Show us your builds

I’m out. Need my ducks. On every build. Always.


I do, and that was effective psychology, as far as I’m concerned. I will have to meditate on why that is.

This is my second and third attempt. I’m not going to present my first attempt.

The AC build actually worked a bit better than the Shotgun build is, and I’ll probably try another, since neither is effective enough to hold a place on my roster, but I’m getting there. I have some ideas for improvements, and I want the Junkbows to work, since I just fused a pair, so I’ll probably focus on that arrangement with some massive cooling. I tend to not get that much use out of a cloak, so I don’t often install one, but I might try it anyway.

As for Monster Truck Monday, I got MVP in PVP with this bad boy.

It’s a mini-monster.


Actual Monster.

Sexy Monster.

Classic Monster.


I made a monster truck! Pyralids are pretty strong at this PS: most builds can be destroyed with two volleys.



The suggested guidelines for Doc included not using decor. LOL if I did that, half my build wouldn’t exist. :joy:

I keep putting bids on the market for parts that aren’t really in the game anymore. I really want that ice cream cone and giant taco. :joy:

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Made something fun and dumb today. Wanted to find a use for the furia front end and fenders, and wanted to go fast so tried something with kami. Managed to arrange my lacerators in a way that doesn’t cover the headlights, and the combination of their perk and grizzly allows me to tank a surprising amount of damage from the front.
Very, very fast. Love seeing it do burnouts accelerating from a stop. Only modules are a maxwell, a cheetah, radio, and ampere.

Edit: reworked the front end, because my spikes weren’t grabbing hovers:


I asked for chainsaw bumpers so many times in chat and was so sad when they put them in as epics.

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That’s hilarious. I love it.

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Behold! The Psuedogiant! Named after the horrifying mutant from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series. This behemoth is quite tough, and can dish out some real damage. The build is equipped with a fused Seal, Shiver, and Doppler radar as well.


I’ve played similar vindicator/machinist spiders. Good times!
I’m surprised you left your frame exposed at the front though. Why not put a plow or something up front?
My more recent version of this concept had a couple meat grinders in front, which are good for pinning enemies and unloading my MGs into them.

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Poony, to me…those front frames are relatively unimportant, so I used bumpers so I can add more HP to the car. I should try a meatgrinder though. They should help deter firedogs.

Also allows you to max out your tonnage without using a ton of legs.

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More tinkering. Catalina cab, 2 equalizers, 1 aurora, 2 rn-seals, 2 hermes. PC ex - LADG Onyx



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Ive had this lil guy for a while now. I dont think ive shared it anywhere.

Its just 9 energy. Two destructors and a flywheel on four omnis and a kami cab. No engine. I dont even remember its name.

Its super chibi.


Keep me from looking that up… what’s “Chibi?”

Is an anime style. Its basically bobblehead versions of characters. Short wide and with big heads.


Reworked my main a bit for improvements on the battlefield. Made a rough before and after vid.

  • First thing we did is remove the melee blades from the front and back…it was too tempting to just ram things and I don’t really need to be getting too close to the enemy with this builds best play style for me.

  • Placed some blades on the front top of the car which has come in nicely when pushing hovers around while hiding underneath them as they desperately try to get a shot off as they are being electrocuted.

  • Added a little more armor on the sides but mostly on the rear as that’s my main area to be shot at while running around. HP has increased 200 points…PS went up just 70 points overall.

  • Changed the hood design and added some double lights.

  • Gave the girl a new paint job. Instead of the blood splattered winter coat we have gone for more animal oriented designs with Rats, Horses and Crows across her skin. Placed a few stripes in places.

  • Probably the biggest upgrade is the switch out of the defensive module from the Averter to the Omamori. Not sure if it will stay but it seems to be helping. Right now it just protects the Cab, Bootstrap, and 1 Annihilator. The Averter covered the same items but also 1 more Annihilator. I’m still thinking it might be worth it though…more testing is needed.

  • Downgraded the radar a little in distance to keep the PS down but might put the Keen back on board at some point. Also the Radio is not equipped to also keep PS down but may return.

edit: ah, just from re-watching this vid i see armor besides the Omamori placed in the wrong spot. Dang how’d i miss that…


Losing those hatchets was probably a good idea. I used to use them on everything, but after finding out they don’t do any more melee damage than a frame, I’ve dumped them on every build I have.

Looks good…

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i cant tell you how many times i’ve made a video only to notice after upload that’s it’s lop-sided. LMAO. it happens way too much.