Out Of Order

I’m getting old…i still remember when drones were the meta and that’s their main problem, like so many of yesteryear weapons.
Caucasus, there’s another example, i’m of the time where they were good but i was very new and low PS to this game to understand that.
Nests, i was away when they were good.
I do like them, the concept of them but… Caucasus goes for the cab, instead of going to the centre mass, instead of going after taking chunks of the other build it goes for the HP of the other build.
I just checked Falcon, it only gives more detection radius, R2D2 gives much more bang for the buck, drones wise
I personally haven’t used ranged weapons and i tested Falcon, it’s the most useless co-driver i have.
Grizzly, it’s a nerfed Master Jack, but now i can put in the field builds as tanky as before without either of them.
So far my favourite co-drivers are the R2D2 ( not only for the drones themselves but allows me to use whatever cab without missing perks )
And Billie ( very noticeable if you use him in your build vs if you don’t and it’s pretty strait forward, without convoluted ways to put him to work ).
Radars :
I don’t know how Fuses work and i will not pretend i do but as far as my experience goes ( turrets, falcons, hawks, sidekicks, Caucasus).
A simple Ruby will do, it covers the max range of the drones and weapons mentioned above.
I tried with a Keen, 600 meters of detection radius and i saw no change in their behaviour nor with a built in radar radius cab ( my Storm chaser ).
Or you fuse the weapons or anything above ruby is a waste if you are going after firing range.

I will try those spiders with auroras, grenadiers were ok 6 months ago or so, but they nerf them, Owls i heard a lot they are too slow and miss a lot.
I’m foundling with the idea to return to SGs, even with the spread changes, i reckon it would not make a difference at point blank distance

Exactly. This is good for Fuzes.

I use an Oculus with them. Never used one before. But now my fuzes hunt down enemies very nicely. They didn’t behave this well when I used a Ruby, despite it having twice the range. IDK why. I have no idea. Maybe it was the update and it has nothing to do with the radar or co-driver, but IMO Wall-E was never much help with wheeled drones, and Falcon has always worked better for them, as far as helping them not get lost and wander around.

I’m telling you, they take off like hounds.

One thing I recently noticed is that Falcon’s radar detection skill, is called “Recon Drones,” and the Oculus has a perk described as “Recon data transfer zone radius 150 m.” The hell if I know what that actually means. Neither Falcon or the Oculus profile gives a description of what “Recon” means in this context, but maybe it accounts for my Fuze’s heightened acuity. IDK.

Regardless, you’re right, Fuzes aren’t that great for their power-score, and require a lot of extra BS to make work even marginally. It’s not a great drone for it’s class. There is just so much crap at 9K that dwarfs them.

I really don’t care for 9K, but I’m glad to have the Fuzes doing better so I can actually play this game, and not sit in endless queues waiting for matches at a lower power-score. I don’t consider it to be very good gaming though. I want it to be, but it’s not what I was after when I started playing Crossout.

This isn’t even “Crossout,” IMO. It’s “Supercharged 2.0,” and I think it’s an inferior game. I preferred Crossout, and this is just what’s left of it. What can I do? IDK. It is what it is; usually dysfunctional one way or the other.

As you can see, the Wally-E is the bread and butter to the drones.

As long you stay in 35 meters of your drones.
the perk charges if you stay within 60 meters and works if you stay within 35 meters.

So, that means you are like a SGunner with shitty weapons, but given the opportunity and time, the drones can do the job vs regular opponents.
The problem, often you really don’t have that chance.

Passive perks wise this co-driver is very useful also.

Most droners for what i’ve seen, just launch them and go outside that said ranges, they don’t enjoy of this perks.

Now, we are discussing things without knowing ( at least me )

Wheeled drones have the same speed in a strait line? Or are some faster than others?
Have they have the same range limit or there are some with longer range than other?

I’m going to test my aggressor + Keen + Co-driver Falcon, to see if any of my drones go after something past 100 meters which seems to be the max range for a normal drone/Caucassus
without radar is just 50 meters.

