While exploring an old military base northwest of Naukograd, Lock stumbled upon a Soviet-era APC, sitting under a tarp in a garage behind a wall, in near perfect condition. Climbing into the slightly moldy driver’s seat, he hit the ignition… and nothing happened. Sighing, he told his salvage crew to load it onto a trailer and haul it back to base. This was too good of a find to leave, and it might not need many repairs…
I heard they updated the Omni Wheels (on the test server), so I gave them a spin.
Ya, “Dirty Pool” is what I ought to call it, but the bots are brutal in there, and that’s all there is. PVP is almost completely devoid of humans. I’ve seen maybe six actual people in there since the TS came online…anyway…
All the weapons, even at 5K, where this build sits rather squarely, are so brutal matches are over in under 90 seconds. I don’t really care for this.
I got sick of it and that is why that abomination happened. It still sucked, but what was kinda fun was cranking up the scope to first-person and running that with the Omni Wheels. That was pretty amusing, and worked surprisingly well.
I give you, “The most annoying sound in the world”
1 Imugi and 2 Nest, only energy left to run a dopler with them, but I imagine this is a big pain of a build, seems to make most opponents loose focus or rhythm when this thing spams stuff around them
Edit: After further testing, some success and a lot of fan-mail due to said success I can safely say that this thing is an absolute b4st4rd
I’m enjoying the new rims. They make this old build a lot more vibrant and responsive. Very snappy.
It’s still not hella dangerous (not bad though either), but it’s a lot more fun to drive.
I like the new antenna too, was fun to earn (without all the lag and sloshy grip), and I look forward to getting those pink hologram hubs.
This build doesn’t really take to pink, so I’ll have to build something in particular to show those off.
That’s the name of my favorite song!!:
IDK why it’s called that, it’s like music to my ears!! I must be so obnoxiously annoying IRL that i’m immune to this “annoying” sound.
I was reminiscing on my Crossout experience way back towards the start. And my first “real” car that was mostly Epic-tier parts; a Favorite mounting Equalizers. Decided to revisit that combination, but with a design focus to make a beast for the Blood Rocks.

I’m finally working in something new…(ish)
My most recent prototype
The ink in the blueprint isn’t dry yet and i’m already tweaking it
What is it?? Droner?? Where the guns?
samebody skiped legday
cannons, melee and dogs ( i’ve seen a few today, whatever kind, it’s not picky )
I’ve been doing a lot of cutting corners, shortcuts, so i’m playing lot of Next step, but i wanted to try at home, so after a bumpy start ( plenty of heavy bricks) i soldier on.
It’s not quite there yet but already show potential.
Let the tweaks begin.
sLaY qUeEn
I decided to take the new Ducks for a ride.
I took it out once, and I caught this guy with a Tow being sneaky, hiding behind the wall, all alone, and so I sneaked up on him, and T-boned him good. I thought Ahahaahha…now your mine! I released the Fuze drones and continued to drag him through the sand to pin him against the wall for my minions to devour…but…but…Hey, guy’s? Where are you going?
They literally went all the way across the map, away from the target I caught for them…and left me there. I logged off. That schit is SO stupid, IDK. WTF is wrong with this game?
Same button bro
everyone and their tiny builds lol
But that is a big tank.