PVP rewards , and why people just don t care

Just played a few games with a dude who was driving a 3k hp truck into opponents and SDing, no weapons, around 7k. I saw people boting with fuzes before, too. It is what happens when your game is stupidly grindy, and the rewards poorly thought out.


are you sure he wasn’t degunned? It happens extremelly often for me to become a 6k health brick with no weapons as soon as a breaker gets within 20 meters of me…

Sure. was SDing 30s into the game on the first opponent, every game

How many points is heating somebody worth?
How many points is pinning somebody to the wall worth, while you dont have any weapons but allowing the burning teammate to finish the darn melee?
How many points for distracting enemy team?

So many things beyond “hold down LMB to fire” are important, if you scale reward more every build will be Shotguns or Booms.

I often have a game where I have degunned couple players and immobilized somebody - it rewards 600-800 points, while firedog has 2k. How many non-meta builds will there be if reward becomes more stringent?

I agree. If anyone is on Reddit, go tell Targem to fix their scoring system. At the very least it should include contesting caps :'D

I would say since the dev team has weaponized the cabin with an explosive that this is a legitimate way to kill someone.

People may not like this, but if they added it as a feature and that is how that person wants to spend there time, well, then so be it.

On a side note - I still wait a check box in the menu to turn off the cabin explosion feature.

Just remove keybinding in options

They could remove the function from the cabs and move it to an item. It could make for a nice little explosive target.

Or they could unironically double the HP of all weapons, so aiming at the opponent’s guns will no longer be the only proper way of engagement, and building cars with a fuckton of hp won’t be pointless. Then we won’t have so many SD either, because people won’t be instantly removed from the game as soon as a shotgun comes within 10 meters of them, or when a hover machine gunner turns on his aimbot.


Considering how he is wasting his own time (and teammates’ ofc), he obviously is not playing for the fight and competing with players… he wouldn’t play for the reward either way.

I’ve been saying this for eons now…
Degunning is the number one strategy in the game… Some are even too good at it (like elevated dragonfly hover machine gunners, or shotgunners)…

I don’t know what is happening at high PS anymore since I left that mess long ago, but lower and mid, it’s just - aim for the weapons > SD… always.

Even double HP on some weapons is not enough. Most need a complete redesign.

they just need to score 40 points total

they don’t need to live to keep those points

depends how many parts you take off




That woudl just push every build to be goliath-bastion. The only way to handle those at the moment is degun, and there are still “under-cabin-goblin” variations that are just impossible to handle. Imagine this with very durable scorpion on top

I know… But something should be done.
Literally every match and every win I have is because I always do the same thing. I Encounter an enemy player, I blast through his weapon (and armor around it) in a few seconds, and when he is disarmed and harmless, I just finish him. Because it’s the best way to dispatch enemies.
Game after game.
It got pretty stale.
Yeah, there are some with undermounted weapons like Goblins under the cabin, but those are rare cases.

“ all heavy cabins must be nest level nerded by not only removing one more energy point, but by also cutting all of their maximum speeds in half…”


Because alll heavy cabins are unbalanced Meta trash and all are “OverPowered” because clearly trucker borer in extremelly low PS is “OverPowered”…

This tread will sooon turn inta a reddit keyboard fight with everyone disconsideering all the facts that “oppose” their argument like they do not exist, while proposing severe punishiments for the “opposition”…

Pain of XO is that you feel stomped if oyu dont play meta. The only way to somewhat deal with it is to use specific coutner-builds, but its not easy enough to recognize enemy builds. We would have far less trouble dealing with enemies if we knew in advance - is it goblins undermount or degun? Is it shotgun dog or somoebody with decency? Is heavy melee heading my way around the corner?
It is a lot of player awareness, but more often then not oyu just plain dont have any options to analyze and react. Maybe player icons on the map should be giving more informaiton, or the list before the mission.

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are you joking? you have all the information you need , you just don t know how to use it.
-Type of weapon flare
-Rate of fire of the weapon
-Weapon sound
-Shape of the weapon
Minimap gives you (provided you have eyes and you know it s the thingy in the bottom right of your screen) intel on enemy location , if playing sideways hover , if playing fusion.
No wonder this game is turning to shit if players are just clueless monkeys…
This palce is even sadder than the game itself , i m out of here.

Yeah you know the blueberry who doesn’t use the map… that must be them

The map? What’s that?

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