Some of the early BP’s went directly into crafting it wasn’t till later they started to restrict it.
I’m looking into it, and going by my admittedly hilariously bad memory…
I’m pretty sure it’s been about 2 years. Am I wrong on that? How long ago were The Founders introduced?
Syndicate 1 was what I was thinking but I there might have been a small bp or two after that added stuff to the crafting benches too.
I don’t think I paid for any Syndican’t BPs… I can craft the Cambers & Tempura. That’s it.
Pretty freakin’ lame they’re considered a faction. Compared to the first 4 factions, it’s a joke.
Didn’t some stuff get added to the lunatics and nomad benches?
They use to have it so that even if you didn’t pay that workbench recipe went in so long as you earned the level for it. I honestly hoped that it would stay that way along with doing periodic rereleases but so far not much luck. Right now I think it’s way too paywall restricted and not a good mix for the free to play marketing aspects. Let alone casual gaming market share.
Even if some was added it was not much.
And not adding pack items just adds to the list.
Technically everyone has access because they can use the market.
But for the guys that like to craft that’s BS.
Minimum 2 years ago lmao. Nowadays the amount of BS that’s either not accessible to newcomers or plain not craftable is through the roof. Want a reloading module? Yeah can’t craft that shit. Legendary cab? The hover generator?
That’s generally a large portion of my issue with it. I tend to go to the market mostly for components to craft with. The other side of the issue is what clebardman just said, not accessible to newcomers as I do think about them as well.
Yeah, us vets could be like “who cares noob, I got mine!” - but that’s the kind of stuff making the game suck.
I personally don’t craft, but someone has to right?
Yeah pretty much, it’s easy to ignore an issue if it doesn’t effect your own game experience. The market health in general depends on it’s ability to supply the transaction of items. That entire concept us dependent on players being able to craft everything that someone might want. Withholding access in the long term creates an supply side bias towards vets and makes it harder for a new player to get established as well as ending up effecting player retention.
Exactly… the constant comments about why the game sucks & is supposedly dying all tend to boil down to one thing for me. It’s how the new player experience is. I imagine it sucks big time. This is no small part of that.
They really ought to just make a new game at this point with scifi aircraft dueling in low earth orbit and all this exotic scifi stuff. It does not belong in Crossout, I’m not at all a fan of the devs doing their scifi concept art experiments in XO I’m driving a vehicle using modern weapons and I’m fighting vehicles with quad mounted railguns and automatic gauss rifles. Who is the moron directing this?!??!
This scifi isn’t even tasteful like Omnis/Augers/Bigrams/Adapters. Its just spammed space age shit from 100 years in the future in the same aesthetic every other game uses.
This is why I decided to try a new account as f2p for a month. Results are basically:
If you are new, these passes and the BP have all given GREAT weapons for the 10 bucks. They do a great job of marketing them with “look at all you get if you pay” at each level. (no i am not condoning it, just saying they do a great job at the way it’s presented. Any singular pass would have resulted in a very competitive build.
Overall, scanner is your best bang for the buck if you play alot. If you don’t, BP’s and Event’s seem a good value.
If you are established long term, the passes offer less value (I did buy the blockchain one after i opened the 3 blockchains on main accnt though, great fuses are great fuses!) but still do have value. (I love the anchor actually, even though I scoffed at it when I first saw it)
I saw Bab saying he liked this and that and found value in it.
I also saw value in it when playing from an account that didn’t have everything unlocked, fused cabins, fused modules, fused movement parts… you get the picture.
I look at the game very differently.
Edit: It should also be noted the comparison is a new accnt PC vs mature Xbox accnt.
I’m glad the dev team is keeping to their original lore content. Which includes aliens in the back story.
I “try” to think of everyone when I post - but I a got large % of the game fused up already. I’m just fusing stupid stuff at this point because I can. (Even things I never plan to use) It is hard to relate to people in the game because of that.
I got a few sets of fused legendary weapons I have never even taken the time to make a build for yet… and I might not ever. (It’s a sickness, I know)
And this is not just me, it’s most the people I know that play.
I got into the game originally because of the mad max thing. When I leveled up enough to start encountering the sci-fi thing I was initially annoyed, but now I love it.
I love the different factions, and that we’re all essentially independent from them, but apparently maintain good trading relationships with them.
I mostly see my character as a junkyard mechanic type, with some mad scientist tendencies. I’m happy that I can make endless variations on my personal vision.
I’m also happy that the game offers enough themes that other people’s creations don’t look anything like mine. It’s cool that my hot rod might encounter a hover craft that looks like someone blew up a bus and froze it in mid-explosion. More junkyard survivor genius, even if they’ve got some lasers strapped into that mess of steel.
I think the same way but they arent being tasteful with it anymore. Where is the Scorpion supposed to fit when there is the Kaiju and Thyrsus?
I agree… Personally, I think hovers are the real breaker of the whole ambience of the game. It takes a lot out of it for me.
I’m not sure I understand why those weapons can’t co-exist.
I kind of like the new sniper cannon. Corpse charging is cool.