Oculus transfer thing, probably means your team mates don’t need a radio to receive your info or you don’t need a radio, but as like you i really don’t know either.

IDK if Falcon really works that great for any other drone but the Fuze. For example the Sidekick has a habit of returning to your vehicle the second you push “W,” while the Fuze has no intention of returning once it locates a target. So, for the Sidekick the extra range doesn’t make a big difference. It’s going to want to drive under your wheels all the time anyway, plus you sort of want it to not wander off too far and leave you defenseless.

Ya, I know…sort of. I mean it’s better than nothing, and for turrets it helps a little. Nothing seems to be strong enough to help Sidekicks though.

A 10% increase in drone durability is almost worthless. If that skill was “increased radar range” I think it’d be more useful. Drones just don’t have enough durability for a 10% increase to mean very much, IMO. It means nothing at 9K, but the activation time boost is nice.

For every other drone, besides the Fuze, I usually go with Wall-E. But, for Fuzes, I prefer Falcon for the increased radar range.

I have a higher PS tracked build using Muninn, and the perk definitely helps. But I enjoy playing drones more with light cabins, so I made a low PS car with Bat, and a mid PS version with Harpy.

The drones respawn pretty quickly when their perk is triggered, so the extra ammo from those cabins is useful.

I tried them with Photon, but as far as I can tell, the perk didn’t work with the drone lasers. If anyone else is able to test it, I would love to know for sure. It was hard to test on the range.

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Nothing’s changed. Still crap queues.

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Photon cabin will add increase damage to heated parts, the spider heats targets, maybe if you use something to punch into heated parts…


sadly, my report of my tests

test 1
Puncher + Keen radar ( 600 m of detection ) + Falcon ( co-driver ) + sidekicks

Nothing past 100 m. As i said Ruby, the rest is waste. Maybe Maxwell.

test 2
Storm chaser
cab with built in radar (200 m ) + keen radar + Falcon ( co-driver ) + Hawks

Again, nothing

test 3
Storm chaser
cab with built in radar (200 m ) + keen radar + Falcon ( co-driver ) + almost every drone i have ( i left falcon out )

And nothing

test 4
Storm chaser
cab with built in radar (200 m ) + keen radar + Falcon ( co-driver ) + a Caucasus


With radar whatever may be, whatever perk you have in the cab , on the co-driver the max range is 100 m, the only way these weapons will go above that max limit is if you fuse them and they will shoot at 115 m or 117 m.
A single chord could outperform this all bunch and more.

I’m not suggesting you use Falcon with anything other than the Fuze…but maybe I should run my own tests. I could be wrong. Maybe Wall-E works better for them too, but I didn’t think it did.

Falcon is completely useless for drones, his single perk, the one you mentioned, it doesn’t work for the drones i have and tested.
As the built in radar, and the majority of radars.
Sidekicks only return to you if the target gets destroyed or you leave a given radius of engagement , if you disengage the drones will follow you and reengage the closer target to you.
This is why they don’t engage the target i’m aiming for, cause there is a closer target in those times.
Unlike flying drones, once you launch them there’s an invisible “cap” for them and they don’t leave that bubble , in those times where there’s nothing they will engage up to 100 meters, if you want to keep them working the best you will have to go with them to stay under 35 meters from your sidekicks.
If you drop them and go away, then you are just wasting drones, they will not do much.
I don’t know fuzes but they must work in the same principle, for them to lock on a target, the target must be within 50 meters or 100 meters from them…and from you.
While durability perk is nothing if you stay within 35 meters from your target you could enjoy from the activation time reduction (20%) and a delay before attacking reduction (10 % ).
And in terms of being dumb, Fuzes take the cake, they are extra crispy dumb ( at least is the impression i have of them ) with a major handicap…they are epic, for what they are…idk.
special drones are so much more reliable. Or they feel like it.

