PVE vs rewards

The rate at which it causes a person to get bloated slows down the higher their base PS is. If I remember right you had about 9 bumpers going though not counting the ones you were using to mount the front plow to though. If you look at the exhibition using the same cab in the same PS range you can see how much of a difference in HP they have.

The + Tonnage isn’t really a perk it’s a characteristic. The perk is the just the special ability. The machinist will never be very fast 70-75 max speed. So unless you plan on using one of the smaller of the two tracks I’d go with colossus for the larger tracks the power helps and the perk works well with their higher durability. If you stay with wheels you have to keep your mass in check otherwise your loosing a lot of speed and acceleration.

Bootstrap generator fits really well in that space too. Apollo fits the larger cut out rather well too.

You can probably do fine with just the 1 upgraded seal and 1 upgraded shiver in most situations. That’s all I use on my heavy 3x minigun build for raids using the 2 en generator I still have enough energy left over for a radar detector and engine. If you moved up enough in generators though you could add a trombone on easily to boost your dmg.

nowadays i don’t do much raids.
I always used medium cabins up until now, but i need to rebuild them first. Switch cabins and ajust the rest to the new cabins.
My most used build for everything, now, has a top speed of 19 km/h., my secondary builds too.

Use Grizzly then. Or drop 500 kg.


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For your build. I would suggest using Hardened Tracks. They have better tonnage/weight ratio compared to Armored and Tank tracks. They have a higher top speed.

8 Hardened Tracks will allow you to carry a lot of armor as well.

But what i found
Since lower PS, i try to build for cannons, my 6k build has more HP than my 10 k build, my 10 k build had half the HP of my 8k build which was 2108 HP, at the back it had three layers of armour but it wasn’t enough so i changed it, now it has a single layer and 1400 HP and can hold much better than before.
Since my 6 k build i’ve been noticing improvements against cannons (with up and downs along the way). my 10 k appeared because i wasn’t satisfied with my 8 k performance against what came next to my usual 6k adversaries, and it was a big leap forward, now i can go after Tsunamis. (PVP and PVE context). Also good against melee builds and dogs. (if you catch them dead square on, SGs will do the rest). My 10 K it’s responsible for the Lion share of my MVPs and UNYIELDINGs
Now (12 k) i can say that i feel comfortable against Tsunamis, even Mammoths are on the menu. (PVE context) .
Now the other side of the coin. That comes with a price, choosing cheer durability over a mix of durability and HP. It’s like the all or nothing armour scheme, you are though as nails but once that toughness is gone and will be gone you are left with nothing . In PVP the weapon i hate the most and above all are incinerators.
But yes, if you throw in the mix a group of weapons (the ones i talked about) then there’s nothing you can do, your build disappears as fast as every one else. Or worse, you are left mortally wounded.
Picture this.
you can face a Tsunami, be in his face and outgun him, every cannon beneath it, you can chew them up and spit them right out and you are fine and ready to repeat then you take a lucky shot from a scorp to your engine…19 km/h, you are done.

I know, i putted perk between comas, tonnage and mass limit are crucial to me especially in my medium builds and many times i don’t have that luxury.

Yes, i agree, but until i get those tracks, wheels are all i have.

Bootstrap it’s huge and has a odd form, Gasgen it’s much smaller and easier to conceal and usual i have i ton of stuff around it, so it’s durability must be in the same ballpark by the time they reach it i’m doing nothing in the battle for a while and you can mount in ways that minimizes the changes of being hit there (cue the incinerators).
I have builds that have dedicated armour just for the gasgen a layer more to add to my armour.

I will try it. For a long time i use SGs and noticed a huge difference in R.O.F. when i went from rare to epic, up until now every energy point went for coolers and rads to try to squeeze the most i can of higher tier SGs. I guess they are more demanding than MGs, At least my ruptures or even Thunderbolts seems more heavy than my vindicators. And i have an Apollo laying around in my storage, i couldn’t make in time to get the light weight version in the last event where that was possible. And no way i could squeeze a ton more in my medium builds… but now i can

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Lol it’s not even me you dumb mop, I don’t care to report posts, but I’m glad it’s making you cry

Again i have a 35% mvp and 4.05kpb on xbox where it’s 6v6, dont need your validation as to being good, go cry elsewhere, maybe on reddit so you can see how many downvotes you’ll get haha

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Red_Window, my previous shitpost aside, and having a good dose of disdain for console players myself, I still can’t fathom how you can ramble about “skill” in Crossout, of all games. Yes, situational and map awareness is required, and so is the ability to move your crosshair over the enemy’s weapons. But none of these will save you if your build is shit, or if your team is severely autistic. Aside from the most basic motor functions and cognitive abilities, “skill” in Crossout consists of following the meta, and throwing bundles of cash at Gaijin to get the good stuff before the end of the century, then owning those who didn’t, and those who want to try something other than some minute variation of the cca 6 different meta builds. The act of building itself, which could be considered a skill if not for the pay-to-progress/win factor, is entirely subverted by the ability to download from the exhibition. If you absolutely must, shit on the players who grind less, or pay less, or just aren’t meta slaves, and are “worse” as a direct result of it, and maybe just want to chill in Patrols, but don’t mistake the opposite for skill or superiority.


Just a side note.

Meta builds are Meta until they no longer are Meta…

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yeah, pretty much all of this.

also, pc players hating on console players:
