Off Topic

What would you guys think of an off topic section of the forum, where people could talk about anything and not just crossout?

On the other hand I don’t see why not, but on the other hand I do not care about the lives of the people using this forum outside this game.

I guess I could get some use out of it by posting random stuff nobody wants to read in it every now and then if nothing else. Not against the idea and don’t see any good reason why it should definitely not be a thing

I wouldn’t mind it, every time I’ve asked for one, I’ve gotten a no answer. Same with improving post tagging to utilize some of the other features the forum platform offers.

I would love this idea, thought of it myself a few times but idk if it is against the ToS or not? Is this bannable? Either way I like this idea!! :smiley:

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Considering human nature, being what it is, an off-topic area would invariably lead to a crapfest of politics, insults, ripping the devs, ripping the gaming company, perpetual complaints, and some good-old-fashioned spitefulness mixed in, and would require HEAVY moderation. Not saying I’m not for it, but i’ve seen how it goes in other forums, gaming and otherwise. :face_vomiting: :sneezing_face: :poop: :astonished:

What the fuck are you people smoking? This is a safe space! How could you forget!?

Unless one of you ladies or gentlemen or others go annoy some absentee moderator with your incessant crying, absolutely nobody cares what you post in here!

Im especially disappointed in you, mr doing my own science, mrs the man cant censor me, why on earth would you make a topic censoring yourself? Just post your crazy ramblings right here, the forum is a safe space, everything goes!

And ofc prepare to get epically roasted over your utter nonsense.

Edit. … your utter nonsense that most 9 year olds could credibly prove false because its such basic stuff. Flat earther too? Jeeez

we already have one.

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lol good find :+1:

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