Remove air challenges

no and no, only crappy games.

clearly you care.

yes, are you happy now? ill let it slide though because you let your post up like a real lady, proud of you!

also whats up with you and reddit lately? you kind of make me wanna go check. because when tenhsin used to pipe up about how reddit doesnt get him i could reliably go check there and see how he had talked himself into downvote hell.


astute observation, friendly stranger!

to understand conversations here you have to hike in this forest for a bit, if you dare. listen to the crackles, the noises of the creatures roaming about.
today the woodland critters might sing you songs of stfu and play heli because i like it, but just tomorrow they could be crying ballads of why arent there new players, why queue so long.

its a mystic forest you know.

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This thread.

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Like the entire weekly challenge tree the game launched with. It was horrible. I don’t miss that progression tree one bit.


I dont know about you, but i wouldnt acceot to play a boring chore of a gamemode in order to finish a ‘challenge’ just because either 1) “I like the gamemode so you should too” or 2) i got used to the in game tasks being shit, uncreative & boring so i wont even make an effort at trying to improve them, and instead will get used to them and treat them like something to get out the way.

I want to remind all of you, WE are the (only) ones who pay the devs salaries, so we should also be able to at least ask for some basic changes in the game

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I’m confused, is your money worth more than everyone else’s in the thread? I am sure others in this thread pay money also, I have. I am not understanding how you justify your opinion because you pay, but discount others while many of them are surely paying. Seems a bit like stinkin thinkin.

You are correct, Cross Out is not a part-time job.
It is a full-time job if you want to play for free and get anything of value.

Now these Challenges suit me just fine, even Drones today! Make me happy every day, do not make me fight humans in Helicopters please.

And 50 coins for one battle!

Russian players pay the bills.

not really, they are less than 50% of all players and theyre kind of poor on avg. plus, you european and american players literally give foreign currency to a pariah state in desperate need of it, good job!

Agree. Has to be removed from challenges. Watse of time cause sometimes it take up to 5min to find the match!!! Why? Nobody plays it.

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No, my money is not worth more than anyone elses money.
but my opinion on this should be worth more to devs, because i share it with a majority of the playerbase

Did you do a poll?
I’m simply not convinced this is majority opinion, on the same note, I am not convinced it isn’t either.

Personally, I like the break from hovers/wheels/tracks. It took 3 games (because only 2 helis in xbox matches) for me to complete this. (talking about what can be completed outside of patrol here).
I don’t feel “most” players even go to forums, reddits nor even speak in chat/voice, only a select few.

This is how it usually works in most populations, there is a silent majority.

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Another crying post.
Rotors is actually really easy and really fun.

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wait, am i still following this? i thought queue times for heli are reportedly long on all platforms. is that not true? if it is, the silent majority seems to be loud and clear on this one.

I am aware theyre easy.
And guess what? there is no skill ceiling.
I guess you need me to repeat this to you for like the fourth time in this thread:
I do not find helis to be hard, but theyre unfun and a chore.

yes, the queue times are long, the games are often empty, and i am very much willing to bet that even the ‘silent majority’ thinks the same of helis as i do.
If anything, it is the case with most players that i know of

I must confirm heli battles are very enjoyable :slight_smile:
Definitely played actively by the quiet majority, and not exclusively by literal kids

That still an opinion, im sorry you feel that way, but the challenges are super easy, “Destroy 125 parts with aircraft” can be done in 2 battles or even 1 PVE battle. I finished 25 challenges in 1 night after work for “In the grip of the ice” and 95% of them were rotors. Work smarter not harder

Did mine in a hover build last night, I got smoked like a bad cigar but the challenges were completed. Nice the Dev’s placed hovers to count in aircraft challenges :slight_smile:

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The first que takes about 2 minutes or less. After one gets into the rotation, its poppin just as fast as any other que in the game. on xbox.