at the end of the match when you have to drive through all the shit left behind
I have asked for “water world” adding to crossout…they are making a whole new game for it?
I Will Never Play This Shit Game Ships Are The Most UnInteresting Things on This Planet…
lol, you are what your interests are
Theme can make a game bad.
I laughed so hard. I have a seasonal creek, every spring I do this at least once. It’s an 18 year tradition now. Dam clay.
wish i could like this one 10x
Yeah… Nah.
im about 15 minutes into age of water , its not bad at all so far
Witcher Season 3 Started and Hours Later Directly Available on Other Streaming Sites
Good Netflix.
Coming Soon! From BADDEC, Cut the Fun: San Angeles. A CCG for 2-4 players containing 5 card games to play through as you fight amongst yourselves for control over the city of San Angeles.
Got the demos for my latest project. Think, Magic: the gathering, but you can use any card as a resource. Play testing this week.
Sup buddy?! Fancy meeting you here! And Thank you for helping me out
Following is a Playback of one of the test games. I changed the name of my tester to Lidia (that’s my goto character name for Works in Progress as well as identity protection). If anyone here wants to help, you’ll be included under the name Lidia unless you straight up tell me that you want your real name included.
Moving on.
Playback 1
Lidia will be using the Pyro deck.
Pyro Deck: $1,000.00 and 30 cards
- Eight $5’s
- Six $10’s
- Five $20’s
- Eight $50’s
- Four $100’s
- One $5 Call Girl Brandi
- One $5 Goon Eager Jean
- Three $5 Goons Junkie
- Three $5 Goons Lazy Bum
- One $10 Call Girl Mary
- Two $10 Goons Big Oaf
- Two $10 Goons Bouncer
- One $10 Goon Cop on the Take
- One $10 Goon Shop Owner
- One $20 Goon Angry Vet
- One $20 Goon Bounty Hunter
- One $20 Goon Femme Fatale
- One $20 Goon Weapons Dealer
- One $50 Call Girl Alice
- One $50 Goon The Doctor
- One $50 Goon Your Own Kin
- One $100 Goon Enforcer
- One $100 Goon Pyromaniac
- One $50 Address Flophouse
- One $50 Address Impound Yard
- One $50 Address Laundromat
- One $50 Address Pawn Shop
- One $50 Address Restaurant
Greg will be using the Fatcat deck.
Fatcat Deck: $1,000.00 and 30 cards
- Eight $5’s
- Six $10’s
- Five $20’s
- Eight $50’s
- Four $100’s
- One $5 Goon Eager Jean
- Three $5 Goons Junkie
- Three $5 Goons Lazy Bum
- Two $10 Goons Big Oaf
- Two $10 Goons Bouncer
- One $10 Goon Cop on the Take
- One $10 Goon Shop Owner
- One $20 Goon Angry Vet
- Three $20 Goons Bounty Hunter
- One $20 Goon Femme Fatale
- One $20 Goon Weapons Dealer
- One $20 Call Girl Yuki
- One $50 Goon The Doctor
- One $50 Goon Your Own Kin
- One $100 Goon Enforcer
- One $100 Goon Fatcat Lawyer
- One $100 Call Girl Victoria
- One $50 Address Flophouse
- One $50 Address Laundromat
- One $50 Address Pawn Shop
- One $50 Address Police Station
- One $50 Address Restaurant
After shuffling our decks thoroughly, to start the game, we each draw a maximum of 5 cards for our opening hand. To start the turn, Lidia will draw 1 card and inspect her hand. In her opening hand, she has drawn $50 Address Vick’s Safehouse, $50 Address Restaurant, $10 Goon Shop Owner, a $20, and a $10. On her starting draw, she drew a single $20 and, in total, she now has $50 cash on hand to use (if she wishes). But, because she has 6 cards in her hand, she must make a play or, else, discard back down to 5 cards. She can play Goons onto the block for free, however, she needs to pay up-front in order to play any Address on the block. Looking carefully at the above choices, she makes her decision and uses the $50 cash on hand to pay for the $50 Address Restaurant, and places it on the block. But she’s not done. She still has a Goon in her hand, Shop Owner and, because Goons can be played for free, Lidia places the Shop Owner onto the block.
Now it’s Greg’s turn.
