Retcher needs a nerf asap

fact is saying facts don’t make facts facts. end of conversation

retchers been around since game came out they were always popular for a reason. did you not see the dog retcher build i don’t think you read even 95% of what i wrote.

skims a small sample of big long list of reasons ive been saying retcher been op and you already prepared with what your about to say

I got 30 000 market purchases and i flip lot of items on the market and i look up a lot of profiles and i tell yea it is hard not to notice that new accounts and old accounts have 1 thing in common. They all got the retcher in their purchase histories. Account with 5000 kills gurrantee retcher as first legendary

Not really, I crafted mine and sold them a while ago. Didn’t like them.

I fused a set of them one day just because I can :slight_smile:

Never made a build for them.

what I mean by that is they had retcher at least some point in time weither it was bought or crafted don’t matter

He had a set of chords too! Nerf chords!!


This is just comedy at this point


i do combinatorics which is math I learned for playing poker, i’m very good at spotting patterns trust me retcher is very popular

you even see the post i did earlier. ill repost it again

retcher number 1 spot so at least give me benefit of doubt

I know what you meant I was just jerking your chain around for the kek of it.

I made lots of them single and double. What I really didn’t like about them was the ballistic speed they curve severely when your driving fast so they are hardly ever on target unless your use to the trajectory change much like the drop in turret cannons. If your not use to it bites… We use to do custom battles every now and then on PC with shared blueprints late at night. Kind of fun at the end of a play night.

What fuse did you go for? My favorite for any explodie is normally radius over damage.

As far as them being OP or not doesn’t really matter they are high in the power weapon list but that doesn’t mean they need to be nerfed. Honestly you can dodge them even in the slow hovers, with wheels it’s not hard either. Tracks and legs have a little bit of an issue though they just don’t move fast once you get larger then the armored tracks.

I was going to point out a stat page that tracks PVP data per weapon in ps ranges but it looks like the site name is for sale.

I put something together tonight and played it (downloaded something and changed it up)

And on blue hovers you can bounce all over and spam lava from the sky. It’s pretty fun.

But I do agree that you have to get used to the arch. Your more like artillery from range, spamming an area. But up close, holy DPS Batman :slight_smile:

It is a play style you need to get used to, but very powerful and fun.

I rolled random ones on a 2 for 3 fuse event.

I’ll have to take screenshots of what I got.

When you do them at 120 as a drive by you get the odd sideways time warp shot that is just so off target that it’s hard to aim. The thresher I don’t think does it as drastically… Driving head on you can easy hit 400 dmg a shot though. I normally think it just has to be well played. Of course you’re also going to have people that just spam it but those are the most dodge-able way of playing them. This isn’t some hidden skill it’s very simple and intrinsic to the weapon type of thing.

Most of the time the weapon does not outshine the playstyle that comes with it. In the rare cases it does the dev’s are normally pretty good at over reacting and nerfing things. <Excluding “Cough” Astraeus that one weapon they screwed up and kept screwing up>

They made it so all the movement parts bounce more, the blue hovers are not alone. . I don’t really love the change for my Shivs though.

Show it off later! I’m still interested in the fuses too.

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It’s not “my” build to show off.

But I will take a screenshot later and credit the builder. (Well at least the one I got it from, you never really know)

Just getting out of bed :slight_smile: but I’ll try to remember and get a shot of the fuse too. (The are not idle I’m sure, but cheep 2 for 3 fuses are better then not)

You have just proved yourself wrong, there are more seller than buyer. This is not statistics, it’s market.

Mostly used in raids, pve.

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assembler got only buy orders do that make it popular?
only 3 out of all 31 legendaries got more buy orders than sell order at current moment, a whopping 3
look if people is only gonna read back as far as a few posts don’t even bother to respond

From what I’ve seen, retchers aren’t even doing that well in raids anymore, now that the bots target guns.
I’ve never owned retchers, or even wanted them, as they never actually seemed that strong to me in PVP. Way too easy to strip, and too vulnerable to self damage.

I dunno what your talkin about and as much has everyone here seems to disagree with me on just about everything i am saying they all at least seem to agree it is the meta raid weapon.