Show us your builds

I was doing that earlier today. I was takeing out people in their cw meta tryhard hovers. And i had thought to myself at that moment something along the lines of, “I wonder how mad some of these cw guys get at me when i pwn their cw builds with my shiny art builds.”. And i must say im getting a lot of mvps on that dragon despite the sacrifices i made to performance on the name of art. It has some weak spots, but overall its very functional and it can roll with the big boys no problem.


That’s another reason I rarely use my harvesters anymore. One stupid ML bot can put an end to any progress.

The most fun I had for a while, before they nerfed the harvester by crafting it out of used diapers, was with a dual harvester/skinner placed up high where you’d normally put your hatchets to catch hovers. It was also mounted far forward of the rest of the build. So, the skinner caught whoever, and that top harvester either ate the hover, or reached the juicy bits of the ML builds.

Now, though, you might take out one build before your harvester is toast.

I’m finding the combo of grizzly and averter is helping keep my harvester and skinner on longer, but there’s still a limit of how many enemies I can chew up until it falls off.

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Its not as highly rated as my other Omni Astra (18 downloads, 14 likes, easily the most successful astra deadman in weeks), but I find it to be far superior for methodical gameplay because it punches for 780 with ghost perk up, and can still get two shots off. Its quite similar to an Owl, even in appearance. The offset cab is so good too, I get to bury my cloak in the middle of my build between my cab and KA2 while under an engine. The guns are squishy up front but frame mounting is the way to go, and I have to remember that for once I don’t want to always frontface people. The wedge is brutally effective and the omnis give me enough grip and stability to ram through lighter builds.
9.3kps w/ fuel.


Because I couldn’t take it seriously anymore.


Love it.

An update on my new Harvester builds.

In the last few days I have got so many PMs from Hover players that I killed explaining how much of a big piece of trash I am. Lol

That always means I made a winner :slight_smile:


That always makes my day… or to be accused of cheating! LOL

I got that a day or so ago in the copter battle when I got over 1/2 the total points for our team.



Or as ObsidianFang might say, Ass-ship (I like his east coast accent)


In yet another episode of not my build but one I modified (sorry original creator, I have forgotten the name and did not find it in the exhibition with a brief search after being done with this evenings playing so can’t attach your name here)

Harpy Impulse build. Dual Impulse at that ps, are you crazy? Perhaps, but it does work pretty well. They’re on an omamori and this build uses Omni wheels and the golden eagle engine, and has a seal and one blue radiator and chameleon light blue ver.

Fun thing to mention about Impulses that I have noticed, if you put them onto two different buttons, one for each impulse, and shoot them one by one, left right left right left right and so on, it works a lot more better than having both on the same button and just shooting them at the same pace. I think that both explosions happening at once can sorta bug out and not do as much damage as each explosion happening by itself, I have noticed the same with cannon builds, ones where each gun has it’s own button for firing rather than shooting both at once seems to destroy enemy builds a lot more efficiently.


It might be to do with spaced armour: first shell or grenade destroys some armour, letting the follow up shots get deeper into the enemy build.
Snowfalls and Waltz rockets are really good at that too.

I do that with a lot of builds… Or, with fused items that cool at different rates, I leave 'em on one button and just spam the fire button knowing they’re fire in rapid succession. Great strategy.

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The Kobold returns, this time looking to improve their old plasma omni designs. to do this they completely scrapped the things, and started building them on a new frame still using a catalina and power unit at its core. the Cold fire is built with form and function in mind. a Rapid attack vehicle designed to be sold to several factions this build is a generalist.

Armed with twin power unit boosted plasma rifles the cold fire is capable of putting high damage down range at a medium range. Along with that a cloak mk1 allows for rapid disengagement if the battle gets to heated. All this is tied together by a doppler unit that allows for long range recon so that nothing can hit this thing unprepared.

So far, the coldfire has been seen in the hands of both the dawns and steppenwolves. Though rumors state the main buyer is the syndicate.


Saw Doc post a lifted build and it inspired me to lift mine for a pic or three.


Size comparison.



Wanted to make something with the new structure parts:

Since then I’ve sunk down the engine a pin lower, and added some
bumper armour in front of the furia front end, as I was losing my cheetah too often. But this earlier version looks a bit cooler.


I really like the King of Birds hammers. They should save that kind of stuff for their events that are usually a bit dry and could use some of the cool stuff they frequently just give away, like these groovy Birds, but whatever. I’ll take it.

I’m not sure when they buffed those Tempests, but they sure work a lot better than when I first got them. I’m glad I didn’t scrap’em. I scrapped a lot of crap recently, but I kept those Tempests, because they have a good fit. Glad I did. I’m not sure I miss that other stuff. I never used it, and I’m sure there’ll be more stuff. This game has lots of cool stuff.


One of my favorite builds of all time, rarely play it, always save it.

Here are some others:

And… Plink Plink Boom!

Best Upgrades for Stillwaters. Have 3 of them :boom: :boom: :boom:

Can’t fit hovers and parts list together I guess but can’t forget the scorps.


Why would you not just wait for the next event where we can unfuse stuff? Scraping bp stuff is just silly.

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