On his opening hand, Greg has drawn $5 Goon Lazy Bum, $10 Goon Bouncer, $50 Address Pawn Shop, a $5, and a $100. On his starting draw, he drew a $100 Goon Enforcer. Greg is going to take a look at things and weigh his decisions. He could pay up-front to place the Pawn Shop onto the block but he only has $100’s and a $5 (and Goons don’t give change, they’ll just take the extra money and run), so this will lead to overpaying. There’s no penalty to overpaying, other than running out of money faster than needed, so, it’s best to budget things properly. Now, with $100 in his hand, he could freely play the $100 Goon Enforcer onto the block and, also, be ready to pay them for their services if needed. That’s exactly what he’s going to do: he freely plays the $100 Goon Enforcer (6/6, can block up to 3 Goons at once, if used this way, remove Enforcer from play) onto the block.
Lidia’s turn.
She already has one $50 Address Vick’s Safehouse from before and, now, draws a $100. There’s nothing she can really do, other than overpay to set up the $50 Address Vick’s Safehouse, and she’s not about to start throwing money away. She passes her turn to Greg.
Greg still has a very full hand from before and, on this drawing, he’s back at 6 cards. He’s just drawn a $100 and could use it to pay the Goon Enforcer to attack but Lidia’s Shop Owner is strong enough to withstand the attack. He’s not sure if she has the money in her hand to pay her Shop Owner though and, so, he thinks some more. He could play his $10 Goon Bouncer or $5 Goon Lazy Bum but he still has to think about his money. He has $205 cash on hand. He can pay his Enforcer no problem but paying his Bouncer would lead to a serious over-payment. Greg makes his choice and kicks that Lazy Bum out onto the block to get to work.
Lidia draws a $10. Her Shop Owner on the block only needs $10 to do his job but, unfortunately, the Shop Owner cannot attack. “I can’t leave the shop!” he said as he reached for his shotgun. He can only block attackers. With nothing to do, she ends her turn.
Greg draws a $50 Address Flophouse. Now he has two Address’s in his hand and the proper amount of cash to pay for them without over-paying. So, $100 paid and he sets up a Flophouse and Pawn Shop on the block.
How things look so far:
Lidia’s Life Total: 20
Lidias current hand: a $50 Address Vick’s Safehouse, a $100, and a $10.
Lidia’s side of the block: Restaurant (pay $10 and each Goon you control gets +0/+1), Shop Owner (0/7, cannot attack but gets +1/+0 for each Goon under your control).
Lidia has used a total of: $50 cash so far
Greg’s Life Total: 20
Greg’s current hand: a $10 Goon Bouncer, a $100, and a $5.
Greg’s side of the block: Flophouse (Insurance: $20, pay $5 and target Goon gets -1/-1, repeatable), Pawn Shop (pay $10 and receive $5 for each Goon that dies under your control), Lazy Bum (0/2), Enforcer (6/6, can block up to 3 Goons at once).
Greg has used a total of: $100 cash so far.
Lidia’s turn and she draws a Pyromaniac! The key card of her Pryo deck, the Pyromaniac (0/10, instead of attacking with Pyromaniac, burn down any Address on the block, that Address is removed from play.), is one of the strongest cards in all of Blood Money. Not only are his services very powerful but, also, his Bounty is increased by $50 (that means she can turn Pyromaniac in for a nice bounty of $150). She looks across the block at what Greg has built up, so far, and decides the time to strike is drawing near. She let’s the Pyromaniac loose on the block. Lidia ends her turn with a devious smile.
Drawing a $20, Greg seems to be stymied. All he can really do is put the $10 Goon Bouncer into play and, so, he does to end his turn.
Lidia draws a $20 and, just as quickly, slaps a $100 down on the table to pay the Pyromaniac to go to work. Greg is stunned but not surprised to see his Flophouse burn to the ground, he knows it’s arson, but the cops are on the take, and nothing is done about it.
Greg smiles to himself as he quietly collects an insurance payout of $20 from the fire at the Flophouse. With $20 Street Credit floating (Street Credit does not expire when the round is ended and, actually, rolls over to the next round), he draws a $5 card. Greg decides that enough is enough and, slapping $100 on the table, he combines it with $10 Street Credit to pay his $10 Goon Bouncer and $100 Goon Enforcer to make a move on Lidia. Lidia pays $10 for the Shop Owner (currently 2/7) to pepper Greg’s Enforcer (6/6) with the shotgun. But Greg’s Bouncer (3/3) managed to get by and got close enough to Lidia to make her rethink her life choices. With a slap to her face, the massage was sent, and things would never be the same.
