Congratulations on doing this under 80 parts.
Despite not really being here for the mechs, I am having fun with them. This one is very patrol friendly.
Oh, this is my new build (dragon), I call him Mushroom Dragon-GUMUNU (? And its lower jaw is made of yongwang, So it is completely open and close!
Was hoping to do some Operation Radiance, but IDK. They really put some grief on the Ravagers this time. Those cars are terrible. My first match I queued up as a Ravager. I endured it, and haven’t gone back…scrapped the car.
They should just make the bots be Ravagers. Those cars are an awful experience.
You’re doing great stuff with the mech legs!
I need to spend more time with them. I’ve thrown together a few things, but nothing I’m really happy with yet.
I think they’ve been fun for patrols, especially with the improved and more viscous bots.
I know there have been lots of complaints about how mean the bots are now, but I think they make patrols a lot more interesting. I almost never do PVE, but after hearing people say the bots were OP, I decided to spend the weekend playing Patrols. I thought it was fun (only used mechs). It’s way more challenging than it used to be. I like it a lot better…even though I win less. It was too easy before, IMO.
I think the mech legs are a good fit for patrol, and I think the Helicopters would be a good fit for Raids. The larger maps would be much easier to appreciate in a copter. If they ever bust that out, I’d probably dust off my copter-blades for that. Those are both modes (PVE) I don’t play very often, but these new features (copters and mechs), with the new improved bots, could breath a lot of life back into those modes for me.
I like a good challenge without the exploit-cheese live players do. Bots don’t do cheese, but they do have sharp aim, and Terminator Mode is very real…I noticed they got some updated builds too.
I like what they’ve done to bots.
I did use my aircraft slot to make a mech that is being carried by a small drone helicopter, which is connected with a Rift, so I can ditch the rotors once I’ve flown myself into combat range.
Will try to post some new build photos later this week.
I tried to make a four-eyed dragon with limited parts (80), and apparently I succeeded, and it also uses yongwang as a jaw that can open and close. Please ignore the cockpit on the back. If I could, I would remove it completely, because I lowered the whole structure, so that the mechanical legs were lower. All the parts were connected by only one part. If it was gone, the whole chariot would fall apart.
And, quack, quack!
This is my build
Were you claiming the build above it is yours, or did the picture in your post not send?
I don’t think he knows how to use this page. His account was created a few minutes ago.
How many spoilers do you own?
This is one of my favorites.It’s really spectacular, especially the tail. I used it to win the second prize in the chariot design competition (but in crossout China). I spent a lot of money on it, and I used it to make a fake crossout next step. I fooled a lot of people with it.