PS brackets: are they real?

When being honest, I don’t even look at other players PS. It doesn’t matter, I have to kill them regardless of this number.

I just build what I want to build. Usually it works out just fine.


ya, i just got this match…all 7k…nice when it happens.

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PS population must be the lowest.

That’s why it is PS players that can not see brackets but the rest of us can.

That’s my only guess.

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Proof or no proof 9500 is a cutoff point for seeing 11-12 on the regular. I go to 9500 and im suddenly matched with 12k spongecake hovers.


lol i just got this match…fyi i dont think many players play 9k,its why you get 10k to 12k

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I don’t think that example actually proves anything though. And I also don’t think PS4 population is that low, at least not in my region (do regions mean anything on console?).

As long as I’m playing somewhere between 8000-14 000 I mostly get short queues with few bots. Although to be fair, 6v6 makes it easier to not have bots.

Weirdly, the only recent example I saw of me repeatedly being the highest PS build was when I was playing something around 16kPS in the middle of a weekday. But that build isn’t really as strong as the PS suggests, so I was regularly getting killed by 12kPS builds. Big and slow means lots of PS but easily killed, despite the durability.

I’m not convinced one way or the other, so I’m going to try making something on the edge of one of these brackets soon.

Still pretty sure the MM just looks for people within a certain percentage of your build, and then tries to fill in the gaps with other players and bots. Sometimes you’re the low PS player, sometimes the top, but mostly the middle. But I’m just basing that on my impressions, and that means nothing without testing.

The other day I was playing just under 9kPS, and kept ending up the lowest PS player (highest PS was around 12kPS).
But that was middle of the day on a Tuesday, so there wouldn’t be as many people online.

In this case I think you where being pulled up to the higher bracket.

Also, I want to mention that on Xbox building in the bracket is common, so maybe our match making is a little bit better at grouping the XX99 builds because we have more?

I’m not sure, just tossing out ideas.

I pay attention, and here’s why…

If I’m the low guy or close to the bottom, I know I need to play a little cautious. This is especially true when there’s a big spread in PS. On the other hand, if I’m the heavy, I know I can be more aggressive. This is more important on short range builds. You don’t wanna be jumping into the frey early on if you’re 3k lighter than the dudes you’re attacking.

Strategery as President Bush would say…

If there’s time in the loading screen, I’ll also scope out the enemies… note the heavies & look for the dual retcher bot. That thing is a beast if you’re not looking out for it.

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I do pay attention on certain builds (specially my kapkan build). But usually I am playing a glass cannon. It really doesn’t matter what PS if they hit me more than once or twice im done for. (my triple executioner build has 499 durability at 10k for example).


Fair point, my man. I don’t typically play those, so I’m most certainly paying attention.

In other news, I suck at cannons. :rofl:

I like the PS balancing system, but it’s really just a very rough approximation of the power of a build, so I don’t really pay much attention to where I am in relation to others.
For me, my strategy is determined by the type of build I’m playing.

For example, I’ve been playing a variety of gremlin builds recently, experimenting with various configurations. But all of them basically require the same kind of strategy, no matter whether my teammates/enemies have higher or lower PS. Doesn’t really matter if the enemy is 3000 PS higher than me: if I pin them correctly they will die. Also doesn’t really matter if I’m the highest PS player, because if I over-extend myself and attack a group I will probably die before killing anyone.

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I see tye brackets. It bwcomes obivous when you see the variances hit a wall and never go higher or lower than a certain number. And yess, there are brackets. 100%, loose brackets, but still structured

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Ok good, I didn’t think Playstation would be any different then the rest.

from this I dont think PS bracket work the previous match I played was balance around a 14k PS player AI was around 12k-13k ps. when i run my 9k build i find myself in the high ps bracket around 11k-12k enemies a lot. from this picture notice all enemies are about 11k PS when friendly team have low 8kPS

PS “brackets” are real I find.
I found 4600 build get much lower PS rating then 5000.
5000 gets paired with 5500 upto 6000 fairly often. And rarely if any at all goes down.
While 4600 gets much more comfortable with sort of ceiling rarely going with 5000+ guys.
If there were no brackets. 4600 would feel almost like 5000.

Very likely to be true imo.

Ps brackets is NOT an exact science like some here pretend, and it’s NOT a myth like others claim.

It exists but I’ll still rock the game if I’m 2k PS below others UwU

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This is the correct answer, it has always been the correct answer since the game uses “soft caps” becuase of population issues

It only tries to put you in a bracket.

This is how I always build - many people on Xbox build to these bracket values as well.

These are the numbers that have been passed down from player to player for years by many. None of these are based on fact, but they are based on player observations.

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I’ve come to realize that this is more a debate about semantics.

To me, a bracket is a hard bracket, otherwise it’s something else. But at the same time, I’m very aware of what I’m likely to see at various PS ranges, and I try to build accordingly.

I now see that we’re talking about the same thing, but disagreeing on what words to use to describe it.