Show us your builds

No, and if I thought my results were questionable, I’d refine the test like you suggested. As it was, the results are so dramatically skewed in favor of the Hatchet that I think it demonstrated that the Hatchets improve damage output significantly.

How viscous are they really? IDK. You’re right; if I wanted refined numbers I’d need to refine the test as you suggested, probably…and now I’m curious. Also, hitting the sphere squarely is difficult with just an extended frame, because they can only be mounted in one position. My ramp could be improved.

Maybe that’s what I’ll do today; work on the range. I need a lab.


You need a ramp plus a long strip to drive along. My test was at about 80-90km when i hit the sphere flat on.


Wait, I just assumed you guys were using the ramming damage meter. Wouldn’t that give you more consistent readings?


interesting :thinking:
maybe they should try both and see if they are the same outcome… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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On that note, am I right in thinking that the damage meter now calculates heating bonuses? I have to believe that’s the only way I’ve been able to get above 6000 damage with gravastars when testing, as they shouldn’t be able to do that with pure damage.
I remember when they first introduced the meters they didn’t seem to register heat bonuses.

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When I did my tests, the ramming damage meter didn’t account for melee.

Seeing @3736931 Doc’s results makes me question my own, though. You can watch that short clip I uploaded and see how I conducted mine.

It never used to but they changed it at some point a while ago. I never remeber seeing a single patch note about it. My sphere heats up bright red when i use heating weapons on it.

The two damage meters are different? I thought they just had slightly different designs and that was it.

There are three damage meters, but one is just ramming damage. Maybe you scrapped that one?

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If you don’t question the science, it’s not “science.” Personally, I totally forgot there was such a thing…and I don’t recall seeing it in my inventory, either. Hmmm…

Makes sense to wonder why that wasn’t what we used. IDK. Good Question.

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I have two damage meters but they are exactly the same. There was one from a bp or mini bp or something that i didnt get because i never got that bp.

It didnt look low enough to the ground to ram but it was different looking. The one with two pannels on each side of the sphere. But maybe im wrong maybe thst was is low enough to the ground. Ive never seen a 3rd kind. U have pics of them? I have two of the meters that have stairs on them.

i went to bedlam…and seen this one…just melee…

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It’s called the dynometer (or something like that)

Oh ok a bedlam one. I thought he was talking about a third meter for the garage range of which ive never seen or heard of.

No, there is one that I got with one of the BPs.
Next time I’m online I’ll grab a screenshot.

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Behold! The X8 Monolith!

The Monolith built this gigantic beast to protect the CNPP from intruders. The Monolith engineers and fighters gathered parts from all over to make this formidable beat.

  • The ML-200 and structure parts have been raided from Scavenger and Steppenwolf convoys.
  • The Gauss cannon is a variant of a prototype weapon found in a secret workshop.
    *The bastion cabin has been dug up from the Machine graveyard and equipped with multiple Gravi and Goldfish artifacts to carry more armor.

I have one. I found it!..but it only appears to measure momentum, and doesn’t consider damage modifiers from melee. My Hatchets read the same if they were mounted on the front of the truck as they did when I just threw them in the back of the truck as weight, and just hit the meter with my naked front end.

In short: the Dynometer is worthless crap, and doesn’t work for measuring melee damage. You have to use one of the spheres.


Wow, never occurred to me to check that!

Maybe the solution is to make a leviathan with a naked cabin for impact, and a lot of armour behind that to provide the HP.
Any ramp to the other damage meters isn’t reliable, and for all we know they might not even register melee damage.

Petition for that thing to measure melee damage!


a buddy and i were running starter trucks last night and mine evolved into this , there are a surprising amount of people running under 2k builds right now


So, that’s kinda’ what I was leaning towards in that video… a very heavy build to mitigate the differences in mass of the melee parts being tested.

Well, that makes me wanna go play with the white & blues!

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