Lidia’s life total has dropped to 17, and it is now her turn, she draws a card. $5. She presses the attack, paying the Pyromaniac one more time to burn down Greg’s Pawn Shop. She laughs to learn Greg had no Insurance taken out on the Pawn Shop. She ends her turn.
Greg draws a $10 Goon Big Oaf and puts him out on the block. With only $30 cash on hand, he decides to lay low for a round or two.
Lidia draws a $20 and ends her turn.
Greg draws a $10 Goon Bouncer and places him out on the block. With his $30 cash on hand, he knows that, next turn, he can send another message to Lidia. Greg ends his turn.
Lidia draws $10 and uses her total of $50 cash on hand to pay up-front for the Address Vick’s Safehouse. Now she can store several Goons on the side without Greg knowing who or where they are. Normally, Greg and Lidia can only play one Goon per turn but Vick’s Safehouse let’s us play as many Goons as are stashed in the safehouse, just for paying a small $5 fee for each Goon.
Greg’s turn, and he draws $5. Sticking to his plan, he pays his two $10 Goon Bouncers and one $10 Goon Big Oaf to go rattle Lidia’s cage. Lidia pays her Shop Owner $10 to bust out the shotgun, again, and has him wrangle with one of Greg’s Bouncers. But she’s only got $45 left. Although it is Greg’s turn, Lidia needs time to think about things. She’s at 17 Life, and taking on both the Bouncer and the Big Oaf, she’ll be down to 13. If she sets fire to her Restaurant to collect on the $50 Insurance, that will give her a total of $95, and turning in the Shop Owner for a bounty right now is not an option because he’s in the middle of a fight. She could also set fire to Vick’s Safehouse to collect on the $20 Insurance from that, giving her $115. That’s enough to pay the Pyromaniac to block the other Bouncer but, really, a lot to sacrifice just to stop one Goon. Not worth it. Lidia fights off the two Goons as best she can.
Down to 13, Lidia draws a $5 Junkie and puts him out on the block. Her Shop Owner grows in strength to 3/7. She ends her turn.
Greg draws $50 Goon The Doctor (7/3, loses -1/-0 for each Goon that dies under your control) and puts him on the block. But he only has $5 cash on hand and not enough to pay his Goons for anything, so, he decides to end his turn.
Lidia draws a $50 Address Flophouse and ends her turn.
Greg draws a $20 Bounty Hunter (2/6) and places him on the block to end his turn.
Lidia draws a $5 Call Girl Brandi (stash up to $50 with this Call Girl) but needs to decide if it’s worth it or not to put her out on the block. The $10 Goon Big Oaf tends to get riled up around a pretty lady, no matter what side of the street she’s standing on. Seeing that Greg has a Big Oaf on the block, Lidia decides best to keep Brandi off the block for now, and ends her turn.
Greg draws a $10 but with $15 cash on hand there’s not much he can do. However he’s pretty sure that Lidia is in just as bad a position as he is, and he takes the advantage by turning in his $100 Goon Enforcer (6/6, can block up to 3 Goons at once, if used this way, remove Enforcer from play) for the $100 bounty. He pay’s his two $10 Bouncers, one $10 Big Oaf, one $20 Bounty Hunter, and one $50 The Doctor all to do their worst to Lidia. His $5 Lazy Bum (0/2) is just sitting on the curb.
Lidia has 13 Life, $45 cash on hand, one $5 Junkie, one $10 Shop Owner, and one $100 Pyromaniac. She’s facing down 17 points of damage. Can she do it? She lays down $20 to pay the $10 Shop Owner (3/7) to take out one of Greg’s Bouncers which, additionally, effects his $50 The Doctor by giving him a -1/-0 counter, now (6/3), using the rest to pay the $5 Junkie (0/1) to block the Big Oaf (1/6). She’s defended herself against 4 of the 17, leaving 13 damage remaining (plus the -1 from The Doctors effects) actually making it 12 damage remaining. Lidia loses the Junkie in the fight, and takes a severe beating from the rest. Bouncer (3/3), Bounty Hunter (2/6), The Doctor (6/3) for a damage total of 11. Her life is down to 2.
Lidia at Life total 2.
Greg at life total 20.
Lidia concedes the match.