the next generator down is the bootstrap and it’s got a way too awkward shape + about 400kg weight compared to the thor
I should check out the oculus though, i forgot it existed
the next generator down is the bootstrap and it’s got a way too awkward shape + about 400kg weight compared to the thor
I should check out the oculus though, i forgot it existed
Bootstrap is definitely awkward, but also a lot more durable.
I pretty much always flip it around so that the long side goes under the cabin and the short side behind the cabin. With that method it doesn’t take up too much real estate.
But I’ve been finding Oculus a pretty useful mini module. I also don’t like having to manually trigger modules.
But I will tolerate the extra trigger for Interceptor on some builds, in PS ranges where lots of people are using Kings or Yaoguai drones. Instantly ruins their day.
you still have the gasgen if you manage with a point less of energy, it’s light weight, only 144 kgs
I used to run one in about everything. Back in the day when it had 32 or 34 durability.
By the time they reached my gen, there wasn’t much left to fight with anyways, so…
And you save in PS.
I never liked bootstrap, it’s odd shaped, heavy and it’s a chunky thing, much harder to armour it up and
My most recent build that I adore. Built mostly from parts acquired from the Wasteland Drift update.
M73 Recon Walker
Lore: A recently deployed Combat quad the m73 “recon walker” is a Dawn’s Heavy combat vehicle. Armed with a single Magnetic mine launcher and two repurposed Ravager spider drone bays. This Walker moves through the field finding and eliminating targets.
According to moles in the Dawns ranks. These walkers where designed by the Crazed kobold for an unknown reason originally. Though one thing is known, the internal space includes a coffee maker, high end Gaming PC, and for some reason a full bed and bath… when not using said space for the drone bays. they fold up into the walls.
The only complaint the Dawns children have about these things is the apparent lack of a LiDAR detector.
This is one of the best clan war builds I’ve used and in recent Battle for Uranium and I absolutely loved using it.
Based on one of Sethioz old Clan Wars builds called the Whirlwolf, see the video here:
Tweaked it quite a bit for mass/tonnage and a few extra modules so it works with todays version of XO and I have to be honest it was a lot more effective than I thought it would be.
This thing is a proper heavy brawler, up close and personal it still absolutely wrecks and can tank for days but also can pepper shots from range just to stop enemies pushing in.
Little bit about it, it’s a Low 16k, Cohort cabin, 8 Bigram legs with front and rear meat grinders to deal with the melee… I could probably remove the rear meat grinder for a plow and add more armour but tbh it does protect from being back stabbed better and 6200 structure is enough I think. Also I’ve only lost the rear legs in 1 match and that was me being a little bit careless/cocky + a lucky shot to the generator with typhoon so not really mad about it.
Runs purple radiator and cooler, colossus engine and the choice of doppler or verifier. You could also drop one of the cooling modules and run a kapkan, I did this for a few matches but never got too much use out of it. Could probably put a cloak in there but it’s probably a little too slow to sneak in or out and tbh the doppler was a better choice overall.
3 whirls, they could be better protected from the front which is the real weakness at range but up close I very rarely lost all 3 and the side armour is enough to turn the build when needed. I could tweak it more but tbh the way people build these days it’s far easier to strip them than me. I was looking to use Reapers but didn’t get a second in time so went it as it was. Anyway, that’s it. If you have the parts I really recommend having a play around with it, even in pvp it’s fun and really does deal with the press W apes very well.