Questions about the new rarity

what makes you believe that creating a new rarity with these weapons would be any more interesting than just releasing new weapons into the existing tiers , its over complicated and unnecessary

the armor resistance is an adjustment to things that exist in game

creating a new tier would be like giving patrol its own tab, creating a new spot for something that there is already a spot for

Anything new is more interesting than the old, as long as they don’t spoil the game environment

If you say that, do you see if a few percent resistance is complicated and unnecessary?I’m sure the new rarity is a simple and easy to understand thing

absolutely not , i like that they are focusing on the mechanics of things . it reminds me of the different armor types in fallout .

im not against your new weapon ideas , i just find the idea of adding a new rarity to implement them silly

It’s not, it’s an expansion of the rarity mechanic, so why do you think 6 or 5 (not including special) rarities are reasonable and more rarities are just stupid

can you provide any reason other than the novelty of a new rarity? and i dont think its reasonable, when you have can take a rare weapon into a match against epic weapons it makes you wonder why special exists at all

we cant not include special its basically what youre asking for but a different color

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It’s enough

Not really. Just concentrate on the weapons for now, when and if they need a new rarity they will cross that bridge then.

Their is nothing about a new rarity that will be refreshing. They have not even finished the rarity we have already.

They need to finish the work they started before making new work.

Preach it Monkey, preach to to suck-ups as the only reason why the special rarity was added was to make it more convoluted and expensive i’e spend more resources to spend more time in-game. Cuz no one asked for a new rarity then nor now!

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