Show us your builds

UM. I will give you some advice that works in all of life. To have stuff, you must keep stuff.


I regret getting rid of pretty much everything I have ever gotten rid of. If I remember right, the Tempest turned too slowly to be useful when it was released. Wish I still had mine.

Junkbows on a duster? Is that what I’m seeing?


yah, from when I first started playing. it used to be PS 2499 before they changed them.
It still does good, you can add a reload module now that the cabin has an extra unused energy.

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I have one or two… I haven’t used them in forever since the reload used to be SOOOOOO slow. I love shotguns, though, so I may have to slap em on my current shotgun build to see how they do.

BTW… The Duster is among my fave cabins. Weak? Maybe. But that sucker is so small I can fold it up and stick it in my pocket.

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That hasn’t really been my experience, living in a consumer based economy.

I’ve got way too much stuff. Stuff isn’t what’s hard to get around here. I’m simply sick of all these grotesque inventories of stuff I don’t want or use.

I tried the Vultures…nope. That’s never going to be something I want to use. They could buff that to god-like proportions, and I still wouldn’t use it.

The Waltz? I wish I could hit anything with that stupid thing. It’ looked fun, but it always just turns off. It’s like modern flashlights that you always have to shake to get to operate. It’s neat when it works.

They are never going to fix the Master Cab. I used to like that cab for my Parsers (tall and fast). It broke my heart just to look at it after they screwed that thing up. Not storing it. Was sad, indeed.

I still have stuff though. Nobody’s taking Christine away from me…ever.

The Catalina stays.

I still have those tempests too…It’s just that there’s nothing special about any of this stuff. I have a limited space for inventory, and it’s been wall to wall with stuff I haven’t used in over a year. I’m ready for different stuff.

Unfusing stuff is sort of a new thing, if that’s even a thing.

I haven’t even opened up max storage yet after 5 years. Still at 650 spaces. Waiting for the next season to include expansion packs so I can buy some cheapies off the market.

Edit: If we can unfuse stuff soon, wonder what the costs will be.


There was a discussion about heavy cabs as drone-boats, so I tried one.

It almost works. I used the Ermak since the perk sort of emulates the perk the Call uses, but it’s hard being so slow, and the Sabbath wheels, even though they speed me up a bit, are too clumsy for the gig, IMO.

I feel like the Harpy would work better for this application, even though I’m only packing one Fuze that would benefit from it’s perk.
There’s a Grenadier in there too, but IDK if the Harpy’s perk would help that thing or not.

So far my opinion is that slow heavy drone-boats mostly suck, but maybe the Ermak is the cab that could make that work somehow. It would probably work better using a drone as a support module rather than a primary weapon. I don’t think drones were ever intended to be primary weapons, anyway.

I’m still tinkering, and I got a good deal on the Ermak, so I expect to sell that for a profit at some point. It’s a popular cab, and I like it too, but I’m not sure what I want to do with it. It has an alright perk, and a very cool retro aesthetic, like something out of a vintage Popular Science Magazine. I do like it a bit for a heavy cab…maybe I’ll hang on to it…but I doubt it.



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It was a one time event not to long ago and I’m going to assume it will be a thing again.

I made like 10k the last one unfusing BP legendaries I don’t use and selling them.


That’s good to know, thanks.
The Harpy is a cab I actually like, but since they nerfed cannon rotation and the Oppressor, my Hulk-Harpy-Oppressor, build became very not fun anymore. I liked that combo too, but even with Billy helping it still sucks.

I get tired of struggling with weapons you have to aim when I’m constantly getting pwnd by kids who didn’t bother…but that’s a different thread, probably.

I liked that build, and had a lot of luck with it. I liked those Hulks too…and the Oppressor. I liked it all. I won’t be bothered with turret cannons anymore, but I did get an Elephant and some tracks. The turret on that thing is mostly irrelevant and I don’t rely on it there as much as I would for those Hulks (that build was fast) or Little-Boys.

