Show us your builds

The new blue and red are much nicer than the Tornado and Oasis I started out with.

There’s some pretty sweet free goods about this Christmas (thanks, devs).


The Devourer Wheel Machine Gun is too expensive! I can’t afford to buy …So I made one myself!


The new “Snowflake” paint is difficult to find good applications for, but I like it.

Also, the Fuze drone appears to trigger the Catalina’s perk. I’m a little surprised it does, and I’m not really sure I can tell if it’s working or not, or how much, but the little sports-car is fun anyway…why I don’t have that Cheetah fused yet, IDK. That needs to happen.

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I must say your cars have gotten really great over the years, and they’re the main reason why I open this thread since a while :wink:


I made an odd build semi-based on the apparently popular Charybdis builds you see around, but with a few twists

Or mainly that it has an acari, kensei because I can not afford boosters, both coins and energy wise, and other than that Chameleon, Razorback, Harvester just in case some build ends up on top of me but out of reach of the Charydbis

Ugly but fun, 50/50 if it works or not sometimes you ger the Charybdis under the enemy, sometimes you fly off in a random direction like you were wedged, Acari is just an added annoyance to annoy builds with

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My nomination for Cab of the Year…

I like this cab. I fired up my F2P account and tried to get it up to speed.

I got quite a few MVPs with that Volt/Cobra build, and it never seems to do real bad.

It made a fun mini-copter too, and I maxed out my copper pretty easily with it and a couple free Wasps.

I threw this together just to restore a cannon build to my roster, and to get all my new builds into a MIB theme (I like the new black).

It gets the challenge done.


Firing up the joust-rods again…

The price on Lancelots jumped a bit, so I might take my time with those and craft a few…see how it goes.

So far this thing is fun. No Joker Horn though. I haven’t decided on one yet.


I’m thinking I might give lances a try. I have one Lancelot from a crate, and I never use it.

I was thinking of you when playing today, because I recently swapped in Jannabi on my drone build, and I remembered you were feeling frustrated with that cabin, and that you sometimes play drones and turrets. It’s really good with that kind of weapon, as you can drop them and then run away and do some donuts to get the perk going.
Also, I’m seeing some people doing really well with Hulks lately, and I seem to remember that you used to like them. You might want to try them again, if you aren’t already.

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It’s one of my favorite cabins, so I’m a bit bummed that it really doesn’t work that well with a lot of guns anymore, because the rotation speed isn’t there. Otherwise, I thought it had a nice generic perk, is good looking, and drives well.

I was grooving on Japanese Bosozoku car culture videos earlier, and I think I need to to do some of that. Those cars are crazy fun looking, and very much with the seasonal theme. The Jannabi is a good candidate for that too…although, I was unaware that the Jannabi perk enhanced drones, like turrets. If that’s the case, I’m totally on that then. That’d be great. It’ll make a great Bosozoku drone-boat.

I’m actually crafting…the price on Lancelots looks too high, so something has finally got me crafting. I never craft anything. I crafted a set of Bigfeets once. That’s about it. I’m very proud of them too, and just can’t bring myself to sell them ever. So, now I’ve set my agenda for a half-dozen Lancelots.

I’m actually enjoying the game. I feel like it’s running pretty good, but then I’ve been way down in the low end of the power-score too, so I have no idea how the rest of the game is doing, but my F2P account was plenty fun, and I tore that up for a while, and now there’s this Lancer controversy I decided to throw myself onto, which is also turning out to be quite entertaining. IDK. My corner of the game has been great this season, so far.

Hope yours is too. Happy New Year! :partying_face:

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Haven’t posted any builds for a while, and realized I’ve been deleting good looking ones without documenting them.

When I get a new weapon, I typically do a lot of experimenting and make lots of builds before settling on one. I recently picked up Hammerfalls, just as the hitscan rework made shotguns less effective, so I’ve made far more variations than normal trying to find something that works. Already deleted a bunch, so these are numbered.

I decided to include the info for a change too, in case anyone has suggestions on how to make these more efficient within the CC PS limit.

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Here’s my most successful Clan Confrontation build so far. Inspired by a couple players who killed me in PVP playing identical builds as a group.

Whaler works really well with Whirls!

A drone build with Jannabi and the new spider drones:

First attempt at a Slaughterer build:

I’m still not any good with Varuns, but I keep trying anyway:

Reworked an older Lucifer concept into CC range:


I crafted three, then the price came down to where it seemed more practical and affordable to buy the other three, so I did.

Right when I started this project, the price jumped on Lancelots and I couldn’t afford a full set of six, which I feel like is the minimum for getting one of these things to work…Maybe four? IDK. I can make six work, and that leaves me with enough energy for an Anaconda in the trunk, a stealth module, and a I still have a point left over for an engine, but none of the single point engines are working for me.

I’m using the Hot Red. The others either aren’t strong enough (it goes over weight), or they just don’t fit. the tonnage buff on my other set of Racing wheels (I have three fusion variations) doesn’t seem to do anything, and I’m wondering if that’s a bug…Buggy wheels didn’t seem to improve anything either. IDK why.

IDK, this build works, but it’s not OP, IMO. It feels proper sporting to me, but I do get why people hate this play-style. It’s a harsh lottery.

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For Slaughterers, swap that Harpy for Torero. The spread redction applies to th bomblets’ spread. The difference is impressive (I mean you can just try it on the ball, you get 25%-35% more damage out of the uncharged shot)

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I actually tried that first, and while I like what it did for the uncharged shot, I found I was barely ever using the uncharged mode, and I wanted the extra ammo.
Am I right on thinking that the Torrero perk doesn’t really effect the damage on the charged shot? I didn’t do any rigorous testing, just played a few matches with both options.

I intended to go back and do more testing, but I’ve been too obsessed with trying to get Hammerfalls working on a build.

Edit: I just realized the Slaughterer photo has the wrong info displayed. And looking closer, I think I’m actually using Bat to get my PS lower. Which means it was Hot Rod that I had swapped back and forth with. I like that those two special cabins can be traded in for their epic equivalents to keep PS in CC range.

100% right, no bomblets for the charged shot, and it’s indeed a Bat :stuck_out_tongue:
No real suggestion for charged shots, I don’t think there’s a special cab that really enhances them. Bat is fine.

Due to recent events (mainly me randomly getting kicked from battle, and lag issues), I have finally decided to post my home here. I occasionally put it in general chat, so some of you might have seen it already:

Yep, little-known fact about me and a few friends of mine, we hamsters run the servers… literally (bad pun, I’m sorry). I wish I could make the servers work better, but I can only run so much. I’m severely overworked and practically starving rn. We’ve considered going on strike, but we felt bad for the people using the servers. Perhaps if we got more food and water we could run more and everyone would be happier… It’ll likely never happen, but I’m hoping something is done about this.

Also: I think @TeronGray is working with the evil people making us do this horrible job, he keeps insisting I get back in my wheel every time I come out to beg for foods. :sob:


I don’t touch any of them. Get a grip on your cheek nut holders…

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Slacking off to complain? Get back to work!

You’re doing it wrong it’s get back on the wheel. It’s the just the seeds you wants.

You, too, back on the wheel! And yes, give me the seeds, rodent.