PC-Crossout Day Drone locations + Favourite Drone and Reward!

i only played the event when i need the 7 drones and the brawl,and i put the screen shot up right after,it wasn’t very long to find it,and i didn’t know what it was…i was like ‘oh look,balloons’! :rofl:

Well i did like 30 events and still no luck for me…guess they don’t like me as much cause im such a jerk hahaha.

Its the guy at the edge who fires off fireworks not a driver.

Wait, do we need to honk at the guy in the ship, or one of the cars?
I think I got the balloon drone yesterday, but didn’t get anything when I honked at the ship.

Ur not a jerk smash you just get attacked by jerks and that makes you one as well. Nothing personal. You do sell low for everyone and is the friendly wasteland tow truck man but still smash you are a jerk for the gamertag name its too jerk like. Haha.

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Look for the six fraggs man he drove through my wall i hope he fixes it with something cool. But i do like how he spray painted the grass red where he went #1 and # 2. Toilets are hard to come by in the wasteland. At least i don’t see a golden throne laying around.

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Six Frags,i never seen this till yall mentioned it.lol.so heres a pic…i never honked to get the drone prize…and i just honked and got nothing…

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Did you just forget to swap accounts?

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On the old Xbox forum you would have threads that had like 10 replies with no one but the same person talking back and forth with themself.

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Good on ya for posting drone locations, good luck and happy hunting to all.

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Yep, we also had people that had no interest in fame balance and would constantly lie in the hope their crutches weren’t nerfed

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Its how i entertain everyone including myself lol. Since everyone likes to fight and argue i figured i would do it to myself haha.


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I am starting to suspect that this is some kind of a timed item, as in you can only start getting it towards the end of the event or something and it is artificially being kept away from players currently, because 1. I don’t see anyone having it and 2. there are no builds in the exhibition that have this, usually with parts like this someone would have uploaded a build to the exhibition by now to brag about it or driving around in Bedlam with it so something is going on.

I have done well over 100 battles by now (10-30 battles per sitting, 3 sittings per day) and 9/10 of those people manage to find all 3 drones that seems to be the maximum limit as to how many spawn per a round so even with a spawn rate as low as 4% I should have seen some by now, but I have never seen any, even with honking at Caligari and him mentioning the drone in dialogue and then going right away to do the event

Might be less than 4%, but then, it’s just luck… Anyway, 4% doesn’t mean that after 25 times, you are guaranteed to see one… even after 100 times, it’s still 4% each time you enter… so…

But, to encourage you to keep going, I got my hubcap on the first day. Wasn’t sure why at the time but there was a pop up screen with the reward after the battle. Only after reading up here, I realized that I picked up the balloons drone.

So keep it up and you’ll get one.
I for one like the fact that it’s hard, so the hubcap keeps some of it uniqueness.

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This also means players who would want that item will leave the game. if they can’t get it anyway, why bother playing?

You mean to say that players would leave the game over not getting a customization item like a hubcap? :open_mouth:
Those players wouldn’t stick long to the game anyway since they are not here for the gameplay then obviously.

I can safely bet on anyone who actually loves the game might be a little sad over not being lucky on a trivial thing like a hubcap, but will definitely keep playing.
On the other hand, having rare hard to get things motivates players into trying to get something that will be unique, rather than it being handed to everyone and losing value.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

GTA V and Minecraft with no unique rewards beg to differ.

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Here is what I think could help with that reward.

Get a bunch of friends. Join the battle together. Search the map in a coordinated manner.

If other players mess with your search, eliminate them together.

That is very true.
But, I think the players in those and this games are not the same character of players.
People there are mostly younger, impatient, like having things handed out to them. The new generation of gamers who are used to ‘watch a video to get this elite hero’…
Crossout is more of an mature audience. I takes nerves and will and strives for realism in it’s sci-fi idea… It’s not one of those -Run on foot shooting at the entire police precinct and tanks with an AK because I’m such a cool gangsta’.

The one game that used to do it right was World of Warcraft BEFORE IT TOO became a kindergarten for the new type of gamer. You’d do a 2-3 hour raid once per week (lock out period) for a 1% chance of a unique mount drop, which THEN had to be awarded to one of the 20 people…
But having that mount was a thing to show off. It had value because it was rare that you see someone have it.