i’m having those problems in the garage
I believe this.
I don’t believe this.
Sure you do, works the same as any other PS. Build the build, then figure out the strategy.
That’s it for weapons, my least favorite Crossout category. Even if I had it all, it’d still be mostly garbage.
I think I could pile enough crap on a frame to make it 9k for the sake of making it 9k, but that’s not a very good build strategy, IMO.
I can’t wait to off-load that POS Yongwang (WTF is up with that thing? How did that pass inspection?), but I want more than what it’s going for at the moment.
The Whirls might work, but why? Why do I want to? I don’t. IMO, nothing about this game improves as you climb the ladder. On the contrary, it all gets worse and more nonsensical. All of the game mechanics fall apart as the power-score rises, until you get to the top and the only thing that works is one of three METAs that are exploiting bad game physics or broken OP weapons of the month. To me it doesn’t make sense to strive towards that.
I’d just rather have shorter queues at 5K, and I think that depends on the overall popularity, or lack thereof, of this game.
I am considering the next Battle Pass (it is my flavor: Wheels), just to have something to work with at 9k, because apparently, I have to.
EDIT: I actually also have three fused Fuzes that didn’t show up in my screenshot, I presume because they are in use.
I’ve been playing some builds under 6kPS the past week, and my queue times are more than twice as long as my usual PS range.
Having said that, I don’t think I ever waited much more than two minutes for a match, but even that’s too long for me.
These days, I find that CC range (9kPS) is by far the busiest, so that’s where I stay most of the time.
I also play around 13kPS (or higher) semi-regularly, and it’s only a bit less busy than the 9kPS games.
I wish that lower PS was busier, as I do enjoy playing stripped down builds, but the game has been around for a while, so it’s not surprising that there aren’t enough people playing at lower levels.
It is harder to make art builds work at 9kPS, and a big part of that is that more competitive players are in that range now. Things are less sweaty when CC is on, as those players tend to focus on the competitive modes when they’re available.
The nice thing about the 9kPS range is that there are actually a lot of ways to approach it. You can use Special gear and do ok, but you can also fit pretty much any higher tier parts in there too, if you’re willing to compromise on armour.
For me, that diversity keeps things more interesting, even if I’m losing all the time. At least I’m getting blown up differently each match.
I do find that weekends are tough, as there are a lot more groups playing, and you can get stuck in a queue against the same death squad over and over. If I’m struggling, I’ll try to reset my queue, by either taking a break for a few minutes, changing builds, or leaving a match early after dying quickly.
The other reason I prefer 9kPS is the speed. You can use the fastest engines and cabins, which makes small four wheel builds very fun to drive. And most of the time you’re not maxing out your mass, which means most builds are faster than the high PS equivalents.
As far as building advice goes, I would start by picking epic versions of the lower tier weapons you feel most comfortable with. Just by upgrading a few parts, you can raise your PS without completely redesigning your builds. I often use lower tier generators with higher tier guns/modules/cabins/wheels, and embrace minimalism: no cloak (unless it’s an ambush build), no sci-fi modules. Just speed and firepower, and then I’ll play that build and make little tweaks until I feel dialed in.
You have a lot of orphan weapons (not enough of one type to make a full build).
I’ve seen people getting maces to work at 9kPS, but you’ll need to be clever with your build. Whirls are still useable too. Yongwang really depends on running some high end modules to boost the damage, so probably won’t work for you unless you’ve got some legendary modules to use with it.
I’ve actually been playing some drones lately at that PS range, but I rarely score well with them. I just like driving around like a maniac and trying to support my teammates.
I try not to think about whether my team is winning. We all have losing streaks, so it’s not worth taking them personally. I just evaluate my performance on how well I’m scoring compared to the rest of my team. If I’m among the top three of my team consistently, then I feel I’m doing OK, even if we lose every match.
This one is actually at about 8.1K, which puts me in a very wide lobby, from over 6K-10K, which I think would be more narrow if there were more people playing. And, that would be better, IMO.
I think it’s plenty silly, and sometimes it actually wins…just not MVP. I’m surprised to see Fuzes work at all, frankly, but they do. They didn’t before.
So I can make something that’ll compete at 9K, I suppose. Even stupid crap. Maybe PatentsPending is right. IDK.
I think tonight I’ll give those those Whirls a whirl. What I want to do is smack down a phat Hamilton (hoho) on this new Battle Pass and put something more solid for 9K in my roster. The Whirls might work too, but this Battle Pass is probably more my speed.
I hope it goes well.
What cabin are you using with the fuse drones? I used to run them on Harpy, and Bat would work in a similar way.
My new drone build is using the new spider drones, and I’ve put a cheetah and Bigfoots on it to speed up my reload.
With Whirls, I’ve always had the most luck with heavy cabins, as you need to be able to tank a bit of damage. Also made a fun faster build with a Howl, since its perk combines well with the Whirl perk.
I run 3 Emilys at 9k.
oh! maybe I misread your post, I thought you had been buying the BP’s.
Most BP’s (the long ones) give you a pair of legendaries by the end.
It’s a Harpy…Chetah, Bigfeet. That seems like a proper formula for the Fuze. In fact, I made the build because someone on the forum made the suggestion just recently. He said it’d work. It does.
Maybe they would go well with my Humpback?
It fell off one of the previous Battle Pass work benches (free-ish). It’s well fused.
Yeah, Humpback should be a good match with them.
