New season in Crossout. Part 1

Wait. I’m not saying it’s bad.
I’m not even saying it shouldn’t be in the game.
I just don’t like it.
Looks silly even for sci-fi.

Just dayum
I’ll try not to have any opinions from now on. :roll_eyes:


Roopull isn’t saying it’s bad and shouldn’t be added, he’s saying he doesn’t like it lmao. I’m not saying it’s bad and shouldn’t be added either, I’m saying it doesn’t fit the game’s visual design so far one bit.

There are probably more interesting discussions to have regarding visual design than “I like it and you’re wrong!” or “you don’t like it so you be hatin’!”.

Everything in the game looks like a rustbucket including the DC weapons and cabs, that weapon is the first thing in the game that looks like its polymer receiver still has mold marks and the factory’s scent on it.



And just to remind everyone what were talking about…

That thing looks like it belongs on the Enterprise, not a land vehicle. Whatever… At 11 energy, it’s not my cup of tea anyhow.


its fine then,

this part “If the builds start to look too polished, I’ll lose interest.”

just sounded for me like if they add it like this, you might stop play or something.

But maybe i just wrong interpret that, sorry if i did.

For me its fine even if they add things that are no for me or not looking nice for me. Always the more choices the better.

I don’t like the model myself mostly the main body portion looks too much like a cockpit, the sci-fi aspect doesn’t bother me though.

I’m actually fairly fond of the larger guns too. I can’t say I like the perk on this one though as I don’t like to sit around near wrecks. If someone died there they died for a reason and it could be simply sitting there. lol…


just picture a guy sitting in there controlling the guns mowing down a bunch of rusty cars lol , its definitely different

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When I first saw it, I thought it was a cab. LOL

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Numbers are good in theory, hard to put to practical use.
Play weapons that fit your playstyle and learn how to approach vehicle types you have problems with.

I don’t usually say this, but if you find cannon bots hard, you need more experience at the game.

There are some things numbers don’t equate to irl situations. You have to learn what to do in those situations.

Make a custom game with cannon bots and practice! (don’t set them all up as cannon bots though!)

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Seems like getting out of toxic top 10 CWs leveled you off a bit.

Me? Im more or less the same, just not being out on the defense in the forums here as much. Used to be, talk about a double bubble wheel build being not only effective, but a meta wheel build, and the trolls come out in waves. Thats about the time i say fxck it, if youre going to flame something you know nothing about, lets talk some shxt. Im still wired the same way, but the trolls arent as prevalent. Still down to talk some shxt to some randos tho. Maybe im a few notches more chill.

but i know this game and have a good handle on whats what. I try to impart that knowledge where i can and contribute to meaningful topics here and there. Like i said, the whinging here has gotten worse of late and im back to just speaking my mind when i find it getting overboard. Like that one guy who capitalizes every other word crying about teams and being bullied and wah wah wah. Then this guy here talking about meaningless damage numbers. Ill voice my opinion when i feel like it’s becoming warranted to counterbalance these crybabies. And those two guys got a dose of the more toxic side of me.

You’re not a victim, life’s not fair. Do something about it.

Half these kiddos have no clue what the Typhoon stun lock CW phase, or the 6k spark haverster 4 man teams of this game were like. Ill not feel a shred of sympathy for people using two (relatively recently) buffed Executioners, or crying that the average match has a team on the other side. Ill say it again, life’s not fair. But this is a video game with near limitless possibilities. Do something about. Crying in a forum with like 40 people doesnt count.

See? Slightly less toxic, but still with some angst and zest. :joy:


too many weapons and every time they make the old ones obsolete is a real shame

Doesn’t that look familiar? Which ship is most like the new weapon? :wink:




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This one.

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Thats my choice too, looks almost the same as new weapon. At least we know where Igor got the idea from :wink:

B is my choice.

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That is what i thought as well :slight_smile:

Forgive me if I miss read.

Nah… but if the game starts to look to me like Star Trek on hovers, I probably will lose interest and stop playing. Don’t read that as “do what I want or I’m taking my toys & going home,” though. I just know my tastes.

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So we didn’t read it wrong - I’m confused lol

No need to explain further, to each his own.

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Why? They are not removing the parts that you already like to have fun with.

You can still build rat rods to your hearts desire.


Gentlemen, I can guarantee you the two of you have put far more thought into my thought than I thought I put into my thought. I’m not even sure I agree with me anymore.