Planned Avalanche Super Buff

Yea but you can’t outfit 2 mammoths with a omamori or fit it unto the front of the kronos while you can do that with the avalanche. You can also armour up the avalanche with loads of bumpers and what not for even more protection. On my avalanche build i got the sides covered with train plows and even more bumpers on the front, it rarely gets shot up if i play my cards right.

This is what we should all be hoping for. Having a single legendary weapon be viable is healthy for the game. It lowers the cost of entry for newer players. That is also why I would like to see crickets, locusts, flutes, incins, and maybe a few other epics be CW worthy again in a more mainstream way (none of these have a direct legendary or relic version).


That’s actually a very good point regarding the traverse speed and weapon’s spread.

@Claysdad @Steel_Artist 10/10 posts too. I’m concerned about overpen too, and agree that the game needs more legendaries viable at top level. Some designs lends themselves to it (cricket naturally hits harder against bigger, slower targets). I’d love to see devs realize how good that is for balance, and work on similar weapons. Acari comes to mind (could very well be buffed and have its efficiency against levis reduced by a %)

I agree. There’s a guy in my clan who’s holding his own and getting uranium with nothing but 2 Hammerfalls and 2 Retchers. He wouldn’t be able to play Crossout if those weapons didn’t overperform.

There has to be some very cheap and very good weapons that new players can buy and do decently well in clan battles. On Xbox, those weapons are: Hammerfalls (Need 2) Retchers (Need 2) Destructors (Need 3) Nothungs/Arbiters (Need 3) Kaiju (Need 1) Incinerators (Need 2) Draco (Need 3).

Draco might be the best legendary in the game right now and I highly recommend it for any new player who is looking for a bargain.

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My builds can withstand a few avalanche hits, but there’s a big but, if they are hit in the right place.
My medium build, Puncher it’s my most resilient medium build to date.
It can withstand two direct hits from avalanche and still maintain some combat capabilities.
Currently i’m happy with the behaviour of my builds but it’s only just.
And this is me, i build to face this type of things, plenty of people don’t.
And as is i must confess that will be hard to follow such buffs.

What i’m trying to say is, regardless of what weapon receive a buff, I’m seeing a tendency of weapons released above epics, i’m not seeing rare or specials and i think epics are on very scarce release.
The increase of powerful ( one shot kind of weapon) maybe not in the best interest of the game

I’m thinking I might finally try Echo. Seems like it would handle the extra mass and still give me a reload boost when I need it most.

I just brushed the dust bunnies off my echo build and did pretty bad. Main thing messing me up is the turn speed which don’t make for a very fun experience, if they addressed that then id be happy with the avalanche.


Replace Cheetah with Oppressor?

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That was painful to watch.

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He’s mostly getting trolled by decor. It’s definitely one of the reasons why peekaboo ava sucks. I tend to lock my weapons to avoid that, but heard you guys can’t do it on consoles.

At least the avalanche didn’t get shot off but I finds the avalanche very difficult to aim with so I missed a lot of shots and missed opportunities and if it had a faster rotation speed I’m sure my accuracy would improve no doubt.

The rotation is slow too but to have the final aim correction even kick in you have to come to a full stop and not move the gun from the target to get the crosshair to shrink for actually accuracy improvement. Otherwise your kind of just shooting quick off the hip.

I doubt the Oppressor would help as he’s not getting near the speeds that it’s perk really works at.

I think it was a fair illustration of what the devs comment is referring to. All the landed shots were close range. While the few opportunities for midrange shots where targets were in good visibility ended up missing.

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with a controller, just try to get into using a mouse, youll never regret it.

I can use keyboard and mouse too I just prefer controller with backbuttons. I can use keyboard and mouse for short periods but i finds it gets tiring having your hands set in a fixed position for hours on end. With regards to aiming my aim is good, reason I was missing shots is because of the slow weapon rotation speed of the avalanche making it harder to do micro adjustments.

I think using hovers might make it too hard to keep your vehicle still enough to have enough accuracy.
Omniwheels work really well, and I’ve had some luck with Atoms as well.

I’m gonna do one with atoms i think, i think that would be a good choice if your using bind to camera.

It was 25 blocks when I tested it in test drive, back when the weapon released. And it was 27.5 blocks with the +blast radius upgrade (which was later replaced with the +penetration upgrade). And yes, I mean the radius, not the diameter.

But perhaps in the case of the Avalanche, the blast radius doesn’t result in as much damage in practice as could be inferred from this big number. So I guess it could seem disappointing sometimes. I wouldn’t really know, because I haven’t used it much. One time, an Avalanche shell hit my Bastion spider in the frontal part of the cabin above the plow, but did zere damage. Must’ve been a glitch (I recorded that battle and was able to check what happened). Maybe there’s some issue with registering the Avalanche’s damage due to its huge blast radius and the cheap servers?

I happen to have an upgraded one from the BP I won in one of MajHerbHead’s streams. I’d upgraded a Deadman and built a car for this weapon weeks before that season, but I’ve never had much use for it. But this buff makes me want to test a helicopter… :smirk_cat: And I’ll definitely try it in helicopter raids, once we finally get those (mentioned in a dev stream, IIRC).

I hope the way canon aim works on helicopters would help with that.

So I’m not imagining the Retcher overperforms. Seems like a relic sold to the players as a legendary.

i was gonna say that would be broken on a master cabin. in pve that would be a god weapon there. hell youd probably never even lose it and it can tank alot of damage from enemies while restoring it with master cab. miss a shot? no problem! you got a fuck-a-tillion hp to spare and can restore it with the master cabin so long as you keep it pointed at the threat to absorb damage. bombs away!

The weapon needs its turn speed doubled and all of its bloom removed. Cannons all need their bloom removed. A weapon cannot be useful if it cannot engage the most dangerous enemy players who are all fast and evasive. This weapon’s downfall is the same of the Kaiju. CANT ENGAGE TARGETS IN FAST FIGHTS.


That is the number one biggest problem with the avalanche, I can’t hit anything so damage/durability buffs don’t mean much when your still missing 85% of your shots due to wonky controls.