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Unless you’re doing clan wars, I don’t see that as an issue.

PVP is not as refined as clan wars. The matchmaker is very dubious about “random” matches, and the players are very dissimilar to what you are likely to find in Clan Wars. My assertion is that while certain fusions may improve player experience, like the car feels more energetic, and the guns actually point at what your aiming at, and I think that makes for a more enjoyable interface, but your win ratio will be thwarted by trolls, exploits, cheats, amateurs, teams or the lack thereof, lag, and ultimately by the matchmaker itself to such an extent that the measure of META in your build means considerably less in PVP.

In short, I’m saying that PVP is too screwed up to be a proper measure of what actually works and what doesn’t.

Khaos is lord of PVP.


I will steer it back on topic with TheInvasionKing

I took down the old levi from the exhibition and uploaded the new one with the new parts i Upgraded from the off we go event. I upgraded the kaiju, 4 imps, 2 toadfish, 2 destructors, 4 omnis, 4 hermits and the claw. Only legendary that is not upgraded is the 2 cyclones and the apollo.
This is my troll levi to give players in invasion something to play and it is not meant to be a clan wars levi. The ps is high enough that it is usually the 3rd and final levi you will play at roughly 14k ps in invasion.


I had a levi one time and i think it is the sole reaon the devs capped the number of weapons you could have of the same type. It is taken down now but it was the meta levi at the time with 9 imps 3 mammoths and 3 cyclones. Everyone copied this levi i made it had over 400 likes in the exhibition with probably a 75% win rate. This is the only footage that remains of it i think and this is a video that I stumbled across recently on someone else’s channel. It was called new tyrant and it literally broke invasion to the point I think the devs made that change.

Hello Guys, please stay on topic,
It’s a thread meant for builds showcases, not long discussions


I’ll make a new topic that lets us talk about whatever we want and builds then.

Thank you.


Wait… we’re literally posting builds and talking about them. What’s the problem? Real question. I’m quite confused as to what the problem is.


I remember when I first started trying the Leviathan Invasion, I had a heck of a time beating some of them.

So, I started building completely inept leviathans at some point. My “good” leviathans rarely netted any copper worth bothering to hit the “deploy” button, so what did I have to lose? These are my gift to noobs who play that mode.

It has enough weapons to be a leviathan, but none of them work. Guns & cannons point at each other, drones and minelayers are blocked from deploying, and the melee is on the top. Capping off this monstrously stupid thing is the duster on lightweight frames sticking out front ready to be decapitated & the word “EASY” built onto the roof.

This is the lightest one I’ve made, but some were very high PS.


If you can get your ps over 50k you will get loads of matches which should increase the amount of copper you earn has opposed to a 40k levi. Back when I had a monopoly on invasion in 2019 I used to get a match every 10 minutes or so and out of those 5 or 6 matches every hour I would probably get one loss so it probably won about 80% for months on end. Players use to douse it with porcs, firebugs, incinerators you name it and they couldn’t kill it. It was why I called my leviathan NewTyrant because that is what it effectively was, a levi I cooked up that replaced steel tyrant. When you played invasion back then there was a high probability you played my levi at some point that had 9 imps and 3 or 4 mammoths depending on the version.

I found some old footage of my levi. This is the version with the 4 mammoths and 7 imps. I also had a alternate version that had 3 mammoths and 9 imps that was a little more clean cut than this one. In the first photo you can see the levi wasn’t even deployed for 9 minutes and already had a win.


You should switch your garage to cold morning for in garage screenshots. The winter lighting is by far the worst. Its hard to see.

Ps you change the lighting in the garage tab under your profile area.

Or youll edited your post with new pics as i wrote this…


I finally found it and It is much brighter. I don’t think I am gonna repost it but from now on I know where to go to change the weather to get better lighting when special events are going on. Thank you for the tip didn’t think that was possible.