Retcher needs a nerf asap

i think only bots that target weapons in raids is the aurora bots

Nobody had here the same opinion as you.

what? can you explain further? can’t even pick out what you said.

There was dozens of things being talked about in this post with multiple opinions on multiple subtopics of the main topic which is the retcher, which sub topic?

The bots got another buff to weapon targeting in the big update, but I believe some started doing that a couple updates ago.
They’re definitely degunning humans more than they used to.

true or not players are still rushing up to the bots and farming them with retchers in raids. I mean I can dominate raids with imps let alone retchers.

What raids you play? I only play frontier Defence and retchers are the de facto weapon in that raid, same with perimeter breach.

the thing is retchers do have quite a few downsides to. i used them in raids plenty of times before. i dont use them now cause of various reasons, however they arent really an easy weapon to pick up and just go ham with. i played retchers quite alot and even im not that good with them. the shot leading is really punishing if you miss. and honestly they really used to over perform in raids. they kind of still do but not more then porcs do.

yeah retchers can do ALOT of damage (especially from the pve bots, i hate them so damn much) but they have low hp and are very vulnerable to weapons like machine guns and especially cannons / arbiters. assuming you can hit your target accurately.

i see retchers as a glass cannon kind of weapon. they can deal alot of damage but they cant take alot of damage. the spread on them though is what makes them so devastating. they can strip a car in seconds while dealing a ton of damage from a distance. and the perk only powers that up. imagine if the retchers had the 5% extra damage perk added to them.

also not to mention they have high heating and very slow cooling on them. and who runs retchers with 3 rads? i run mine with 2 rads and 2 coolers. it helps cool them down faster while dealing damage inbetween.


Finally someone articulate, they do have a lot of downsides. I agree everything you said, it is well put together and too the point unlike a lot other people on this post.

Just wait for the OP to test out 2 Firebugs and a Flash on a Blight cabin!

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firebug got a lot of downsides too. like 10m range as opposed to retchers 250m. All weapons got downsides. I mean chords got better range/accuracy than firebugs and retchers and easier to hit targets so chords win. Chords are the best weapon out of the retcher/firebug/chord showdown

smallest hitbox as well

They are still popular in raids, because that’s what people were using them for the most. Crossout players aren’t always that quick to adapt to change.
I hate raids, so I prefer Steel Cradle because it’s quick to finish. I only do raids to complete the daily challenges.

haha get the perk where it gives you more range. i have retchers but mine arent fused so i forget how much extra range it gives. but i think they can hit from 300 - 350 with them iirc??

I already tested it with visual proof in one of my posts above go find it and see for yourself. I got the range marked with 100m, 200m and 300m markers. Build I used was a tower rectcher where I hit the bus at 300m but could only get it to shoot out to 250m on a ground level based build so max range is more like 250m realistically.