Show us your builds

I’m going to drop this here since the Canon Meta thread has devolved into a troll fest.

I was pondering what the new Canon Meta might look like and came up with this.

I’m thinking lightweight armor spaced way out in front - probably using large decor. Lightweight 1x8 frames out front.

At least 7 blocks between layers.

Armor in the back a bit closer, but still at least 7 blocks between the outer layer and juicey bits.

This build has two canons, flywheel, chameleon, engine, cab of your choice,
Radar, & scope. A more about the design than the specific bits, though.

very short video since pics sometimes don’t show much…

new meta maybe

What do you guys predict?

I would guess there is not enough armor in the front and a canon shot would drive straight through to the first set of hovers and you lose those right off the bat.

If I had to guess

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Right… I’m guessing it’ll absorb one canon blow before it’s gone… protect the cab from one full on canon shot. The goal is getting the canon shell to explode before it hits the cab.

Or, am I understanding the new rules incorrectly?

Protecting the cab isn’t as important as protecting your hovers/guns/generator. At least that’s how I think about it.


I think your right, we just don’t know how hard/far the bullet damage will drive the shell. So without testing we don’t know how much real armor we need between gaps.

My understanding this the shell keeps moving forward tell the bullet damage is absorbed then the explosion sphere opens. (An invisible round space the blast radius happens in)

Also, on the platform your playing on are people using inverted V hovers? Wide in the front then goes back in a V shape to a single hover in back?

This moves the front hovers out of the center of the build, so if they aim at your cabin your not losing a hover too.

True… especially if you have a Thor & ammo boxes. I should’ve typed “tender bits” instead of cab. :rofl:

Right… I hope that’s how it works, because the more the new physics lean in this direction, the less we’ll see spaced armor hovers.

My only real reason for hating those builds isn’t because I find them hard to kill. It’s because when they’re on my team, they completely block your ability to play unless you ram them out of your way. My feeling is guys who use them are way more interested in their stats than they are playing as part of a team, so they completely ignore their teammate’s shots hitting them in the back. If they go away… good.

Of course, there is the chance the super-spacing of armor is a new thing & they only get bigger. :rofl:


Dracos, Remedies… Tried 3 (rems) on it with a shiver it’s got only the slightest cool down time with it.

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was doing some testing today to inspire a new build and noticed quad argument on catalina is pretty op ,heres a short clip argument op? - YouTube
now ,hover or no hover is the question

Theres no fusion on the bp millerd thst would mess up yhe csbins perk though. They have time to overheat, but that wont affect anything. They will just take more time to fire before they overheat and activate the cabin perk.

If the overheat time is different, you can’t easily keep the full perk going. I guess you could pause after overheating, to keep them synced up, but that would be annoying.

However, I haven’t actually tried triple millers yet, as I just assumed it would mess them up the same was as my BP gremlin did.

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Oh your talking about useing fused millers with an ufused one. I see. How the cab perk works is a little confuseing to me. But now i get that its one charge per reloading weapon to a max of three charges at a time.

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Yeah, and it resets with the next shot, so if some weapons shoot early, you lose the full charge. Also an issue if a gun barrel gets blocked.

Looks like if you want to maximize how it works with the new legendary MG, you will need to have a full fused set, or three non-fused ones.


No. the cd is negligble in timing. You do not notice it. the + to cd doesnt matter on Nothung. You can use 2 fused and an unfused, the cabin will still get 3 stacks during the cd difference.

Fire the Nothungs like Corvo’s.

Your goals with Nothung = fastest overheating (no rads) fastest cooling (new cabin+1 or 2 shivers)
Sound Que = pull the trigger (if you have a paddle with trigger lock or mouse this is easy) FAST. The firing should fire about 3 bullets within the time for a single bullet shot in sound FX. If you are not getting the crisp clean sound que that sounds like individual shots, increase or decrease your firing pace.

Another trick, not exclusive but great with this weapon, is the driver with -15% spread to movement. If you are still, you can fire to about half bloom, hit your gas and have your reticle shrink 15%.

Ya fused nothungs will work with unfused ones. They dont have “time till overheat” fusion. They have a fusion that cools it faster after it overheats.

If one cools faster though, it will fire before the others if you just hold down the trigger, losing the full perk.
Of course you can compensate for it by only tap firing, or pausing before the next overheat cycle, but you will be sacrificing DPS compared to a matched set.

If you are holding down the trigger to heat them up you are leaving half your damage on the table. These are about firing fast and getting the perk activated.

Only if the cooling down difference is great enough that the non upgraded ones do not finish overheating BEFORE the first one activates the perk. I have tested this extensively before I paid.

The cd upgrade is not a worry with Nothungs.

Other weapons: Absolutely.

I’m not sure I understand what you are saying, but I haven’t tested the gun myself.
My understanding is that the shots after one overheat cycle get the gun’s perk, but that the perk will disappear if you don’t fire that next barrage to full overheat.
So ideally you would use coolers and no rad, and be able to hold down the trigger to maintain the perk.
If using Hugnirr to shorten the cooldown, mismatched cooldown times will prevent you from keeping the full cabin perk going. The cabin perk resets as soon as any of the guns start shooting again, and if they don’t all fire at the same time you’ll only get the charge from the first one to start shouting.

What am I missing?

no. upon overheating, when it cools down you have a counter. 5. The first 5 shots from the weapon are +100% damage. like the last shot from a corvo.
It sits at 5 until you pull the trigger. They do not decay and are spent as soon as shot. Does not matter if you heat to full the following… I mean you want to because you want the 5 shots up as much as possible.

Yeah. if you hold down the fire button it doesn’t matter bucause the CD will be so fast either way… you will continually having different ones have the 5 upgrade.

Fire it like a corvo and they all overheat at the same time every time to avoid the

The difference in the Nothung fuse is not even noticed.

No. The perk resets when you fully overheat the weapon. You can fire plink plink plink plink plink and use 5 shots at 100% on 5 different targets.

It is not a spray and pray weapon.