PLEASE Stop Changing the Steppe Cabin into Something It Isn't

The cynical part of me thinks you’re right. But I can hope otherwise. :sob:

I wouldn’t be surprised if something new comes out and it’s pack-only, but if I’m interested in it I’ll just buy it off the market.

Honestly, I’ll probably boycott buying anything in the future if they don’t make positive changes to the Steppe spider cabin. Because right now it’s just a huge F.U. to everyone who bought the Spider & Scorpion packs.

I’ve been refusing to buy packs or mini-BPs forever, but I wouldn’t call it a boycott.
I just buy things that seem like a better deal, like the real BPs.

This last mini-BP (for me personally) is :poop:
I’ll pass.

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I’ve been toying with buying the Wasteland mini pass to defuse my Stillwinds and sell them. Stillwinds sell for spun gold and I don’t use them much. I only used them as a range option in Levi wars on a Beholder hover because the perk is really good for smacking levis. Nowadays, those have been benched in favor of a Porc Acari build which is in meta right now.

Stillwinds in regular CBs are mostly a no go because there is so much Scorpion, dog, Kaiju and shotgun spam out there that I prefer my Cyclones as they can tank much more damage.

There are a lot of great guns that compete for the Autocannon/Machine Gun hover/Gerrida spider slot on your CW loadout. I have fused Destructors, Nothungs, Cyclones, Stillwinds and Helicons for this sort of weapon and Stillwinds are great but they are not clearly better than the alternatives.

I’ve been using crickets with it as I have 2 fused for projectile speed. With the original version of the perk change they made more sense via the damage reduction. I don’t really like to horse shoe builds so sandwiching them in is kind of more difficult for me. Self imposed restrictions on building style always makes things more difficult though.

The crickets work great with it I just can’t take any actual hits to the launchers lol… Which is why I was saying I’d really like to see some heavier (forward shooting) launchers. Snowfall is an option though I don’t really like them I’ve had them before. I just kind of find them too trigger slow and their range is a little low. I do have 2 upgraded waltzs but they much like the cricket are kind of glass cannon-ish.

I plan on moving it to legs later but right now I have it on 2 grinders:

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I’m hoping other people are thinking like you and it drives down the price of Stillwinds so I can buy a couple more.
I briefly considered the mini-BP just for the Stillwind, but I can’t justify spending real money on something I could grind out.

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I’m not gonna let this down. You guys had the opportunity to fix it with the latest patch.

Give spider players BACK their Spider Steppe cabin!


Umm no. After the next patch, when they change the Helicon perk mechanics, I’m going to need a Steppe cab or 5 for a rocket hover build. Spider players can content themselves with Nova and heavy cabs. Nobody liked or used Spider cab since Battlepass 2. It was just a Nova cab with worse stats and no shield.

It’s not called a Rocket Hover cabin. It’s called a STEPPE SPIDER cabin.

Screw your stupid rockets. They can make a new rocket cabin for rocket players. They don’t have to take away literally the only spider cabin in the game.

I almost exclusively used the Steppe Spider cabin with my builds even when the perk had absolutely nothing to do with weapons you’d actually use on spider build. I used it because it was the best medium cabin that could still take advantage of the ML-200s. 12 energy and insane maximum mass.

The reason no one uses it with spider builds now is like saying “no one chewed vomit flavored bubble gum ever since they changed it from strawberry, so it’s good that they’re changing the flavor to pickle.” People stopped using it for spider builds because they f***ed up the primary purpose of the cabin. Of course no one is using it now, it has nothing to do with steppe spider builds. And all the recent changes has completely ruined it for its original intended purpose.


I’m gonna be honest. I don’t care about it’s perk. I use the Steppe spider cab for my 11k helo build because it’s the heaviest 12 energy cab in the game, and mine is fused for mass limit.
I would like a relic heavy cab that has 12 energy heh heh!

Ya, I think I agree. Besides they could have just buffed the Dusk with that perk. It sucks…especially for rockets and missiles, ironically.

I’ve actually really been enjoying the change. It’s my main heli cab right now.

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I fused a spider cab for -weight, +3KPH top speed, and +Power. Seven spider cabs bit the dust to make that happen. Hot take: It turns missiles into cannons that reload faster.


All of the three legs? Bud, they’re not that good anyways, omnis and hovers to everything they do, but faster, tougher, and altogether more annoyingly. And I think a SPIDER cabin should have some buff to legs. The pack it’s sold with doesn’t even have rockets… why would that be the perk?

Use the dusk cabin. It buffs rockets too (I think better than the steppe).

When they made the switch for the perk they took the +5km/hr the cab gave legs and put it directly on the legs saying it was bad to tie a cab directly to a movement part.

It only does homing missiles, and it’s not a very good perk even for them. The perk they ended up giving steppe works for all rocket launchers and works extremely well for dumb rockets which is played completely different. It would match up fairly well using the smallest legs due to the accuracy gain they give though.

I see your reasoning, but the ML-200s are already slow, they need a speed buff. The gerridas they wouldn’t need to touch, as they’ve already nerfed them. Never used bigrams, and haven’t seen them much either, so I can’t really give an opinion there.

Instead of just complaining, I’ll make a suggestion: the steppe spider gives a movement speed buff. The heavier the parts, the higher the bonus, maxing at 40% at 4000 kgs. The 4000 kgs is across all movement parts, so you need a lot of heavy wheels, ML-200s, or tracks (will encourage track usage).


They could just add them to the golden eagle engine. That already does omni, tracks, grinder… Not that all legs suffer from the slow speed but that’s the simplest way I’d deal with getting them more speed. Then you have a fair choice between a durability engine and a mobility engine.

Bigrams are interesting to use, I’m not a fan of their driving sitting positions though as it interferes a little bit with armoring around them. They lost a lot of popularity as soon as a faster leg came out. Drive wise in wheel mode they are still faster then the new leg is though.

Generally with weight it’s power that is really needed, even if you have a fair top speed your not going to get there with out the power.

Really until they switched the perk to missiles I hardly ever bothered playing with my steppe cab. The only thing it was useful for before that was unperked tanky medium builds and legged builds. The change in stats for it (rather than perk) pretty much got rid of the unperked tanky medium build application, and they made it un-necessary for the legged builds as I mentioned before.

I really wouldn’t have a problem if they moved to missle perk to a newer cab. As the steppe never buffed the weapons on the pack build and the speed is when calced out the same. So, I never really got what the problem is other then that’s what people were use to and most people don’t like change. Or otherwise might have had one upgraded and feel they are loosing out even though the speeds the same.

As far as ML-200s go themselves I’d look at adjusting them by themselves rather then messing with the cabs. They really don’t have much of a perk outside the recoil stuff. Perhaps make them more engine efficient since they only move some legs at a time. Or an acceleration bonus for walking in a single direction. There’s lots of ways the movements could be played with as a secondary perk characteristic for them that might improve them.

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