Omni and atoms needed at least little buff for traction with surface

Seriously, these movements have very bad traction to surface, and you cant really drive them in arcade, because they will allways drift

Dont revert nerf, just make traction to surface for atoms and omnis a bit better, so they will be more stable and comfortable (sorry if my English was bad)



And that moment, when craft with atoms or omnis just stops and says “nuh uh I am not going anywhere”

omnis used to be broken in terms of grip so i wouldnt think people would want this. you could always fuse them for traction though.
atoms are a bit different though because they use magnets to move. i dont think that traction on any surface would help them. i do agree though they are VERY slippery at times. but this is to be expected with atoms because of how the wheel itself functions.

I’ve never noticed either of them drifting, but maybe I drive differently than you guys?
I do most of my maneuvering with the strafing controls, and use the “steering” mostly for aiming. Neither have a very good turn radius unless you are also strafing, or unless you let go of the gas momentarily to quick pivot.

Yeah, but I didnt mean returning ther broken grip, I mean making that grip A BIT stronger, so they will be stable on light, fast crafts

And I also dont understand why they nerfed ther grip so much. From one of the best grips, to the one of the worst.

I dont defending old omni and atom, they was very strong before nerf (capable of becoming meta in right hands, in cw too), the nerf just was WAY too strong

That like saying to hover main, what he can allways fuse his hovers on load capacity, after load capacity nerf for hovers

I mean, yeah, its good idea, but I am not sure if that fuse will rily help with omni and atom problem, they also eat a bit alot of power, that’s why I fused them on power fuse

If you make craft heavy, then it will be more stable (at least I remember it like that. I need test it in game again)

But god, it will get to top speed very slowly if you make your craft too heavy…

If you drive medium craft, then your craft on omni or atoms, then your craft will be stable and will not drift (I think)

I will give more info and I will show something (if needed) when I get home

I’ve never enjoyed playing heavy omniwheel or atom builds. The ones I like are the small fast ones.
Did the traction just get nerfed with this new update? I don’t think I’ve actually used either part since the update, so now you’ve got me curious.
I’ve been very focused on meat grinders since the update. They feel so much better now, and in some ways close to what I like about Atoms and Omniwheels.

No, it was nerfed in tracks mobility changes

I like fast omni or atom crafts too, I just hate when they overturn, drift (happens when you turn at max speed), or get pushed by someone wiphout any chance of escaping (maybe skill issue, idk)

If you try this craft type in arcade, you will get to max speed faster, but will drift alot more

Have the devs confirmed that parameters are different in arcade?

I’m pretty sure I was still playing some Atom builds after the track changes, but at the time was more focused on learning how to use the new track handling (I love the quick pivot!).

It is possible that it’s the quick pivot that is causing the drifting? By which I mean how when you release acceleration while turning, you suddenly rotate quickly. It’s a great feature, but I’m still waiting for my muscle memory to fully adapt to it.

Why did you post a pic of a soap bar,a banana peel and an oil slick?


Omnis and atoms are garbage. Complete lack of grip. Any player even on a light epic cabin will be able to move a much heavier build on omni and atoms.


And still, some players told me what they are not bad…
Translate: Omni become better after update

Translate: they are so garbage, what I got MVP 3 times on my craft builded before omni nerf

Probably because in default PvP you can just play even on the starting wheels.

But any other movement part (perhaps even tracks) in the case of a strategic game and high skill will be more effective

No, there is more…

No, I don’t even want look in there, thanks

Ru forum was very, uh… strange

It was February 8th.

The day when omnis and atoms completely lost their grip and became garbage. It was the first day of the update and the players didn’t realize it right away.

So, should I ask him again about omni?

Let me do it better. I’m in the same clan with him

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Oh, ok then

Idc what anybody says Omnis/Atoms are cooked, they are completely underpowered and totally lacking in grip. It does not matter how heavy the build on them is either, my maxed out Phoon Whaler cannot ram a cab corpse sitting on bare frames without losing all its speed while veering wildly out of control.

This maneuvering is not possible at all anymore. Targem took the most fun, niche, and skill sensitive movement parts in game and turned it into junk that nobody plays anymore.

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Yep, atoms and omnis was very awesome and fun movement. I played only them, I fused omnis wiphout fuse events. But after nerf… I still play them, because I dont like most movements in this game (I like Tengu too, because its just like Omni but better, woops)

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