Man, i’m open to suggestions.
when you spoke of Falcon, i already did the radar tests in a while.
But i could be wrong about it, i didn’t use Falcon then, maybe was the missing piece of the puzzle to make the drones and Caucasus shot past 100 meters.
It’s sad when a single chord can outperform special and epic weapons ( clearly chords are too OP ).

BTW, if you are going to test things, could you test the speed fuze vs sidekick ?

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The Fuze appears to be much faster.

The spider drones work just like Aurora, which means they heat and do damage. So you shouldn’t need to mix another weapon in there, and besides, it only buffs damage from energy weapons to heated parts.
So in theory it should buff the spider drone damage significantly, but I didn’t see any evidence of that in my testing. But it’s hard to test drones, as they have their own mind and don’t attack consistently.
My theory is that they aren’t buffed by Photon because their guns aren’t actually attached to your build. Or maybe it’s a bug. Or maybe my testing wasn’t accurate.

Fuze drones behave differently from the other wheeled drones. Other wheeled drones will try to stay near your build, even if they are currently targeting an enemy. So you need to keep circling your victims to prevent the drones from wandering out of range.
Fuze drones will find an enemy and drive towards them, mostly ignoring whatever you’re doing. This allows you to play them more like turrets: drop them and run.

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Yes, poop and scoot. They are maybe the most cowardly of all play-styles, and probably work best if coupled with a cloaking device. I watched a guy demolish nearly the entire enemy team sneaking around like that (t’was a long time ago, in the before times).

Also, at the higher power-scores, I’m finding cowardly is the only way to use the Fuze, because everybody’s weapons are just too powerful for close encounters. Usually the routine at 5K is to deploy the drones and run decoy for them, distract the enemy, sponge damage, and try to tear kid’s wheels off. That crap don’t appear to fly at 9K and up.

The higher up I go, the more meet and defeat it gets until it’s full-on peekabu mode, where everybody’s is completely terrified of the enemy. I presume that’s also why active melee gets less popular the higher up you go.

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I don’t think cowardly really means anything in a combat game. Best way to not get shot is for the enemy not to see you until it’s too late. No shame in that.

I’d rather be a coward than dead.

And yes, as you go higher in PS, the more cautious players are, which can be both good and bad. When most guns do lots of damage, you need to be a lot more careful to not get shot.

Melee is less effective as a result, although in the competitive modes close range becomes more relevant, because four person teams can’t cover each other as effectively as bigger teams. But if they stay grouped up, it can be very frustrating for close range players, as they’re dead meat if their victim’s teammates defend them properly.

then it might work for me.
I drop them,
i wait a bit?
I go in, people shoot my build
the drones do their thing while i go out to the next target.
I drop them
I go in
People shoot…
or i can do just like sandbland, i make them drop inside some sort of bucket turn to the next guy.
here, hold this for a second, pls.

other thing

you must be runing the wally E, because those drones are clearly under the perks influence ( the empty blue balls ) is that symbol you want to see when you are in combat

It’s not about coward or not, you don’t really use the perks if you act like that, to use the co-driver at the fullest you need to remain near the drones (35 meters )

At least was the JBRrider explanation in one of his vids ( around the time fatum was released )
Why don’t you test the photon cab with…let’s say 3 sidekicks, then, after that, the same cab with the 2 sidekicks and a fatum, to see if the damage numbers go up or not in comparison with the first set up

That’s why the drone copilot isn’t great with Fuze drones, as they don’t naturally want to stay near you. But I think the copilot also buffs the drone reload, which is good with them, as you want to be continually spamming those little bomb cars.

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That still wouldn’t answer it. Even if Photon worked with the drones, it wouldn’t buff the sidekick damage, because they aren’t energy weapons.
But it might still do more damage, because the Fatum’s heating will still buff the Sidekick damage, no matter what cabin you use.

The only real way to test it is to run only Fatums with Photon, and then with a different cabin that doesn’t buff damage. I tried that, but the damage was so different with each attempt that I couldn’t say for sure if the cabin was buffing them. However, I didn’t detect any boost, and tried a bunch of times before giving up.