This thing has poor shooting angles that can easily be taken out by helicopters or face hugging it.
hitscan weapons arent “dead” just because you cant hold your mouse button and win in 5 seconds anymore
After the hitbox update finally yes, but was annoying in confrontation and bfu.
at what point is that going to face helis
What are you on about? Hitscan weapons still needed aim and heat management. They don’t even do much dmg overall if you don’t hit every single bullet on one place. And 5 sec? What are you smoking? On 10k battles 4 equis need 15 - 30 sec until they get through tanks. You couldn’t even win against some brick builds if you don’t aim exactly at the guns to disarm them.
I dont know if you know that but not every hitscan weapon is an caucasus.
Give me an example how “ex hitscan” mgs are still good.
Nearly every autocannon can outperforms them now. So whats the point of using them? Or in other words they are “dead”
The real problem was the flying super tanky bricks with 4x miniguns that terrorized players.
They should have reduced the carry weight of the rotors so bricks couldn’t even take off.
The funny thing is that Bricks are still around and just changed weapons. Now they shredding you with reapers. Sure they dont have such precision like hitscan but at least they do alot of dmg.
I used hitscan weapons before the update, hasn’t comlained about the changes. Still use them.
I dont say that you cant. I just say you will do more dmg with less ps if you use autocannons.
Best example 4x Equilizers vs 3x Therms. Over 1k less ps but way more dps.
And before you start calculating that stuff, no… in practice you dont hit with every bullet from the equis or therms.
The diffrenz is the dmg distribution.
A single therm hit has way more impact then multiple equi hits. You also just can hold down on the therms and do alot of destruction while equis need to aim at specific parts like weapons to make them valid. With the therms it doesnt matter so much if you spray it all over an enemy because you deal enough dmg to do serious dmg to single parts while equis underperform massivly.
And if you even try to compare them with same rarity equis dont even stand a chance against whirlwinds.
I mean good luck and have fun with using them but i dont realy believe you will peform well
I have pretty much all weapons, I use autocannons a lot. Dps is not allways better choice over accuracy. I wrote that couse people complained about hitscan users being skillless which is absurd. I still can degun just about every weapon with them after the change. I don’t like when people speak about dog, brick, meele, mg or whatever players ín general and qualifies or describe them. I play just about all kinds of builds. Meaning: mgs are still good for degunning especially with torrero and or opressor. After the destructor nerf mg are even better position than before. I think this change gonna make thyrsus, athena more popular again as a degunning weapon. And the reason why we gonna see less mg builds couse most player with high ping only used hitscan weapons before, not becouse they are shit now…
Maybe im just a little based because heli players are affected the most. On ground with more horizontal combat they are easier to handle then heli vs heli. Less movement overall to compensate.
I pretty much never use (ex hitscan) mgs on ground.
I only can give feedback on them in heavy motion combats and there they are just trash now.
Damage distribution all over the enemy, nearly no chance of focus fire on a singel part and because of many missing shots not enough dmg to be valid for air combat.
Like i said i changed to Therms and get solid wins again.
Ps.: This forum doesnt let me post much more because im a “new user” now i have to wait 1h to post again …
I like tempest a little bit more then therms. Both are really good weapons up till 9K PS bracket. I found them a little bit weak above that.
heat management and aim my ass. you could spray in the general direction of a weapon and you win.
did and still do
yea and 5 seconds to strip anything else
in what way is a gigantic autocannon comparable to a small machine gun
K i see you dont have any idea what you talking about … without a proper build to manage the heat and without a solid aim you dont even can think about winning and that was even before the update. “spray in general direction” lol yea if you are happy with 600 dmg distributed over 20 parts …
i dont even know what to say anymore. Its like saying “hey the sky is blue” and you say “nah”
Is it possible that one too many minigun drones hurt your feelings?
so i need 15 - 30 sec to kill someone but only 5 that anything on that target is gone? wow logic isnt your thing huh? Or maybe you are one of the players that mount everything on something with no hp?
Autocannons of the same rarities are not much bigger then machine guns. Equalizer vs Joule Whirlwind against Miller, Therm vs Sinus they are pretty much same size in different shapes.
