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Fun looking build… Sub 9k… Right in the sweet spot for fun to me.

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just dont expose the anything behind the cabin or it’s Nuke City.

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that’s a fun and cool looking build. Reminds me of a harrier jump jet in a lot of ways. :+1::+1:


TYVM :slight_smile: I built one of those too but update 2.0 broke it and I have yet to rebuild it. You can see it at around 1:33 in this vid.

case in point, my jet Onyx. I’m JUST reviewing a vid for upload and NOW notice the wings are 1 block offset from each other. smh!! Still gonna upload the vid too. hahahaha. No shame!

I hate when I don’t notice asymmetry on my builds until after I grab a photo.
Really wish there was a mirroring function in the building interface.


That would make it to easy… :smiley:


Current attempt at a triple thunderbolt build:


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Updated my coldfire RAV, to “kill Plasma” just some paint and internal work, a bit more durable and much more of a threat in combat.


Decided to give blockchains another shot. Reworked an old parser build, and I’m pretty happy so far at how they tear through spaced armour.


I have one fused BlockChain… probably from an event at some point. Do you think it’s worth pursuing two more?

I didn’t give it enough time today because I was playing my thunderbolt monster buggy, but in testing a single burst shredded all pass through parts. Also good for deframing.
The original version of the gun was more heat based, and paired well with triggers or auroras. That’s why all the blockchain bots have those combos.
Edit: you probably have some work pieces to make it cheap to craft them.

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I decided I like the vibe of the new faction, so I thought I’d make some builds with that flavour. Also wanted to have a bunch of track builds, so I can relearn how to drive tracks before I unlock the new ones.

Here’s something for machine gun day:

For shotgun day:

For cannon day:

And finally, I decided to try a triple snowfall build:


I think your shotgun one will be a lot of fun and OP on those new tracks.

I’m optimistic too, but pleasantly surprised at how well it works with the tank tracks. 70kmh doesn’t sound very fast, but because you don’t skid, it’s easier to chase hovers and wheeled builds than you’d think. I figured the guns would be too low to hit hovers, but shooting up at them from so low seems to connect nicely with their frames and hovers. Once they start dipping, it’s pretty easy to overwhelm them.

The executioner build is the newest one, and really surprised me. The omniwheel perk really helps with accuracy now, and the agility of omniwheels on a light cabin with a golden eagle is super fun to play. There’s also a single trombone in there, which has been useful at getting people to blow their cloak early and for harassing snipers. Might try swapping it for a Kapkan, but so far the trombone is too much fun. I still think executioners could be buffed a bit more, but they’ve been greatly improved with the latest update. Now those frustrating double digit damage shots are much more rare.

I have a tilted shotgun build that does that… Hitting hover builds from underneath is deadly!

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So, this is my 10 k build.

pr (2)

But has its flaws, mainly mediocre tonnage and weight limits, then this inconclusive changes or pseudo changes in it’s main guns, lead me into buying an Echo cab in the hopes i could upscale the design and take care of it’s flaws.
Echo isn’t it, i need a much taller cab and shorter one.
The thing is,
the prototype was an eight wheeler ( the supercharge wasn’t nice for the hermit wheels, feels it has poor response), so i tweaked a little more…
I made more builds in the past (2 successful ones)…and the lack of new parts… one thing lead to another… and… well…
not only i upscaled the initial design but also i meshed the other 2 designs in one.
it’s like an in bred.
here’s 2 SGs builds and my drone build in one, it’s still a bit off (handling) but it will be a bit more shorter, 3 to 5 pins.


I made this build and released it on the exhibition and it almost made me feel bad inside for the game when I did it.

PS4699 - triple Avenger Hover - Catalina

This thing is super good for its PvP bracket.