* R.I.P. Crossout 'unnecessary changes' šŸ˜¢

just read the patch notes what idiot thought changing weeklys from anybody can do them to clans only was a good idea. doing the weaklys was the only thing keeping me playing on a regular basis, im sure as hell not putting money into something im only going to play if im board with everything else .


Someone email me if they change it back.


for the first time since years i donā€™t even bother to log. i donā€™t like when devs told me how im supposed to enjoy my game. i donā€™t like when after playing this game for 6 years they suddenly force me to join clan, groupā€¦ what is their next move? " no challenge available until you buy package " ?? the change itself is not terribleā€¦ its the way they force us. they wanted old casual f2p gone? right! im out :slight_smile: im curious to see whales fighting other whales only


What breaks the game are changes that would break the gameā€™s original system, not changes that seem unnecessary,I agree that this badge change breaks the game


Si tu as envie dā€™un clan oĆ¹ tu ne seras pas emmerdĆ©, lā€™offre tient tjrs. En mĆŖme temps, arrĆ©ter XO cā€™est probablement une meilleure idĆ©eā€¦

Then that is your loss.

This new system makes things easier for most people.

Everyone else just didnā€™t look at it.

I disagree.

I say that the badge system ruined the old crate system we had before.

When they added Badges everyone freaked out :slight_smile: lol.

Now this.

Give it a week or two and no one will even talk about it.

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Translation issues, Iā€™ll modify it

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je retient mon ami la chui simplement degoutĆ© mais degoutĆ© de plus en plus non par le jeu, mais lā€™equipe de devs! mais quelle bande dā€™enculĆ©!! je vais attendre que lā€™eau coule sous les ponts et apres on verra. en vrai je passe bien plus mon temps a des activitĆ©s saine depuis que je game moins que du coup je suis pas sur de revenir jouer comme je fesait avant 6h par jour lol! mais merci pour lā€™invit encore :wink:

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Yes and there was a reason for it, did you forget about old system where you had Easy, Normal and Hard season every week and you was getting a pathfinder crate after finishing Hard season same as electronics for completing every challenge in the same season? After introducing badges we had big resources loss and it wasnt good for progres at all. Same as this change is not better for lonely woolfs.


Iā€™m at Engineer level 292. Looks like 300 will be a nice final resting place unless they correct their mistake.

Outlasted a lot of BS over the years (drones, hovers, whatever) but this is a quantum leap assault on solo play that I donā€™t see incremental fixes for.

Well, Iā€™ve got eight engineer levels worth of playtime left to hang around with so letā€™s see if Gaijin changes their mind.


stop to use lsd before play a new patch !

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i wont even spend another second opening this game again until they undo their crap there. 2017 player here!
gg devs ^^


I joined a few months after open beta happened, I used to play with and talk to closed beta players but they slowly kicked this game into the ditch because of the direction it was going at the time, Imagine what those closed beta players would think if they saw how greedy and incompetent the devs are now