout in my saved loadouts.

Once the grind was gone for me and I was released from feeling that I needed more gear, I slowed down on playing and only play Clan wars and surf the market now. It is a much more enjoyable experience to do what I want to do. There are some old players who still play the game 24/7 and they really enjoy doing so. I’m not sure what their motivations are. I think they just really like blowing cars up.

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This is how I have always approached the game, and it works for me.
Sure, I progress slower, but I also have time to actually learn to use the toys I acquire. And they keep adding stuff at a similar pace to how quickly I can grind new items, so I never really feel like I’m getting close to the end.


you are very optimist, don’t forget about the incoming energy nerf, wait and see then i’ll pick the whatever fallen chips remain

I mostly don’t need much more to enjoy the game, I haven’t held on to everything and never intended to. At worst I craft something. I’ll gladly take some the one extra rarity coolers, rads, reloaders but I’d rather them fill stuff in and fix stuff. I kind of see those as a necessity if they want the balance calcs.

I think they need to go back through crafting soon and work out some issues and balance the base game benches. Each faction bench should probably have the same number of base parts and end paths.

They could rethink where they the paywalls are placed to make it a little more friendly. Like maybe you can earn up to an epic for basic production but the legendary bench is locked till the faction comes to an event. (I don’t mind contributing when I can to maintenance costs but it’s a hard sell for gimmicks.)

Narwhal seems fine though it seems to take multiple shots to get up to dmg par. I plan on using it just because I didn’t really like the other legendary cannons. I don’t mind letting other bobbles go.

The grind daily doesn’t bother me as long as I can just do what I want. What gets me and bores me is when I have to do specific things when I don’t want to. Normally I’ll do the entire weeks bp challenges in 1 day the rest of the week I’m looking at the really boring earn a patch system. I really hate that daily system. Often I’ll hit the end of the patch’s needed for the day and I’ll just waste fuel and log out. I don’t like playing for patches.

It’s funny though as I would really love to go explore with my build I also don’t want missions that make me stalk loyd for 20 minutes trying to keep out of site. Fetching crates would be boring but fetching them to build a defensive structure for a future attack would be cool. A lot of the like and dislike for me depends on the context that it’s put in. I don’t really care if a win condition for a story segment is 5 mission wins. I want the immersive engagement much like Doc often mentions.

So I think the game has a lot of growth room but it depends on stubborn heads realizing there are lots of paths that lead to roam (intentionally misspelled)… CW/CC/Bands that all can fit in but it has to be optional content for the person that’s going to slowly meander through the content. They also have to place all this lore they give us outside of the game into the game. As there isn’t really much game right now outside of pvp.

Edit: typo… I’m sure there’s more though…


2418 x 0.30 = 725.4 + 2418 = 3143.4
the 30% resistance can absorb up to 725.4 hp worth of damage, however, this is ONLY when your reloading, if your taking constant fire from things like mgs, arbiters or any rapid fire gun then that 30% resistance isnt going to matter. as soon as its done reloading itll take full damage again so youll never gain that 700 damage absorption. if you combined it with an omamori then youll get an extra 400 hp out of it. add an averter and youll have 60% damage resistance upon its reloading time. you could also add the finwhale to for added damage resistance.
so youd have a choice here. run an avalanche with these setups.

avalanche, averter, omamori, ammo packs, flywheel, pegasus/finwhale
avalanche, flywheel, king, hot red.

one has a ton of damage resistance and can tank like a beast but at the cost of reload speed. the other is a trade off sacrificing damage resistance for reload speed. pick your poison.

same. give us a major update that gives us more to do in the game instead of battle passes and mini battle passes.

they wont ever do relics in a battlepass. if they did theyd have to add an extra 80 dollars per battle pass because relics are so powerful and end game. they never did it in the past when they introduced the helicon and the odin and i highly doubt theyd do it now even if it was a single relic for the battle pass.

or possibly a cannon shot like from the typhoon or mastodon/mammoth. i know the avalanche has very thick armor in real life. the avalanche should have at least some bullet resistance because with armor that thick it should be tanking those hits from an arbiter like it was flinging ping pong balls at it.

wouldnt be so bad if they let you earn some uranium from rust and bronze. 15 and 30 respectively from them. it would help beginners who do clan wars and win to earn some coin to put towards other weapons like legendaries.

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I agree CW is a big problem, but for a completely different reason. That is the only mode I truly want to play, but it isnt available enough. I have Fridays off and not a single session to be had. Many weeks, I only get to play in 2 or 3 sessions…where rotations result in sitting for half the sessions.

I enjoy XO but will likely fall away this summer when the new NCAA football game comes out. Competitive game with no time corridors. Can play any day at any time.


The lack of CW sessions is annoying. I work full-time. The CW slots are not compatible with my schedule.


Yeah, that is one of the many reasons I don’t bother with it.

Same the CC sessions are better but I often have to skip out on them too because I’m not going the wait an hour to play.

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