PC..Nerf Bots already.make players part of this game Again

Nothing wrong with what you said…but you are missing the point too.
We are talking about PATROL here, it’s a practice run, lower rewards, no fuel., easier battles ( at least it’s what it says in the tin)
I’m testing a new build, new weapon (special), i expect a practice run, to test things and stuff, it’s a 10 k prototype with issues, never meant to battle it out with relics in the field, i don’t even know which cannon i can go against.
Last two battles.
I was killed by a bot with a ECHO cabin and dual Scorpions
I was killed by a wedge with 3 or 4 Jormungadr
And don’t forget the rest.
Earlier i did some raids and i found out i’m shooting too high (shooting angles are not great).

Again, we are talking about patrol here, it shouldn’t be needed to study the bots, they should be canon fodder

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They are if you understand their aggro rules and behavior. They do not improvise or make mistakes. You do Y, they’ll always do X. There are ways to reset their aggro, to prevent them from shooting you or your team, or to bait them, that are guaranteed wins.


Stealth is an easy 1pt reset


It’s even easier in lower Powersports where most of the Bots do not have radars. Just jump behind a rock and they completely forget you exist. LOL

You are making sense…but it’s just PVE… or should be just PVE, nothing “serious”, nothing meanful or substantially.
A Low level mode.

I get in on all 8 kills and still lose MVP to a bot!

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Speaking of which, I wish normal/hard raids had less tanky/damaging opponents, but way more of them. I’m sre we’re nowhere near the max amount of parts in raids.

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I don’t mind the Bots making Patrols less of an easy mode. I think it improves the mode for better use as practice and for testing. It takes stress to test a system, and the previous bots were just too easy. You could pwn them with anything at all. Now, you need to be careful. Bad builds and bad strategies no longer fly like they used to in Patrols, and these new bots will rightfully send you back to the drawing board if you’re sloppy, just like an organic team will.

I think it’s a good thing that if you can do well in Patrols, then maybe we’ll be be better prepared for PVP.

Maybe the Bots ought to start talking trash in chat too. I think that’d be funny. I might even turn my chat back on for that.


I tend to agree with you, with the huge and obvious caveat that bots require one strategy while humans require a completely different one. I even use different builds to “farm” patrol vs. when I’m using it as a testing ground.

A build to “farm” patrol can have weapons mounted right up on top fairly well unprotected. That won’t work in PVP.

As for strategies… LOL Nothing needs to be said about the AI. We all know. :rofl: I do think it’s gotten better, though.

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Ya, the power-score disparity is another thing that live players will use much more advantageously than Bots. I’m less concerned about the disparity in Patrols as I am in PVP.

I’ve seen plenty of wonky behavior from the organics in PVP too, but ya, I know what you mean…but still. You’ve seen those guys, right? they’ll go hide behind a rock instead of play, abandon you after you rescue them, they’ll all drive in separate directions on their own, got no wheels (WTF?). I can make a list, but I know you know what I mean.

The Bots are loyal, good shots, watch the map (so you don’t have to),and maybe foolhardy…and sometimes they just bang their heads on the wall…but I kinda do that too sometimes. Maybe they’re just frustrated with all the stupid humans, and are having a nervous breakdown too. :smile:


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You walk on pretty thin ice here good doctor :laughing:

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Played a match this morning on the crater map where a dude sat behind a rock up on the hill “sniping” players in the middle of the crater 200 meters away.

He had shotguns. :no_mouth:

I only know he was doing this because the rest of us were dead & he was the last survivor. I’ll let you speculate on how successful he was in clinching the 4 on 1 he was dealt.

If nothing else, they’re fairly predictable. I can utilize predictability. I cannot utilize a shotgun sniper. :rofl:


umm… :crazy_face:

I can’t help but notice that the strongest “players” in that match are all bots.


I think it makes for a great answer to “Where’s my team?” In PVP, I think it’s nice to finally have reliably competent mates to take some of the heat off the various hit-squads, META monsters, and lost randoms making “team-work” a rarity there.

Or, maybe it adds to it, but I don’t think so. I think some kids just aren’t used to getting mercilessly pwnd by the system. Welcome to the club, I say. You’re late. The rolling papers are on the table and the beer is in the fridge.

Apparently(?), nobody likes the Crossout Deep State dictating their wins and loses for them, but I think a lot of people would argue that such a thing never happens. Tin-foil hats and all that, so whatever. Call me paranoid, but I think that’s what’s going on to some degree.

I also think this is the developers way of smoothing over complaints other players have had about how difficult PVP can be due to no team-work, hit-squads, and the META. I think it solves a lot of that, or is an attempt to.

I haven’t done a Raid in a long time, but I’m hearing the Bots are pretty tough there as well, if not harder to deal with than the ones in PVP. IDK. I do know that in the past I’ve seen players steam-roll that mode with exploits of one kind or the other, so maybe it’s an attempt to curtail that as well.

As for Patrols, I don’t see any issue at all with ganking Bots for resources. I did a few last night (damn Cannon Challenge), and I strolled through it at a very low power-score, and MVP’d all over myself. I actually thought they may have had the Bots nerfed it was so casual and effortless.

Maybe that would have changed if I had brought a more threatening rig with a bit more cow bell on it. IDK what the variables are, but I get the impression there are some. Sometimes I think maybe if you are actively trying to fulfill a challenge the match maker via the Bot Shadow Syndicate will throw you soft pitches, but you know…tin-foil hats and all that, so whatever. I do think the difficulty gets ratcheted up one way or the other as you begin to glut yourself on resources.

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Well, Firestarters and Lucatics have been a little thorns in my backside but other than that it’s not a big deal. Depending on the raid goal and map, of course.

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you said all of ‘that’ For This—“I can’t help but notice that the strongest “players” in that match are all bots.”
‘hint’ the topic is ‘nerf bots in PVP’

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I’m curious now, and think that I have a proper moment right now to go explore that, and I will.

I used to like raids…and I would like to see some new maps for those. It gets tedious. Of all the improvements they’ve made to the game, new maps are the ones I appreciate the most, and wish they would do more of them. The reason I logged off early last night was the repetitive maps. I know they have more maps to offer, and I get bored with being sent to the same three over and over.


Maybe there’s a reason the Bots are so strong, which I gave, and I don’t necessarily agree that they should be nerfed, and was also addressing the topic directly. Or maybe you prefer empty conjecture, like “Bots too hard. Me no like.”

I can try that in the future. I do realize I can be too wordy. Sorry.