PC..Nerf Bots already.make players part of this game Again

It still is but the bots are slightly tougher. I actually have to move around in order to survive in my 1500 dura vehicle :laughing:

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Or ā€˜Me Smash Botsā€™ā€¦

itā€™s about bots in PVP taking away from the playerā€¦ā€˜thatā€™s allā€™

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OK, Iā€™ll just say, BS. Because reasons.

I need to save this reply and use it more often.

It is all people in this forum read anyways.


they read what you write completely wrong and post something off the wall.

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Or, they write slanted, impotent, and indirect insults like that and then pretend they didnā€™t, but ya, it seems like a solid generic response. You can use that if you likeā€¦the portrait too.

It might also help to realize that some people are just here to vent, donā€™t need the vultures, and this game actually is frustrating and off-balance sometimes too. Iā€™m sure itā€™s different up there on Mount Olympus, but down here where us mere mortals live, there are a variety of issues and one balm doesnā€™t suit all injury, so I like to use a variety of responses. Life is nuanced.

Iā€™m sure the topic-nazi will be here shortly to set us both back on trackā€¦soā€¦

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Not sure Iā€™m allowed to respond, since this is slightly off topic (still about bots though) and not about PVP, which has so many issues, I donā€™t know how people even see the Bots as much of an issue through it all, but I did some raids, and I didnā€™t really have any issues with it. I donā€™t do Hard Raids, because I canā€™t carry the team and got sick of loosing as a result, but Regular and Easy Raids were both actually pretty enjoyable. I havenā€™t done that in a while, and I think I might have had fun. I got a few MVPs, so thatā€™s hard complain about.

One thing I noticed, was that people in both easy and regular raids were using ridiculously high power-scores to achieve their results. IDK if that could be some of the issue people are having, but I donā€™t think anybody needs to roll into an Easy Raid at PS 11K. Seems like over kill to me, and maybe thatā€™s what is calling out the Death-Bots.

The Lunatics in the Regular Raid I did were always encouraging me to keep moving about, threatening to Kamakazi, and that was a bit thorny, but Iā€™m usually in something fast and furious so itā€™s right up my ally. I sort of like that stuff.

Also, I was using the Catalina, which when it first came out, I assumed was designed for raids in particular, because of its perk. Itā€™s fast and has an accumulating buff that to me seems perfect for raids. Maybe itā€™s OP? IDK. I sure like it for raids though.

I enjoy whatever added difficulty Bots have brought to both Patrols and Raids (so far), and like you, I donā€™t think itā€™s that big of a dealā€¦in my Catalina anyway. Iā€™m sure different users get different results.

As for PVP (on topic), I think itā€™s such a mess that the enhanced Bots are pissing into the ocean, as far as discomforting imbalances go. If there is actually a problem, then perhaps itā€™s because they are detecting seal-clubs, bottom feeders, and over eaters, and there is an attempt being made to even the score by buffed bots who target players. I certainly have experienced bots getting fixated on me and chasing me about, but then players do the same thing, so whatever. I donā€™t think itā€™s any worse than anything else in PVP.

Seriously though, the developers ought to write them some trash talk for the chat box, just to make them more like the playersā€¦they could say nice things too, I suppose.

I do feel it is the way they improved bots (ha-ha Punisher bot makes Scorp sealclubber go singed a$$) so overall I like them. I donā€™t like all designs but some of them are pleasant enough.

PvE bots have changed only with new resistances and all. If you got the hang of it, you wonā€™t suffer from that.


Just anecdotalā€¦ Iā€™m playing on the laptop via StarLink. Data speeds are really good, but the laptop is not great for PVP. It just doesnā€™t have the resolution my home PC has spoiled me with.

Alas, Iā€™ve attempted anyway.

4 matches in a row with the top players being bots and the last one with the top 8 players being bots. Literally.
My 9k machine gun build has no chance against those dual retcher hovers. What are those? 13k? 11k?

Iā€™d rather to 4 on 4 with humans than this trash.

No screenshotsā€¦ the laptop doesnā€™t auto-record like the PC.

Iā€™m running pretty hot and cold about this game, myself. One day itā€™s great, the next itā€™s garbage, and itā€™s always a mystery as to why. Whales can easily spout the ā€œadaptā€ mantra, because their inventory allows them to chase all the buff/nerf cycles with relative ease, but I have a hellava time with it. So tired of the open beta.

All I really want are new maps. I could have easily lived without 2.0 and beyond.


Oh yeah, my 106000 coins inventory, and itā€™s gonna be more when I end the BP! I also want to buy a second Yokai, but Iā€™m too lazy so Iā€™ll just farm a little and sell a little.

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You tend to sell gear youā€™re not using, right?
I sometimes think the game favours people like me, who tend to hold on to gear even when weā€™re not using it. With every update, something I own thatā€™s been collecting dust gets some kind of buff, so I donā€™t really have to chase anything anymore.

Iā€™m still always grinding towards something, but I never feel much urgency about it anymore. Like I decided a while ago I wanted to try the typical double harvester build, so I spent a few weeks grinding out a second harvester. But in the meantime, I had lots of weapons that had recent changes, so I just explored the changes while accumulating resources.
Not sure what I want to get next. Maybe another couple augers, so I can see how the new engine works with six auger builds. Or maybe get myself another aegis prime and see if I can fit it into some art builds. Iā€™m still pissed off that I sold mine, but the market prices were too tempting for me to resist at the time.

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I sell anything thatā€™s not fused - this is why I have to fuse everything to force me to keep it.


must be nice to sell things on consoleā€¦
on pc the price drops by 100 coin a minute as soon as you post itā€¦ā€˜not a lieā€™ :crazy_face: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Maybe these are the bots that need to be nerfed on PC?

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The first time I regretted selling something, I stopped doing it.

Iā€™m fairly well stocked on double modules for the next upgrade event.

Iā€™d rather grind out more storage than sell something and regret it. Maybe growing up poor has tainted me logic

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i donā€™t mind bots for fill ins,but when they take away a players points and patches, they gone too far :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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ā€œnerf botsā€

My games: 4 players and 12 bots

Yeah I think itā€™s a bit late for that :pensive: Back to Jagged Alliance 3!

i bumped xoguys thread and now this one tooā€¦

someone on my team asked "is Daniel a bot? " this speaks volumes.

this is insane botism :crazy_face: