Planned Avalanche Super Buff

unless your a bot with perfect aim! :crazy_face:

i used the avalanche a few times and the massive bloom on it is troublesome the problem with it is the shot is VERY slow at longer ranges and up close you need to be lucky to hit anything. it also has a long reload time and it has a hard fall off to. as much as i like the look and functionality of the avalanche, it just doesnt perform to well. miss one shot and your pretty much screwed if its not a direct hit. this cannon is so hard to use at long to medium range just due to the slow projectile speed.
the reload time can be off set a little by the hadron combined with a reload booster and a king but
 its just not really that usable. plus the issue when the update hits is going to be its weight. over 5000 kg
 thats the weight of two mastodons meaning if anything this thing can only be ran on a heavy cab.

The thing about the Avalanche is that it wasn’t meant for combat, it was meant for destruction of bridges to slow the advance of the allies during the tail end of World War II. While yes, the survivors of the wasteland use all sorts of things to make sure there’s no other survivors, the Avalanche is one of the more impractical ones.

I found that right now, the Avalanche is most viable on
 a helicopter. Run it with a stealth module and push out nice, fat, 380mm diameter steaming turds on top of the unsuspecting ground dwellers, then fly away before they can retaliate. The only problem with this is that the Avalance isn’t exactly a good weapon for dogfighting, and quite often that decides the outcome of the entire match, and not in my favour. I don’t think avalanche helis will be possible past the “”“”“”“buff”“”“”“”, either.

To be honest, I feel like the Avalanche being as awful as it is, and becoming arguably even worse, is happening for the same reason why they nerfed the Miller into the ground, and then again, and again, until it became unusable. Both were very accessible weapons, the battle pass allowed people to craft fused ones for quite cheap. People having access to viable weapons without paying at least a couple 10s of Euros goes against the religion of Gaijin (Mammon worship).

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really? so its intended purpose is not a tank destroyer but a bridge bomber? id honestly love to see one of these in action and to see how far it actually can fire.
JESUS! i looked up a documentary and information on this weapons and god DAMN that thing is scary lol. but something i find odd though is they said this weapon has thick armor in the description. in the video i watched they said this thing has incredibly thick armor as well and can fire at long ranges. imo i think the gun should get resistances to bullet, blast and explosion damage. its hp should be upped a bit more as well. its just my thoughts based on the amount of info i got on this and how thick the actual armor is on the real version of that gun. also the gun fired rocket propelled mortars. ROCKET PROPELLED. which means it SHOULD fire alot further then it does in game but
 a weapon that powerful
 i understand why they wouldnt lol.
still id love to see a gun in the game like the panzerwerfer where it fires these rockets with a strange sound effect when firing.

i actually used this before in warthunder when i played it on ps4. would be fun to have something like it in crossout. i know people are going to say “we have crickets!” well give them a mario mushroom and make them missiles bigger!

“over 5000 kg
 thats the weight of two mastodons meaning if anything this thing can only be ran on a heavy cab.”

Nah, all you need to do is craft a Hadron fused for +10% mass limit, craft Gerridas fused for -17% weight, and craft a Thor to replace the weighty Apollo in your build. Easy :smile:
And just like that, I think we have figured out the actual motivation behind this rebalance. They will probably buff the stats of a few more underperforming weapons and increase their weight to prevent them from being viable by themselves, then release a battlepass with a paywalled module that reduces the weight of parts connected to its power nodes.

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my hadron IS fused for mass limit which makes it have 15,180 mass limit.
why gerridas? and how many would you even use? (also gerridas are heavier then bigfoots somehow lol
i have a thor fused for mass from an event before.
even with the avalanche fused for mass -17% itll take it down to 4426 kg. on top of this your also needing the frames, the gerridas and ammo packs as well, you aint running this with only 10 default ammo.
idk you could make it work i suppose but it would be a pretty close one.

i wouldnt be surprised honestly
 that seems to be what their doing :confused:

They’re doing the avalanche because it’s not craftable, they will likely buff the kaiju, cryo legendaries and thyrsus too over time. These legendaries are able to be manipulated in crafting and mini passes.

With how slow it is on reload even with reload modules and cabs you don’t really need that much ammo to run it.

What universe are you living in, and can I come over for a visit?

I’m not going to disagree with any of the complaints about this gun, but personally I perform better with it than most of the other cannons.

But it needs to be on fast strafing parts that can come to a quick full stop, so I don’t think it works well on hovers.

I typically do most of my damage at close to medium range, so in some ways I use it more like a reload shotgun. But I also attempt a lot of longer range shots, and get lucky often enough.

Like any of the niche weapons, you just need to get obsessed with them for a while until you learn their quirks and advantages. Few are going to perform well with it the first day (or even week) they play it.

I like what they are doing to the Avalanche

I mostly use mine on tracks it makes returning to aim point easier as the recoil is large mostly rotation. If I don’t nudge the mouse all I have to do is rotate once I’ve keyed in a hit. Though getting that first hit can sometimes be sheer luck though with the avalanche as it is now.

i missed this but yeah what lockman said. you cant craft thors and they run up to 40k coins atm LOL so good luck getting one. im not paying the cost of a relic for one of those :crazy_face:

I’ve tried to get it to work on tracks, but have yet to succeed.

In the same universe where you can craft (fused) gerridas and hadrons.

Only on console, where market corridors are nonexistent. On PC they’re still only around 10K (I also don’t have that kind of cash

Is this a new kind of pay to win??