nah mine is a massive tank lol 29k ps non levi 1 million coins spent on it
I do believe that Warbrand’s tank is an “art build”, and those usually don’t break 12k PS…
mine is mostly as well but i still take it into battle nd might not survive but still have fun tho
Show it off. This is the “Show us your builds” thread after all…
Not really an art build, more a combat TOW build, 12k and can do 5000 white damage in a single hit. PEfectly build to tank despite having only 1600 HP.
it is a crit seeker.
just go on my channel nd you can see it
Looks more art-y then most viable combat builds.
Why? Can you not post it here?
Sort of the point, no one expects the TOW TO THE AMMO.
just give it like an hour so it can upload from my xbox to my pc
My brother in christ that is a landship
ive been called a cheater many times cuz im the only person in this game running 29k ps, non slapped parts together build, a real build that took bout 5 years nd 1 million coins to build cuz upgrading sucks nd i dont suggest doing it lol
And if it isnt a melee or firedog your versing? Thats worth about 14k PS or so as far as stripping it goes. But bloated PS high-five for you sir!
i dont run pvp anymore cuz ppl on console now a days r well ya might as well face bots lol
That is such a ridiculous build, I love it!
I have no idea what to call this thing, I’m not big on naming my builds tbh I think I have this named after some paint I am using on it, or just waltzcar or aggressor
Basically 2 Walts, 1 Obbressor, Angi forward drive cabin, Purple invisibility, Cyclops. 1 extra energy not in use because I don’t need interceptor or argus to fiddle with 1 extra button and can’t even fit either anywhere anyway
I made it as more of a nostalgia for this kind of a build (had some success way way back, and also with a booster version and harpy cabin and later cockpit, before all the cock and boost changes and energy reworks and whatever, but the idea is simple drive towards enemy in a straight line and shoot waltz for bigger damage). But to my surprise, this hastily put together thing works pretty good, I really like playing this lately. One could optimize this idea even further and really perfect this kind of a build but for me good enough
Why not use a lower rarity generator so you don’t have the unused energy point, and then you can lower your PS a bit more?
If that’s not practical, Oculus is a useful one energy module that doesn’t require a trigger.