Show us your builds

it was pretty fun , much different than when i came back to the game right before 2.0 dropped


I’m pretty sure the spheres do register melee damage, but making a ramp to suit them is sort of a pain in the arse. Neither one of them centers perfectly to the blocks, and the ones I’ve tried always leave my test vehicle hung up, or upside down, making the test routine tedious. I’m still working on it.

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check that vid I posted earlier… and yeah… building that was a pain.


On my curreny range “Ravengers Temple” i have a bit of a drive to get too my meter. I could drive through the church and fire ring for a faster go but i never do. This is my chilling range. Oops i left in the loading screen crap. Just skip to half way through the vid at least.

I have a couple other ranges with meter roads but i love my ravengers temple too much to change it. This is my other most used range called “Tigger Challenge” where my testing stuff is closer to the start of the range. Its an obstacle course range. This vid you may as well skip to 2/3 the way through. I forgot to edit this one as well.


I think I remember hem fixing this.

Hello, I’d like to ask what do you guys think about Cabin MASTER, is it good as described? I mean does it really can repair my modules efficiently? and what about connecting it with AVERTER or OMAMORI, could it make my squishy/paper weapons really hard to destroy?

It could if you have an oportunity to break away from combat and heal up your guns. When a cabin is heated up the builds parts take more damage, so healing mid combat isnt really a good option.

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What about connecting it with AEGIS-PRIME that can shield me for 4s and give time to heal parts?

I have the Master, but rarely use it. It’s not terrible, but it’s hard to use those connection points. It has an odd shape, too… tall & wide. If you like tanky stuff, it may be great for you. I had a build with the Omamori & Avalanche working together & it was rather hilarious how much damage it could absorb. Canons aren’t my thing, though so… yeah.

I’ve done exactly what you’re proposing with both the Omamori and Averter. You can certainly make a big ole’ sponge that can take a lot of damage that way.

I use it to allow me to avoid taking damage when using Astreus charged shots.
But other than that, I’ve yet to find anything it’s particularly good at.

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OK, I see u used modules i’m interested into so I have one more question, what is PART for this game, i mean if i stick connections to e.q. 2 weapons and truckdoor(armor item) will it “waste” it’s power for protecting armor piece too or parts are just weapons and hardware? because its impossible to dont stick connections to any armor pieces and i’d rather to dont waste item potential for improving defense of parts that i dont want to.

Tore my range down completely and rebuilt it last weekend. It’s more fun and useful now. I want to build a few generic test vehicles and a leviathan with target areas that bear a variety of structure densities, like pass-through, armor, decor, and bumper regions…I don’t really know what tests I’m interested in, though. I mostly just like building stuff. It’s an excuse, so whatever. This is my test-truck…

…and then I slapped some gear on it and took it out for some PVP…

Was fun, and I do like the game better stripped down to it’s more basic features.


Aegis will most likely break before four secconds. Mine always do. Sometimes they drop instantly from the dammage dealt. It would help yes, but it wouldt be foolproof. And your going to spend about five secconds charging the cab to heal amd about three or four secconds to heal. All the while your cab is bright red and your takeing more damage for an 8-10 second period if your goong for a full heal charge.


This was my favorite shotgun build for a long time. It’s built around the Master cab (dumb name)…

It worked well for this because it was tall, and relatively quick and agile. Popping targets on the top of their cabs with any kind of shotgun worked for this cab. The perk wasn’t relied on at all. If I got an opportunity, I could recharge those heavy structure parts attached to the nodes, and regain some durability. It was convenient, but the build worked great regardless of the perk. It worked well because it was tall and fast, not because it had a perk…and then they broke it. I scrapped it out of bitterness.


When I used the Master, I generally put the cab’s heal perk on a trigger. I don’t know about you, but in the heat of battle, I’m not necessarily able strategically deploy that perk. :clown_face: I you’re like me, that’s what I recommend.

I usually put the Apollo or whatever generator I’m using on the nodes on the back & as low as possible. Big heavy armor bits typically go on the side nodes (like the train plows), and one or two modules on the front nodes. Weapons go on top. I’m not sure, but I believe it heals all parts equally - regardless of whether or not they’re armor, modules or weapons.

I’ve tried mounting weapons on the sides, but I get very frustrated with how that screws up their firing angles.

This isn’t an actual build I use… just slapped this together to show what a build might look like UNDER the armor. Meaning, these are just the frames, wheels & what’s connected to the Master cab.
z Master 1
z Master 2
FWIW, this is usually how I start a build… cab & frames, then add the modules, then add the weapons… armor up around that, making adjustments along the way.

It is very good at doing what is described.
You can repair your modules efficiently, but it is only really continuously useful on Hide n Peek builds. There are better cabins for Hide n Peek.
On “engagement” builds its really hard to use this perk, when you really need it, you are really in the “heat” of battle if you use it.
Omamari can make your squishy weapons less squishy, even if you do not use this cabin. (you still have to stop taking damage and let it recharge)

It’s a good cabin, but not a great cabin for a legendary.


Trying to make something that looks like something… King, Bat, Cobras etc… 4792… It actually performs fairly well if I manage to not get erased by a canon build. It really needs a chameleon, but it’d take some work to get one in there & maintain the aesthetics.



Decided to try the new cooling cabin with whirls. Pretty happy with the synergy!


In the PC exhibition, I call it the “battlepass1sies” (battle pass onesies). It was originally a gungnir/nothung build but I modified it to use legendary weapons that we got only 1 of during past battle passes (and this one as well depending on how you use your lighters)

It uses 1 stillwind, 1 vindicator and 1 nothung, and the huginn cabin, and a few blue coolers. It works pretty well, tap firing for longer distance targets, just continuous fire for closer targets. It’s pretty neat to make use of weapons you otherwise normally would not use because usually you want to have multiple of the same weapon on a build or at least pairs of the same gun even if you have 2 different kinds of guns.


4 python
Sometimes, it’s hard to find a good design in a museum, so I have to design it myself