Remove air challenges

he told you plenty he doesnt want to play a game that feels like work, why dont you get it?

i wouldnt know. i just know ive read some posts complaining about too long queue times.

my point is, long queuing time is a good and objective measurement of popularity, i.e. if the queue for heli is long its safe to say it isnt very popular.

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Work smarter, not harder?
That is very precisely the point of this entire thread.

You are just repeating yourself like a broken record. So ill say it once again, hopefully read this time:

=> I do not find helicopter challenges / missions to be difficult <=
I think they are a chore and i do not want to play them however.

for instance take a look at the screenshot right above your post that i sent, and you will see one of very many reasons i dont want to play rotors.

the queue times are consistently 1.5 to 2 minutes long, although that is the least of my issues with this gamemode.
It is a great indicator of what the playerbase thinks of the gamemode, clearly

Thought :thinking: Perhaps an “optional” alternative could be provided for those whom don’t wish to participate in a particular challenge is needed ? A choice of one of two options. As one was started the other option would be immediately removed . For instance only, The option of completing comparable raids? I would imagine the coding for that would be a real pain. Sure the developers have more issues on their plate ATM.
*Edit due to grammar

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I accept this alternative.

The que time is no longer than the first que for normal pvp games. They work the same on xbox, first que might take up to 2 minutes, then if you reque without leaving the lobby at end of game it’s pretty instant.

yes people arent enjoying the game and leaving, on top of toxic attitudes which dont help the community are the reason people are leaving the game. the pvp challenges arent fun. i do not find pvp fun at all, i do not find shooting heli builds fun at all. like i said if pve had helis in it then people would be inclined to not complain as much but they didnt add helis in here in pve, i doubt they will anytime soon to. all it seems to be is just season pass after season pass with a mini pass after mini pass. they SAID they had plans for adding in raids that use helis but i think they shouldve released that at the same time as they released the heli pvp mode, that way it would be fair to players who dont want to do pvp.
they need to give us a choice in weather we want to do pvp or pve for the challenges. maybe make pvp faster then the two like 10 battles in pvp or 25 battles in pve.
i think they do this just to “entice” us into spending more money on the pass with challenges we dont like to bypass them.

there are people who disagree, and im one of them. i dont like pvp aircraft battles.

hes not complaining about the pve aspect. its pvp that he doesnt like and neither do i. “destroy 5 armored aircraft in pvp” this shouldnt be a challenge in here and should be replaced. there are people who dont like and dont do pvp. the one you mentioned “destroy 125 parts with aircraft” is easy and i take my aircraft into pve to get that done in a few rounds. its not the pve aspect we dont like, its the pvp aspect.

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The declining playerbase is a good enough argument against air challenges. We dont have skill issues doing these stupid dailies, Targem has tone deafness issues.

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Reply removed. Some things are best unsaid.

Just as the Hover was the meta “scourge” and the haters cried & complained enough the developers got tired of the minutia then degraded their capabilities and now they are weak as a kitten . With the introduction of the Helicopter blades They are now the sole target replacing the Hover h8 . Nothing further than from the demise of will satisfy their newest agenda . Then some speak of A toxic community? :crazy_face:

i dont completely hate the heli blades. i think they are decently fun to use in pve and i have a heli build with atoms and incinerators. this build works really well… assuming i can hit something with the now smaller fire puddles… i think it will be quite deadly with the new cryo mortar. the hate itself doesnt come from the hatred of the helis themselves but instead from forcing pvp on us. if they had other pve modes with helis i wouldnt care, id go and do those to complete the challenges. but the fact we have to destroy helis mainly, and theres only ONE in game mode that allows us to do this, its no wonder people dont like that challenge.

have you SEEN reddit? seriously you cant get more toxic then them. :face_with_peeking_eye:

I always hated that the daily challenges forced PVE on us, but that’s not really the case anymore. Although some of the weekly challenges still require me to do some PVE, I can decide not to do them and complete other challenges instead.

But isn’t it just some of the mini-BP challenges that require you to damage aircraft? Should we really expect to be able to complete every special event challenge without playing a mode we don’t usually play?

Even if some of the main BP challenges force you to do PVP, that doesn’t seem the same as putting it into daily challenges. BP challenges always require you to play something you don’t usually play. And since most of the aircraft challenges can be cleared in Patrol, it doesn’t seem that odious to throw in a few that force you to play a few PVP matches.

Having said all that, I do see the argument for setting up all aircraft challenges so that they can be completed in Patrol. It would still nudge a few more people into PVP air battles, but wouldn’t annoy strict PVE players as much.

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You are correct.
But it is not a just few matches to get 5 kills or kill assists with a ground vehicle. Why might you ask? Because of the player base is why. Why will these aircraft not come and defend their base and die like real fighters? Why will they fly and hide while you capture their base to win and not come die like they should? If the battle is lost, do the right thing and go get killed or self-destruct!

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i have no issue playing something new / unusual, whether thats PvE or PvP. the gamemode is the issue, and it doesnt matter at all which of the two it is. helicopters have obnoxious control mechanics which cater to 9 year olds, and playing the gamemode is nothing but a chore.

If challenges forced me to play pve, i wouldnt say a word. same about a different type of weapon for instance, even if i dont usually play it.

Ok, but very few challenges require you to actually use rotors. You can just play a normal ground vehicle in Patrol and complete the majority of the aircraft challenges. And the ones that you can’t do in Patrol, half of those can still be completed in PVP using a ground vehicle.
There are very few that require you to actually use an aircraft, and from what I remember, they are mostly mini-pass challenges and don’t need to be completed unless you bought the minipass.
I mean, I play more than 90% of my clan does, and I never finish all the challenges. Do the ones you don’t hate, don’t worry so much about the small handful you don’t want to do.

To me, all raids are a chore, but I’m not going to get mad about a handful of challenges that have to be done in PVE.

what they should do is give us the option to do pve OR pvp. like this
“destroy 5 aircraft in pvp or destroy 120 enemies in pve.”

something like that just to make it more fair to players who dont do pvp. pvp would be considered the faster option here but if someone didnt want to do pvp and instead wanted to do pve then the option is there for them to do. it gives people options instead of forcing us to do a mode we dont want to do.

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