PLEASE Stop Changing the Steppe Cabin into Something It Isn't

Right. The only thing ML 200s have going for them is they are hard for firedogs to burn and impossible for saws to do any damage to. That is slated to change as ice dogs are coming to eat through all those sweet resistances. ML 200s could use a speed buff to make them competitive.

Regarding Bigrams,

I’ve been playing since Fall 2019 and I’ve never been a Bigram fan. I used to run Bigrams on a Nova Reaper spider with undermounted Reapers. Bigrams are extremely squirrely to drive at high speeds making for an unpleasant driving experience. Also, they are very high up in the air, so if you lose too many your build will often be tilted into an unplayable position. You cannot drive on 3 Bigrams.

Bigrams are best on 8 legged heavy builds, where wheel mode is used solely to drive between fighting areas. Anything faster than 65 and Bigram wheel builds become unplayable.

But, another point about Bigrams is that the front legs, if forward facing, act as a trap and can hold builds in place better than any other movement part.

That’s true of the new legs too with their passthrough dmg I think. Unless they don’t plan on passthrough’s being counted as a resistance.

They kind of have to be compared to where they sit with the other movement parts.
ML tops out at 50 has 2400 tonnage

Closest parts: (most of the tracks are getting +5km/h soon)
Grinder: 60, 3100
tank: 60, 5400
Hardened: 75, 2100
Atom: 80, 2050
Armor: 65, 4550
Goliath: 55, 6700
bigram: 55, 1900

I would look at giving them almost another +5km/h along with brigram this would at least keep them in par with the tracks after the update: Planned balance changes - News - Crossout (planned balance changes.) Goliath if they go through with the changes will be able to get to 60 km/h and I would think they would want the slowest legs to keep up. The problem is with in the planned changes they nerf Gerrida down to 65 which could cause some issues as then your getting kind of close to each others speed stats.

That’s part of why I mentioned maybe messing with their walking acceleration via bonuses when moving in a single direction. Not everything necessarily has to be made up in terms of top speed. They just need to be able to keep the pace for the most part.

Adding them to golden eagle I still think would be the best bet though. That’s a larger speed (10km/h) bonus then I would think about really giving them by themselves and would for the most part just let that change be skipped at the leg level. Gerrida which is the problem child right now could even then be nocked down another 5km/h if needed too.

I use to insist on playing 6. Though I really do love the small quad mech builds. I kind of got tired of how wide their turning radius was though when in wheel mode especially on some of the small maps.

That sometimes comes with it’s own risks. Stuff can get stuck there that can still shoot.

I was thinking about this while I went on a quick shop run. So one of the things I would think about doing if I was to re-do 2 packs and it might piss some off. I think it’s a fair idea, but what I’d do is switch the perks between the current Steppe and current Echo cab.

Echo comes in the War pack. The Current War pack comes with 2x wasp rockets and a phoenix. This makes the perk match with some of the weapons included, I would even think about replacing the phoenix. I would think about maybe doing 2 locust and then something else for near 5en at worst a cricket.

On the steppe side which would have just gotten the reload perk. I’d then look at giving steppe spider pack some special rarity limited angle pancake cannons (like a special version of Tsunami could be called Rouge like a large wave keeping the theme). The legs then match up really well for anti-recoil and it would have a reload perk.

The footprint of Steppe is closer to the Carapace cab in size and Echo even though it has a cool shape has issues mounting 2 cannons to it’s roof. I always kind of suspected Steppe would have been classified as a tank cab as well if they hadn’t made the classification defunct too.

Seriously guys? Your solution to the STEPPE SPIDER cabin perk after years of suggestions and complaints about it being something it isn’t, is to double down on the rocket perk?

Devs must be flat out trolling at this point. There’s no way someone sat down and thought that this was a good idea.

take a look at the devourer gun and tell me they arent trolling. they require a narwhal and a finwhale aka 2 battlepass items. if that aint trolling idk what is.

You can grind those on the market, though. Doesn’t require a Battlepass. It’ll just make it more expensive to craft.

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I suspect part of this strategy is to make people feel like they’re getting their money’s worth from the BPs, and to encourage people to craft items during the BP.

so your going to pay 13k EACH for a narwhal and a finwhale just to build a relic? id rather save that 13k and put it towards something better like a ripper or a mastodon. yes those are about 40k but its better then dropping 26k+ on 2 legendaries that require a battlepass to get.
also this is exactly why this gun requires them, to drive up the demand and cost of these items. do you not understand that?

who has the resources to make multiples of these items though? crafting is already expensive as all hell. legendaries use up a ton of wires, copper and most of all scrap. the only way youd have enough is if you no life the game every week and max out the scrap, battery and wire cap and constantly get copper / electronics from raids / leviathan raids.
in all the time i spent collecting resources i dont have enough to waste on all those items.

Warhammer reference??