masty jorm trombone destructor athena
This weapon is literally big sad relic. Literally the explosives could add a dot to the surrounding armor like something visual or anything.
Even if it’s good on all of how it is and how it works and functions. The underlining aspect of what the model is and the limited 3 rocket play of it is just sad. Let me just die more to machine guns with the new reload relic, because reload needed it’s energy removed from the motor. How’s that ripper living to those puns?
A few points about this. I agree with the laments of the unoriginality of the new rocket launcher but disagree that it won’t be super strong.
I have fused pyralids and perfectly fused Crickets, Locusts and Waltzs. While it takes me 3-4 matches to warm up on these, they are all very powerful and Waltz is the best of the bunch. It hits like a truck. The blast radius is beyond huge. If Locust has a blast radius enlarging perk. Waltz just has a huge blast radius. When you get hit with a double Waltz volley, you check your build to see what still works.
Waltz has ruined cannons for me because a Waltz volley is equal to an Avalanche volley, except it reloads every three seconds. I don’t know why anyone runs cannons except for Typhoons instead of Waltzes.
Now imagine a volley from the new launcher that pierces the build and preheats it before it has its big blast.
Now, imagine a Waltz, which already has good durability because it is small and hard to hit given relic durability of 450 or so hp. Place two of these on an Onamori and box them into a hover. They will never get shot off.
I think Waltz and Locust style short to midrange hit and run builds are much more fun and strategic than carpet bombing with crickets.
Whether it is good or not, I will probably pass on this weapon. I already have plenty of rockets that I don’t play enough.
Machine gunners will toast this kind of weapon all day in sustain damage scenarios. Gotta love 18k chord meta.
Yeah, Machine guns are king. That might be changing in the near future with the cannon rework. Even though machine guns are the best now, Waltz Onamori hovers are still doing great at high power scores on Xbox. They carry with them the threat of popping Thor generators, destroying a full round of guns in one volley and very quick reload.
As stated previously, they are also very hard to hit.
I salvaged my waltz I have my crickets fused for spread I don’t want something that doesn’t fire where I am aiming. If I wanted to play a game like that I’d go play world of tanks those shells go all over where ever. There’s 15 rockets from a cricket volley the relics sporting a whole 6 thisisn’t a marginal factor it’s not viusually happy and the playstyle of sustain these need to live i nthe current meta of enviroment they aren’t giving them.
I agree with you. Waltzes hit like a transport truck, and once you get used to them the spiral pattern isn’t really an issue.
Having said that, I don’t think I’ll get this one, as relics are out of my price range at the moment.
Any weapon can be turned into a rarity of any kind with sufficient strength by adding enough data, but I don’t like the idea of making a weapon that doesn’t exist in reality and has no prototype a relic, and it doesn’t look like a relic at all unlike the breaker punisher who immediately sees that kind of relic-like item
What about porcs?
This kind of thing at the beginning of the game does not look much like a relic, but it has the prototype, and it looks like part of the game’s wasteland style,firebug is also
I wish I had more blueprint slots. There’s abour 5 more vehicles I want to craft and save, inclusing waltz one. But to get one slot I need 3 floppy disks.
Well, if they follow their recent trend, it’ll certainly suck. I wonder if triple ripper dude will show up & complain about it.
This looks like a nerf to the Harvesters, which already collect virtual dust in my virtual inventory.
I’m with you… on the $10, not pooping. I mean, I poop EXCLUSIVELY at work, I just don’t typically do it with other dudes. Typically
2 cups of coffee prior to work… by the time I get there, I’m ready.
I think of whales as people who are spending large amounts of money on the game, not any amount of money. Of course what “large amounts of money” means varies from person to person & region to region. To me, people who spend… oh… I dunno… $200/year on this game would be a whale to me. I spend maybe $30 to $50. True whales are like that dude bragging he’d spent $10k.
This last mini-BP seemed super silly… I even finished the whole season & still didn’t buy it. I said that’d be my litmus test from now on - if I finished the season. Guess I was wrong.
I wish I had more blueprint slots. There’s abour 5 more vehicles I want to craft and save, inclusing waltz one. But to get one slot I need 3 floppy disks.
You know how to use the exhibition as blueprint storage, right? True question/suggestion - not being snarky.
What the devs need to be putting in the game are weapons & hardware in the blue rarity. This is where they’re losing new players… W/O new players, all these legendary & relic parts are a moot point.
Again, anti [tank]/[slow build]/[ground build] next weapon, when anti hover weapon? :>
The melee weapon is absolutely anti hover. It is also stainless, so dont fear your salty tears making it rust.
why are hovers allowed to stay at the state they’re at? Why can they have as much if not more effective health than ground builds? Why is it okay for hover users to simply laugh at so many weapon types in the game? Melee, Flamethrowers, anything with travel time, anything with fire puddles, they’re inmune to wedges, hardly ever flip around due to the box-like shape every spaced armor abuser gives them. They’re so fast they can control the distance of any engagement, and the baby-mode camera allows them to hide weapons under so many layers of crap while never worrying about WEAPON ANGLES, something vital everyone else has to keep in mind. There’s so many things going for them at such low PowerScore cost… it makes no sense. Please for the love of god, devs, balance this type of movement, its so overtuned it makes lots of playstyles not fun to play. Matches without them are crossout at its best, yet anything remotely competitive (Clan Wars) makes them MANDATORY…
inb4 “skill issue” Yeah go ahead and mock me, says plenty about what type of person you are, and how badly you don’t want your crutches gone. Atleast have the balls to admit how busted they are if you’re going to abuse them. c:
Why is it okay for hover users to simply laugh at so many weapon types in the game? Melee, Flamethrowers,
Lol. This is all I needed to read.
Nailed it. Their counters were listed as…not counters. Too bad hes right in general, hovers are OP
You know how to use the exhibition as blueprint storage, right? True question/suggestion - not being snarky.
Those are reserved. And partially filled with pure exhib builds.
Like Hawk said, you did little mistake with listing, but generally again we all agree hovers too much OP.
That’s a convoluted way to say the damage hitbox gets bigger lmao. “releases blades” I was like “wtf, is it shooting fans of blades like a shotgun, or dumping blades on the ground like Ripper?”
Targem and its unpaid Google translator…