Make a nice tough build and push people around.
The nice thing about brawling with whirls is that they don’t have explosive damage, so you can shoot people at point blank range and not damage yourself.
Wheels, speed, why don’t you try falcons?
Fuses, are just like sidekicks, right?
Or even worse
Falcons or Hawks are very easy to shot down, easier than wheeled drones but its pedal to the metal all the time, to pursuit there is no better drone than flying drones. Unlike the others, they stick with your build.
Radiance it is a good place to test. a glass cannon, extremely light, cheetah and BFs, studded wheels are better, you will end up with a racing build with reaction times that no combat build can match, don-t be hang up with a drone cab, if you have any, try that cab that have acceleration has perk, i mean from my usual builds, from my usual drone builds.
I had this for the first radiance operation
I did good in PVP with it. a couple of MVPs and Unyielding and third places, ugly but functional.
The last time radiance was on, i used this, a more artsy looking build and i will use it again
instead of Yonwang, why not sparks.
Whirls, cyclones , eh. They feel sluggish, heavy, they are kinda of slow, Cyclones to feel good they need time and sustain.
You could try AC62s, my favourite of the three.
General speaking, 10 K is just like 6 K but a bit better, it is like having the same build but without as many limitations as the 6 K has.
saying that, my 8K build…Spitfires had glorious ROF, before the nerfs, they felt like heavy machine guns, my favourite SGs to this day.
Man, stick with what you like.
You know what? I play Caucasus, you know why? For those days i don-t feel like it.
In those days my favourite pastime is doing raids in rock city or founders canyon, stay put in one place and just transverse to the left or to the right and shoot like my build was a turret
Fuzes are a class higher than Sidekicks, so they face a bit more diverse enemies, but I think both are fine in their class. I wouldn’t expect Sidekicks to perform very well at 9K, but the Fuze does OK. It probably wouldn’t without the Cheetah-Bigfoot combo though. They reload too slow otherwise.
Also, since the Fuze is a suicide bomber, the co-driver Falcon’s “Recon Drones” skill seems to be more helpful than anything R-Type 52 has to offer, and makes a significant difference.
So no, other than both having wheels, they don’t play very similarly. Fuses sort of want you to poop and scoot. Any kind of win needs you to spam the hell out of them too, so the Cheetah-Bigfoot combo seems important,
If they deployed from a box instead of a platform, I might build with them more often. I did like the Owl and the falcon for the Ravager brawls though.
Now that the Fuzes are performing better, I don’t have a problem with *any of the drones, but most of them don’t seem to perform well at 9K. I’m a little surprised that Fuzes do. Like I said, they sure didn’t before…now I wonder if those Sidekicks have improved any. I still wouldn’t expect those to perform well at 9K either.
My main gripe about Sidekicks is that they tend to not pay attention to their surroundings very well. Falcons are indeed better at that. I might build something with a flying drone as an auxiliary weapon. IDK…I’m not playing anything at all if I’m sitting in a queue all night, though, That needs to change.
- I’ve never used a launchable drone.
I meant, fuses and sidekicks in the sense of acting poorly pursuing something.
At first when i tried sidekicks was only one with 3 hawks…i liked it.
when i used all sidekicks in a build i had to adapt to them instead of going after something, you have to stick in there with them, they suck hunting down. At first and often i start hunting down only to realise my drones were back there and too late to engage on time
I spam whatever drones i have for a long time, if my drone are doing work i-m running in circles, if i’m capping, i-m running in circles.
The problem with flying drones, they are extremely easy to shoot down, sidekicks can be run over but they act independently of each other and they end up in angles not so easy to be taken down.
I never used fuses before, their reputation it is not the best.
I’m thinking of fusing Puncher, BFs for weight and traction, the cab for mass limit, my sidekicks for range and activation time and cheetah for power.
But trying other drones never cross my mind…maybe the new ones.
Sidekicks can perform nicely where they are, around 7 K.
The Fuzes hunt good. Much better than the Sidekick.
they are too slow, they don’t shoot.
flying drones are slightly slow than whatever build you may have, in the sense if you mount a shield on a light cabin they will be out of the shield, but they are as fast as your build.
I may try it, but i look at them and…
And they are epic, too much for what they worth, as grenadiers, and howls
Ya, Fuzes were completely worthless until just recently. I haven’t even tried my Grenadier in about a month, and only briefly then, because I am under the assumption that they are still worthless, but IDK.
For a while I was trying a mixture of the spider drones and grenadiers, and it worked ok. The spider drone laser helped the grenadier accomplish more.
Fuze drones are the only ground drones that don’t try to follow your own build, and I wish the others worked like that.
I do appreciate how they are not as easily distracted as the others, and with a good radar, a cab fused for extended radar detection, and the co-driver Falcon, they seem very alert and determined.
What cab are u using with your Fatums?
I have a bigfoot cheetah fatum build but im running it on the muninn cab so i get even faster spawns of drones when i use the muninn special ability which also makes them better drones for a bit.
I also have an Averter on that build and am always running grizzly to help keep my build alive longer.
I have a similar build but i got rid of the Averter and added a Jackie to speed muninn up. I have it attached to 2 of the 3 fatums, the cheetah, and the cab so im really taking advantage of all 3 of jackies gifts to a build. The bigfoots really help give that clearance for under mounting stuff on module nodes.
I also have versions of these builds where i switch out the fatums for Annihilator’s.