Omni wheels rebalance was wrong

Yeah. Replicate my gameplay or else you are just coping about us being better players. Go play a proper tank game if you want your slow boring low dexterity tank gameplay. XO is the only game that ever offered what it did with omnidirectional gameplay.

It was made to counter cannons/rockets, and I tend to use those a lot. They’re annoying, but not unbeatable

Sweet Jesus, someone quick! Hit us with a crying cat mammoth goliath crying cat meme!

Poony my man, you are going to get carried off to Narnia without some much as a whimper 99 out of 100 times. The literal visualization is a humpback cab touching a goliath track and his speedometer never dipping under 80.

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no offense but in the clips you posted earlier it looks like youre trying to aim with carpal tunnel.
i just dont think that playing with the most op wheels and most op mini-scorpion is exactly difficult
the clips prove truly nothing

unlike crossout, in a tank game the strategy and proper map knowledge & knowledge about enemy vehicles matters

I play w/ high mouse sensitivity. As it stands though you have zero gameplay of your own and assume Astraeus is easy to play rofl. Go back 2 war thunder.

astraeus before the nerf was hilariously op, it was a literal mini-scorpion. i dont know what it looks like now since they nerfed the weapon to shit or at least nobody plays it

You forget that I have a much tougher skin than most people here, and that I am very patient (and very stubborn). I will keep trying until I figure something out that I enjoy playing.

My Goliath plans will have to wait another week though, as I decided to finally try Howl this week instead, and see if I can beat the heavy shotgun bricks with a smaller and faster shotgun car.

Smaller is a double edged sword. They cant hit you when your right next to them, but you cant hit their guns to start. Which means it can become a game of who has more staying power, which is advantage 5k health brick. Still, sounds doable.

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to understand what is missing in omni wheels to be good, just need try play with them in CW.

They are missing now SAME thing as Gerrida after big nerf. (and already in CW there are almost none gerrida spiders. only mixed legs)

It is… Being able to do anything(rotate) when bumped and pushed by braindead fire/shotgun dogs.

Hovers have same, but they can bump-off over/side and circle then arround dog.
Hovers can also move with 1 hover often without problem, wheels cant drive with 1 heels, legs also cant.

Anyway BRICK braindead dogs(and in general dogs) have too much push/grip power now, and this is real issue. It was one update close to Gerrida nerf that they also ultra buffed wheels(not omni) push power a lot.


  • buff legs/omni/atom/etc more power to always being able somehow rotate when bumped and dragged by dog.
  • nerf wheels push/grip power to get same result as first point. (before their update it was better)
  • at least for omni/atom/etc make them bump-off to side like hover when bumped by dog, so they can always still fight when bumped by dogs.

Because based on Stats in Bronze+ CWs you play:

  • arround 60% games, at least 1 bricks/dogs (often full dog teams)
  • arround 45% games, at least 1 hover
  • arround 25% games at least 1 spider

sometimes mixes, thats why % is over 100%

So based on stats the most easy solution is to just Nerf wheels push/grip/drag power to allow atoms/omnis and even legs(that should be counter to dogs) to manage them.

Along with push/grip power Buff they made, Finn whale they just added made even more to make them META builds. They should keep fin whale, but roll-back their mistake with power/grip buff and made it even less for HVY dogs, since they have just too much of it.

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What I noticed playing fast bricks last week was that they’re still at a handling disadvantage compared with smaller builds. I am optimistic I can make it work.
In my experience, mobility is the most OP attribute you can give your build. But maybe that just suits my personality and tastes more.

i can tell you that no type of leg (maybe apart from some powerful ml200 builds) or hover can get out from in front of a “skilled” brick player. its not gerridas or omnis.

ML / Bigram can.

but it require skill and proper leg placement. + amount of legs(push power) - tho i got some only 8 ML spider that can rotate when catched by BRICK dog on side
Not many spider players can do this i agree.(before update it was not-hard for every spider)

Hover also require skill to avoid/bump-off this bricks.

But in general none “reload” weapon can win easly vs constant-shoot-hitscan shotgun or DPS based draco/firebug weapons.