There is a reason why nearly nobody uses ex hitscan weapons now. I mean i hunt 4 x equi builds down with therms because they are easy picking for god sake. Thats not even the same rarity and i dont even fly a tanky meta build.
But i think slowly i got them all because the last 5 matches i didnt even find any mg helis anymore.
Why Haters try so hard to convince ex hitscan players that mgs are still good?
yea without a proper build. thats all that matters
aiming hitscan really isnt that hard
yes becuase they take no skill
unfortunately im one of those plyers who dont play finwhale+omamori+beacon+50000hp weapon
whirlwind vs miller ?
complete cope. “there is a reason nobody uses ex hitscan weapons now” is a lie
what is a “Haters”? like people who want a balanced game? we Haters try so hard to convince ex hitscan players that ex hitscan is playable, by which we mean its not overpowered anymore
Why are you feeding the troll. HAlf way through Degalus’s first post I realized they are either delusional or a troll.
he is just an average crossout player, which is why crossout is dead
Sure playing cod is also not hard, just point and click on the head of someone and win… why do you talk about hitscan like it is an aimbot?
Not much at least. I was fighting against minigun drone bricks all the time (before the patch) and yea many of them didn’t realy know how to fly or aim. Was fun to destroy their metabuilds with skill and style.
hmm sounds like a tanky combo. Is that the build for the 4 x Minigun Meta Drones? I’m more a finwhale dual aquila guy. You know, using ingame items to build stronger builds to kill other strong builds is the point of the game. But yea Bricks are a problem.
Same size in different shapes i said. Whirlwinds are higher while miller are wider.
K don’t start with calling people liars without backing it up. With “nobody” i mean nearly not existent. Here and there some ex hitscan mg heli shows up but gets stomped pretty quickly. Like i said, the last 5 matches i played had none.
But i see i wasn’t clear enough. I talk about helis mostly because they are affected the most by this change. Ex hitscan mgs are practically unusable in air now because off all the heavy movement up there in air 2 air combat. On ground, i still see them sometimes but they lost their… lets say fear factor. Before the patch, they could do some good dmg on air targets but now they don’t even try because they just can’t hit anything from down there anymore.
Balancing would be to find the source of the problem and not to nerf a game into the ground until everything is bland and weak.
Like i said they still didn’t fix flying brick builds. THAT was the problem with the flying 4x mg meta brick builds. And yea a flying heavy armored fortress that can abuse the shredding power of miniguns by just shooting for 20 sec while you didn’t even get through his front plates is unfair.
But then we should ask why something like that even can fly.
Seriously, i don’t have a problem with the ammo change or the hitbox change but they killed the function that hitscan weapons are designed for. low dmg but precise and fast fire rate. I know i said that often enough but now they are just shitier autocannons, spraying the low dmg all over the target.
I’m pretty sure the hitscan change will stay but to make them even semi useful they would need even double the bullet speed they have now but i don’t think the engine can handle that. New mgs already starting to affect game performance and also that wouldn’t bring back players that are leaving because of latency problems.
Again someone with just an insult and no counterarguments. I posting points and points to discuss and just get back these low iq answers. Come on read my points and destroy me with logic and facts!
Who knows maybe you are the one changing my view?
because you hold your mouse button infinitely and slowly look at stuff, how is that hard
they have a slightly similar size which is the only thing that they share in common as weapons
heli matches are irrelevant
hitscan is not weak. i went out of my way to buy 4 equalizers and i can immediately prove youre wrong.
the issue is that fatman bricks are everywhere now and are presumably the new meta after the buff.
they are still relatively easy to hit stuff with, and do a lot of damage. and i dont have aquilos or cata or fused weapons
You ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie there, mister…(then I looked at your flag. You probably aren’t familiar with that term)…um…yes. You are very correct.
i dont have the slightest idea of what whistlin dixie there means
It means your comment is something of an understatement, in that context.
Originally it probably meant that there was something more to what you were saying than what it sounds like on the surface. Like coded language for something subversive. I think they refer to that kind of language as a “dog-whistle” these days, but I didn’t mean it that way.
It’s a reference to the American Civil War.