Ok, maybe porc/yong as reload weapon here can strip draco bricks, just because barrels go on ground. But not shotgun ones ofc.

When i played as brick, it is so easy against mostly everything. Only problem as shotgun brick when i played was degunners(punisher), and for draco bricks only counter was porcs or some “yongwang bricks” that counter them by degunning bottom dracos.

Tho we also won some games VS bricks as full reload-based(no porc/yong) weapons. But it was full over-skill based wins.

But well, going back to omni-wheels, when brick land on you, you can do… nothing.


CW elites are just eternally coping about there being a more skilled movement part that doesn’t fit into the mold of rock paper scissors. Despite being the least used omnidirectional part, a skilled omni player could always do something to win a 1v1 with a dog, hover, or spider. Meanwhile the rest of the CW players dumped years of their lives into a godfused dog, hover, or spider that fits into the rock paper scissors mold and they are crabs in a bucket.

If Omnis were so OP and easy to play they would not have been so scarce. All these whales would be playing them in their 3-4 man squads. The super skilled hover players would have ditched their hovers and gerridas for them months ago in CC, the droolers playing dogs or shotguns would have ditched wheels for them, but neither of them did that. Any attempts to say Omnis were OP is bullshit because of this simple observation.


Not to bust some of your bubble as it’s a fine rant but balance changes are done using metrics from just regular pvp. They don’t include cc or cw in those figures, so it doesn’t really matter what they were doing in those two modes it was regular players that got the part nerfed.

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Their metrics that gave us omamori, dogs, and shotgun bricks and left the game infested with sealclub hovers for nearly 5 years. Not trustworthy especially given the fact that nobody has seen these metrics.

Heres my best guess for why certain off meta parts overperform in the metrics because I assume atleast some of them are correct. They are the only fulfilling parts to play that have a high skill floor and ceiling and so the better players naturally play them. Thats a purely selfish anecdote from me because I’ve played some melee, a bunch of shotguns for tasks, hovers and spiders for CW, etc and its just not fun for me, I’d rather play another game than that stuff. I assume its the same for many others. Omnis were the most fun and satisfaction I’ve ever felt in a game.

The solution is to make more parts offer that same solution to more players by buffing tracks, augers, rebalancing wheels, ranged weapons, and raising the skill floor on competitive easy stuff. Not nuking the scarcer off meta stuff that good players get fun out of.

If you give the highest skill weapons the highest damage of the game, they will over perform by definition.
And while some might argue that would be more fair, it wouldn’t be a great experience for the average player. I think we can assume that most businesses are going to cater mostly to their average customer. Of course they’re going to throw some bones to the high rollers, but I don’t know if whales are always the most skilled players, so that doesn’t really impact the skill/damage debate.

They tend to be well above average, I dont diss them too hard but they flop and whiff plenty. They absolutely were the best and that was during the days of 95kmh cannon hover spam.

I dont want to see the highest skill weapons be the highest damage, because other ppl have to have fun too, but they shouldn’t be useless the moment another build rolls up. Cause thats what happened to my Omni Astra. I could get good MVP streaks with it and bully meta players but I’d still lose plenty. Now its just unplayable. Maybe I’ll get to bully a couple bots or crap builds but the moment one of those players I used to get into good fights with shows up Im dead.

I still use omni though they’re only on one build a small quad with arbs. It use to be on hovers but after the arb accuracy nerf I tossed it onto the omni. It only sits around 10kish though. I had a larger 8 omni build that I stopped playing but it wasn’t do to the performance of the omni’s but rather the nerfs to millers. I didn’t notice much of a change on that but it was on a heavy cab. I have a fairly adaptive playstyle too so its likely it just didn’t phase me much.

Metrics didn’t really give us omamori though it might have played a roll in how much soak they gave it. I kind of wish they were more transparent about the metrics too but I also understand why they aren’t too. Players would just jump on the numbers for their next meta creations. I don’t think they ever saw seal clubbing as an issue outside of something they could work out in match maker…

As far as what I think is on the metrics it’s probably similar to the battle logs but collected server side. From the heat maps they showed they probably can tell times of death of players on the maps too. It’s not to difficult to figure out some semblance of what they could be looking at.

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